Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: gekkomna on November 22, 2005, 10:38:46 am

Title: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: gekkomna on November 22, 2005, 10:38:46 am

Personally I find that the internal cover art search function for Media Center is really not that usefull as the database never has the images for your CDs - when it does it works great though.

I ran accross this tool that automatically grabs images from Amazon, yahoo and some other sites. 

Does anyone want to write a plugin that does the same for Media Center?

I think it would be a significant improvement over the existing album art functionality...

Any opinions?    :)
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: edbro on November 22, 2005, 10:47:30 am
Atagger plugin already does it very well.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: gekkomna on November 22, 2005, 10:52:32 am
Where can i find it?
I've scoured the plugins section of the website and ive not seen anything called Atagger!
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: gekkomna on November 22, 2005, 10:53:13 am
nevermind! :-)

its only about 8 posts below mine!
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: Nolonemo on November 23, 2005, 03:55:48 pm
I use and love atagger, even sent alan a donation.  But doesn't atagger get the cover art from  Aren't those images only 200x200 or so?  Correct me if I'm wrong.

The latest Tag & Rename will grab cover art from Amazon, which is 300x300 or 500x500 for newer releases.

I think an MC plugin that grabs Amazon coverart would be cool.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: LonWar on November 23, 2005, 04:28:19 pm
I use and love atagger, even sent alan a donation.  But doesn't atagger get the cover art from  Aren't those images only 200x200 or so?  Correct me if I'm wrong.

The latest Tag & Rename will grab cover art from Amazon, which is 300x300 or 500x500 for newer releases.

I think an MC plugin that grabs Amazon coverart would be cool.

King Sparta used to have a plugin that got this from multiple sources.... Wonder if it's still around.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: Myron on November 23, 2005, 04:52:02 pm
I use and love atagger, even sent alan a donation.  But doesn't atagger get the cover art from  Aren't those images only 200x200 or so?  Correct me if I'm wrong.

The latest Tag & Rename will grab cover art from Amazon, which is 300x300 or 500x500 for newer releases.

I think an MC plugin that grabs Amazon coverart would be cool.

Allmusic art does come in quite small files.  I usually grab art from Amazon manually, since it's usually a higher rez image.

Having an automated way to do this would indeed be cool, expecially if it let you select the highest quality image.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plug-in
Post by: KingSparta on November 23, 2005, 05:10:24 pm
King Sparta used to have a plug-in that got this from multiple sources.... Wonder if it's still around.

No, It Stopped Working Most likely Due To Web Site Changes

The Way I Was Getting Art Was Very Low Tech Using There Search Engine And Then Hunting And Pecking The Resulting Html Page.

It did get Art From Amazon.Com, And WalMart.Com
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on November 23, 2005, 05:50:06 pm
Something that may help

Create Web Page: C:\scripts\AmazonSearch.html

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Amazon Search</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
var searchURL = new String("");
var w = window.external.menuArguments;
var d = w.document;
var s = d.selection;
var r = s.createRange(  );
var term = new String(r.text); + term);

Create A File Called: Register.reg

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\[Search Amazon]]


Run Register.reg

It will register this script

then start up IE, display a web page highlight a word on that page, right click on it, you should see "Search Amazon" in IE click on it

I Actually Have Two Stores That Use Amazon ( And (
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: Fabrice on November 25, 2005, 03:10:11 pm
Actually, the 2 great things about the Kingsparta plug in were (1) the manual selection of the art which could dig up different covers for the same album and especially the option to look at European and US cover sources, and (2) the integration within MC...

I will look into the Tag & Rename suggestion above
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on November 25, 2005, 05:21:29 pm
Actually, the 2 great things about the Kingsparta plug in were (1) the manual selection of the art which could dig up different covers for the same album and especially the option to look at European and US cover sources, and (2) the integration within MC...

I will look into the Tag & Rename suggestion above

That Plug-In Got The Information From My Server Not Amazon. I Still Have It Here And It Still Works.

I took It Down because It sometimes would lockup (for about 10 mins) and prople thought it was media center 11 that caused the problem.

I will work on it a bit soon.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: Mr ChriZ on November 26, 2005, 04:21:18 am
That Plug-In Got The Information From My Server Not Amazon. I Still Have It Here And It Still Works.

I took It Down because It sometimes would lockup (for about 10 mins) and prople thought it was media center 11 that caused the problem.

I will work on it a bit soon.

Out of curiosity, where did your server get them from? or is that a trade secret  :)
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on November 26, 2005, 05:58:23 am
Well after i thought about it there is one part that does get it from amazon.

the rest of the images came from other users who used it. the plaug-in not only sends images to the user, but also takes from the user any images they may have.

i need to go to work, but i do plan to work on it today and tomorrow when i get back and fix a few things in it and re-post it to my site.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on November 26, 2005, 10:02:53 am
I Got A Headache Looking At The Code It Looks Like A Pile Of Spaghetti
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on November 27, 2005, 04:16:01 pm
FYI: i did start working on a new version from the gound up

It uploads images not already on the server at this point with a new FTP Control From Chilkat Software
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on November 28, 2005, 03:25:13 pm
King - Awesome!  Any idea when the new one will be ready?
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: Fabrice on November 28, 2005, 04:59:35 pm
 Absolutely fantastic! looking forward to try out!
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plug in
Post by: KingSparta on November 28, 2005, 06:38:05 pm
Well Today I Got It To Download, Along With A Size Of Art Your Looking for.

also it reads the New MC settings for where the art is stored so it will save just like mc settings are in the cover art folder, as folder.jpg, and next to media file as artist - album.jpg etc...

what i need to do is add view all images

and add a search and drop (maybe better) than i had it working before in the old version.

thru some testing the ftp control is a lot better 2 seconds per image on my cable connection.

maybe i may have something ready by the end of the week end for someone to play with.

there is currently no images on the server however and they would need to be uploaded by users\beta testers.

When Going Thru The Code I Found Out The MC Is Not Creating A Cover Art Folder Like It Use To Do, So What The Plug-In Will Do Is Get The MC Cover art Path, And Then Make Sure It Is Created When The Plug-in Starts Up. I Am Not Sure If This Is A Bug In MC Or They Just Oped Not To Create The Folder Until MC Tries To Put Something In It, And At That Point It Could Create The Folder. I Have Not Tested That Yet, but I Figured I Would Just Make Sure.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on November 29, 2005, 06:24:37 pm
Today I Got The List All Images To Work, And Found Out Something.

It seems MC stores images into the ID3 tags in the orginal format so i can not assume the type of file is JPG, so when i export the images out of MC i must check the image format.

at any rate it works and will display all images in a folder on a web page.

next is a search for amazon images, and drag and drop save from the pages

i think thats about it.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: LonWar on November 29, 2005, 08:16:26 pm
Hey King...

Anyway to allow a user to specify size? ie 200x200

Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on November 29, 2005, 09:10:49 pm
well there could be, but that would require for them to be downloaded.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 04, 2005, 02:20:10 pm
I Am Going To be Looking For Beta Test Victims Soon

I Just Demoed It For My Wife And She Said Cool So I Guess It Is Ready.

Anyone Want To Play With It (You Must Have Lots Of Art) Since There Is No Art On The Server.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: lOth on December 04, 2005, 03:13:49 pm
Got the art, got the courage and will to test.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 04, 2005, 04:07:24 pm
I Just Hooked It Up To My Online Store, Where It Will Search For Cover Art. It Has All The Cover Art Amazon.Com Does And you Can Drag And Drop Images Into A Drop Bucket To Save The Images To Your Media File And The Cover Art Server.

It Has A Option To Show You All The Art For That Artist, Album, And Song That Is On the Server In Manual Mode. On A Web Page So You Can Easily Compare Them. And Then Drag The Images To A Drop Bucket To Save It To Your Media File.

You Can Also Delete Images From The Server

You Can Tell it What Sizes Of Art You Want (In Kilobytes)

Some Images Of The Plug-in Can Be Found Here:

Still Working On The Help Pages, And Creating A Build With All Needed Support Files. Should Be Ready Soon If I Can Find The Time In The Next Few Days.

Tonight I Am Going To Run A Full Batch Test On 24,000+ Files.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: dcwebman on December 05, 2005, 10:19:57 am
Anyone Want To Play With It (You Must Have Lots Of Art) Since There Is No Art On The Server.

Just curious. What happened to all the cover art we provided to your plug-in last time?
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 05, 2005, 11:30:00 am
well it is saved a bit difrently and got mixed with other images and data. i have since lerned that was a bad idea.

the test i am running so far has uploaded 24,000 images it is about 50% done
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: zxsix on December 06, 2005, 11:15:06 am
I have about 1200 album art images saved as folder.jpg.
I have about 6 albums that are missing art.
I'll have time tonight to test this if you make it available to me.
At the very least I can give back some covers for all the lyrics I've leached from you, lol.
I've downsized all mine to 200x200 though, so if that's a problem let me know.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 06, 2005, 11:43:53 am
It Does Not Matter Of The Size, The Program Will Allow A User To Select Larger Or Smaller.

There Were Some Problems With The Current Version, I Made Some Modifycations And Will Be Re-starting A Batch Test. I Should Have Something Maybe this Weekend If All Works Ok Now.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 06, 2005, 03:12:17 pm
Hi King,

I would be willing - I have 35K+ albums - most of them have art - but due to your older plug-in I know that there are some that have the incorrect art - I think these are mostly albums that have multiple artists - which always seemed to slow the previous plugin down - I can exclude those or is does your program double check the validity against files on hand?  - It would be cool if it did that - and it would also be cool - if a better image (i.e. size - quality) that it would subsitute the one on your server - I don't know how to tell - file size?  Anyway let me know.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 06, 2005, 05:32:03 pm
I can exclude those or is does your program double check the validity against files on hand?  - It would be cool if it did that

There is really no way of doing that.

and it would also be cool - if a better image (i.e. size - quality) that it would substitute the one on your server - I don't know how to tell - file size?

Well it does but it is based on file size (bytes) not by width and height so if it compared 10 files and all were Jpg files and one was a larger file size the chances are that it will be larger or at least clearer.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 08, 2005, 01:23:56 pm
If anyone wants to test this beta version the link is here

Let me know the following

1. Does it install
2. any problems with it
3. what needs to be added

Test it on a few test files first to make sure

there is only 75,000 images on the server so the more obscure the artist the less hits you will get. so if you have alot of covers let it upload them.

I used a program i bought today to make sure all the files that need to be in the install is in the install package.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: jgreen on December 08, 2005, 01:55:17 pm
I just tried this (briefly), and I like it a lot.  Typical of SpartaSoftware, simple where it should be simple, and complex where it ought to be.  Typically also, almost imposssible (for me) to find the "GO" button.  Any objection to a big green "GO" button?

Great tools for analyzing cover candidates, but I never found the kb size listed with the picture while in your browser.  Assuming these are all thumbnails (??), maybe a properties window that would list the numerical size?

I like the "select search level".  If I click on "artist (looser)", does that mean that it will first search for album, then name, then artist, all in the same pass?  Or do I need to make three passes?  If so, maybe a batch function....

Great looking plugin.  You are definitely the king, king.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 08, 2005, 02:10:28 pm
but I never found the kb size listed with the picture while in your browser.

The File Name Is How Many Bytes Are In the File (So basically The More Bytes The Larger The Cover Art (In Most Cases)).

If you go in using manual mode and press The "Artist" button it will show all art for that artist. then if you press "view all art" it will download all of the art, then generate a web page and display the art. then you can just drag the art to the drop bar at the top and that art will be saved according to your MC 11 art saving settings in MC.

I like the "select search level".  If I click on "artist (looser)", does that mean that it will first search for album, then name, then artist, all in the same pass?  Or do I need to make three passes?  If so, maybe a batch function....

Well basically "Yes"

Option1: Look At Album Only
Option2: Look At Album First, Then Song Name
Option3: Look At Album First, Then Song Name, Then All Art For That Artist

If You Have Art, The Program Will Check The Server For It, If It Has It It Will Not Upload It, If It Does Not Have It It Will Upload It To the Server Under Your Album Listing, then the Song Name, then The Artist.

If You Have Art and You Have Always Download Art Selected. It Will Upload Your Art First, Then It Will Look to See If There Is Art in the Sequence Of The Settings "Album", "Song name" And "Artist" If There Is Some Thing Larger Or Smaller (Depending On Your Settings) It Will Download The Larger Or Smaller Art. If The Image Is The Same It Will Not Download It Again.

It Would Not Be Wise To Select The Loose Settings And Select Always Download, Since That Will Get Anything That Is Larger From That Artist No Matter What. There Is An Option To Delete Art From The Server If You Find A "Mary Poppins" Cover Under "Beatles"  (Hey it Happens).

You Are Getting Art What Others Have On There System In The Way They Have It. So Manual Mode Is Always the Best Way To Go.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: jgreen on December 08, 2005, 02:31:33 pm
Alright, King--
So I'm doing a batch of loosest search.  While the batch chugs away I open up the manual window and watch it do it's work choosing.  Great.  Only when it chooses a file it displays it for .0000001 ms and then defaults back to the "no art" screen.  any way to get that pic to hold still until the next one in auto mode?  That way I'd have an idea how it's going.

Secondly, and this may be really out there, is there any way to add a suffix in the file names you're creating, that would identify the file as the result of a tight, loose or looser search?  That way you could periodically re-work your cover art to upgrade it globally. 
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 08, 2005, 02:35:44 pm
So I'm doing a batch of loosest search.  While the batch chugs away I open up the manual window and watch it do it's work choosing.  Great.  Only when it chooses a file it displays it for .0000001 ms and then defaults back to the "no art" screen.
Well It Only Displays The No Art When There Is No Art In The Currrent File it is working on. Since it is batch mode most people would not want to slow it down, since they would want it to finish in the lest amount of time.

Secondly, and this may be really out there, is there any way to add a suffix in the file names you're creating, that would identify the file as the result of a tight, loose or looser search?

It tells you where it is getting the art in the Event Log

Besides the art for "Artist", "Album" And "Song" are not mixed they are in folders of there own, and if you look at the event log you will see it in the path name.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: jgreen on December 08, 2005, 02:45:37 pm
Okay, I have 2 tracks listed, one where I got the exact ablum, another where I got a hit on artist only.  When I look at the "image file" column, both paths go into "cover art" and then according to "artist - album" of mine.  But the second one I might want to upgrade, and the event log doesn't mean anything a year from now.  Is there any way to configure either the lower path or the filename to include info on what kind of hit it was?  The best would be "[filename] - Artist" or "[filename] - Album", so that I could search on that keyword.

I only sugget this because you've gotten a lot of requests from folks who are interested in upgrading cover art.  This might make it even more powerful, although it's plenty powerful as it is.  Good one, king!
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 08, 2005, 05:48:10 pm
the program searches on fields artist, artist & album, and artist & song name

it will not change unless there was a fingerprint id that I can not generate unless I spend about $5000 a month on (i asked a few companies that do finger printing) and that just will not happen.

I have asked J river and they are not willing to allow that information or access out the door since it is worth money and a trade secret.

so your stuck with filling out the fields properly per the CD label.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 09, 2005, 07:19:27 am
I Am Guessing That The Project Is Installing Without Problems For All Users. There Has Been About 30 People That has Used The Plug-In But Only One Person Has Made Any Comments here.

Anyone Having A Problem?
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: bennyd on December 09, 2005, 08:15:53 am
No problem for me, working fine.

One question though: I have the following artist/album with the tags correctly filled in:

Artist : Enya
Album : Amarantine

It doesn't find the album art on your server, but if I surf to your server:

and search for the album, it does find it.

How come it doesn't find any coverart then for this album ?
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: jgreen on December 09, 2005, 08:17:28 am
Hey King--
Yes, it installs and runs great for me.  Looks and feels like a finished product.

Regarding that $5,000 a month, maybe you could negotiate them down to something closer to $4,000 a month. 
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: zxsix on December 09, 2005, 09:27:59 am
Ok.  I let it run in batch mode last night.  The event log says I received 2 and sent 7899.

I checked my folder.jpg files by date to see which ones it added or replaced.
Here's the results:

The Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody had correct album art before.
The plugin incorrectly replaced it with The Everly Brothers - All Time Original Hits.

Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 09, 2005, 10:02:07 am
The Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody had correct album art before.
The plugin incorrectly replaced it with The Everly Brothers - All Time Original Hits.

thanks for the art

you can go back in manual mode and get the correct one back.

what settings did you use?

it should not have replaced any art if you did not have the option "Always Get Art" checked and you already had art.

the plug-in gave you what another user had there art taged incorectly. it is the user not the plug-in, but like i said users can go in and clean up the database if they wish.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 09, 2005, 10:08:40 am
How come it doesn't find any coverart then for this album ?

No Clue

Got A Copy Of The URL it Sent?
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: bennyd on December 09, 2005, 11:24:38 am
No Clue

Got A Copy Of The URL it Sent?

Looking For: E/enya/Album/amarantine/*.*
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 09, 2005, 11:44:06 am
thats to my Cover Art Server not to my site

I will look into it however.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: lukecro on December 09, 2005, 06:59:47 pm
I'm looking forward to trying out the Beta of your new Cover Art Finder, King Sparta... I just downloaded it....

I'm having some problems with the new versions of MC 11.1 suddenly not showing all of my cover art in the various view schemes (hundreds of images are showing up, but a lot just result in little red X's in the Display screen and no thumbnail in the regular views), so I'm hoping this plug-in will bring in images that are more MC friendly... But if not, I'm sure I'll figure out that problem later or a future MC will correct the bug.

(It's always a pleasure using your plug-ins, regardless. Like I've said before, you're plug-ins and advice on the forums are among the top reasons I keep paying for MC upgrades instead of just using iTunes or whatever. Of course, the fact that MC is a great, tweakable program doesn't hurt, either).
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 09, 2005, 07:35:01 pm
Not Sure Why You Would Be Seeing Red X's Mine Showed Up Fine With The New Betas.

Are They External Art?

If So Your Path To The Image Is Broken Or The Image Has Been Deleted This Could Happen If You Moved The Art Folder Path Or You Deleted Something You Should Not Have (I Did That Last Night With My Raid Drivers).
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: Fabrice on December 11, 2005, 04:26:33 am
well, I've been using the new plug in for a couple of days now.
First of all, I think that it is great overall. While it did not find any new covers for me yet, it did upload quite a few covers onto the site already.

I'm particularly keen on the manual search options.

I have made the following observations:
(1) overall speed: the batches run quite slowly in my case: maybe 10 seconds or more per song in my "playing now" directory. Looking at the log file tab, the PC seems to disconnect then reconnect between each query. I therefore ran my batches overnight. Is that normal?
(2) small comment: when I search for artwork on your web site, if it cannot find a match, it usually comes up with 238k hits instead of saying something like "sorry, no luck this time"
(3) window resizing: would it be possible to reduce the displayed size of your web page when searching on your site? It usually displays 2 albums side by side, but I have to scroll to see them both, which can get time consumming when you have to scroll down, then accross, then down again and so forth to look at a whole page.

Fantastic job!
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 12, 2005, 06:12:58 pm
the PC seems to disconnect then reconnect between each query. I therefore ran my batches overnight. Is that normal?

Yes, But I Am Going To Change It And Log-In Only Once In A Batch. Manual It Will Log-In And Then Out. It Only Takes About 2 Seconds For Me.

(2) Try It Now

(3) Try It Now
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 14, 2005, 05:42:58 pm
3.0.1 Added: Drag And Drop Delete
3.0.1 Changed: Batch Mode Does Not Log-In And Out Of The Server All the Time.
3.0.1 Added: If Some How The Program Gets Disconnected It Will Attempt To Re-Connect
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 15, 2005, 05:53:06 pm
I Guess No One Can Find Anything Wrong With The Plug-In?
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: dcwebman on December 16, 2005, 09:24:48 am
I haven't had to do covers lately but tried the new version and it seems to work for me. I was confused at first about the Browse Cover Art tab because I was clicking List by Artist and nothing was showing up on that tab. I was using a couple obscure artists so when I tried a more popular artist I understood how it worked. I have to rebuild my server over the holidays so will run it again on all my files so the cover art can be uploaded.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: lukecro on December 16, 2005, 11:27:52 pm
Not Sure Why You Would Be Seeing Red X's Mine Showed Up Fine With The New Betas. Are They External Art? If So Your Path To The Image Is Broken Or The Image Has Been Deleted This Could Happen If You Moved The Art Folder Path Or You Deleted Something You Should Not Have (I Did That Last Night With My Raid Drivers).

I'm keeping my art as folder.jpg files in the album folders. When the little red X (missing file) image appears instead of the album art, I've checked and the art is still in the album folder. However, you're probably right that the Image Path associated with the MP3 in MC may not be correct and got broken at some point -- I'm not sure what the quickest way to reset the Image Path is, though, for a ton of files -- I highlighted all of my tracks and then ran "Image - Quick Find in File," expecting that this would look in every folder and reset the path for any Images that were no longer correctly associated with the file, but this didn't do the trick (as far as fixing the "missing" files). However, I'll have to take a closer look at the actual Image Path addresses for the tracks where the cover art is appearing in MC, because I can't say for sure if this (broken paths) is the universal problem I'm having or not.

As for your Cover Art plug-in, it's working quite well for me except for the speed. Like others here, I had it run overnight, and apparently uploaded a lot of cover art and downloaded some as well. But running it all night only got me about 1/4 of the way through my library ... For me, the big slow down seemed like it was because the plug-in was trying to find and upload or download the cover art for every single track one at a time, even when there where multiple tracks from a single album and even when I already had the art -- so, for instance, it would would spend 25 seconds on Track 1 of the Beatle's White Album, and then 25 seconds on Track 2, and so on -- sometimes (seemingly) even going back to a previous track a second time -- instead of just zipping along and associating all the album tracks with the album art once the art for the album had been found.... That's just a casual observation, though, and I could be way off base about what was actually happening, but it's defintely far slower (for me) than your old Cover Art plug-in (but also more accurate from the look of the results I was getting).

I haven'tried the latest build of your plug-in or the newest MC Beta yet, so perhaps all of the above are going to set themselves right once I get around to installing the new stuff. :D
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 17, 2005, 06:53:52 am
I haven'tried the latest build of your plug-in

Look On The First Page In The Plug-In What Version Does It Say It Is.

Last Night Someone Was Using A Old version.

And What Options Do You Have Turned On? Any?

It May Upload Your Cover Art Upto 3 Times To The Server.

It Also Does Download Art For Each File If You Need Art, That Could Be A Bit Better.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 17, 2005, 06:12:30 pm
3.0.2 In Some Cases The Plug-in Would Save The Cover Art In The Wrong Place If The User Fields (Artist, Album, And Name) Were Blank.
3.0.2 Due To Users Who Refuse To Download New Versions Older Versions Will No Longer Work.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: lukecro on December 18, 2005, 11:48:50 pm
Using 3.01, ran the program and it did seem faster than before.

I Left it on for about 20 hours while I was away and when I came back it had finished every single file in my database. I did not choose any options -- left everything in the program on default.

End result, according to the status bar on the event log:

Data Received: blank
Data Sent: 116,250

I'll try 3.02 (or .03 or wherever you're at)  next if I can find the time....
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: lukecro on December 19, 2005, 12:29:26 am
Now using Cover ArtFinder 3 - 3.0.2

I hadn't tried using the Manual look-up parts of the plug-in yet, so I gave them a chance.... But what I found was that on my system (Windows XP, MC 11.1) was that when clicking on things like "List by album,""List by Artist," "View Selected" did not produce any-sort of discernible or tangible results. To get the manual options working do I need to do something other than having all the music files listed in Playing Now in MC?

Likewise, I'm now having trouble getting anything to appear in the "Search Cover Art" screen. Before, when I clicked on the "Artists & Album" button on this page I would get the plug-in window that would be the correct webpage from the music store (if the album was found). With my latest tests, however, nothing seems to be happening.

(Also, I've never been able to figure out how I'm ideally supposed to be using the drag and drop features on the "Browse Cover Art" and "Search Cover Art" pages -- dragging and dropping from where to where, etc.: from an Explorer window or from within MC? Admittedly I haven't played around with this much at all, but some basic directions could perhaps be of use inside the program ... which isn't a big deal to me in and of  itself, but I'm feeling like I must be missing out on the Big Picture here since so much is escaping my grasp all of a sudden.)

Note: Just for the heck of it I reinstalled the old Cover Art Finder (version 2.0.0) and it was running really fast and downloading quite a bit of art from for me. I was impressed that it's not only still working with the current version of MC, but that it was actually finding so much cover art. I haven't checked to see how great it's doing in terms of accuracy, although it looked to be doing okay-- and was finding more art for my files than Cover Art Finder 3, (and faster). That's not to say that I'm not excited as all get out about CAF 3, just that your old plug-in is still quite relevant and please don't cripple it until version 3 is the ready to truly take over the royal plug-in throne.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 19, 2005, 06:56:54 am
Data Received: blank
Data Sent: 116,250

Actually It Did Not Send Anything Also Because It Never Logged In Correctly.

If it does not say 3.0.2 it will not work as i posted two days ago. If you go to the plug-in make sure it tells you 3.02 at the top of the page.

I may need to put some sort of message in the program if it does not log in correctly so it does not wast your time. I am not sure what it tells you now but it should report error in the log file.

IP xx.231.13.222 has been cranking away for 2 days with the wrong version that does not work also. so if this is you your using the wrong version.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 19, 2005, 10:37:01 am
3.0.3 Fixed: Program Was Not informing The User There Was No Connection, And Was Acting Like It Was Working Properly.

3.0.2 Can Still Be Used (For A Few Days)
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 19, 2005, 01:06:22 pm
I am getting ready to run this program - a few quick questions - I don't see an option for saving the art - where does this go - I want it to goto the folder with the MP3's and be saved as folder.  Is this an option? 

Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 19, 2005, 01:42:53 pm
One other request - I would like to replace my art if you have a better one on your server - but if you don't , I don't want it to do a thing.

Can you make this an option - I don't always want to overwrite my art - this will dramatically slow the program down and I don't want to to that.  Or is this how it works by default?

Thanks again.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 19, 2005, 02:07:32 pm
I am getting ready to run this program - a few quick questions - I don't see an option for saving the art - where does this go - I want it to goto the folder with the MP3's and be saved as folder.  Is this an option? 


the program checks the following location in the registry

"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JRiver\Media Center 11\Properties\File Location - Image File Location Rule"

So It Should Go To Where Ever You Have Media Center Set For.

Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 19, 2005, 02:11:07 pm
One other request - I would like to replace my art if you have a better one on your server - but if you don't , I don't want it to do a thing.

Can you make this an option - I don't always want to overwrite my art - this will dramatically slow the program down and I don't want to to that.  Or is this how it works by default?

Thanks again.

There Is A Option To Select The Largest Art Found.

This Is Not A Guarantee that it will be the best art, there is no way of doing what you requested since this art is submitted by users.

there is a manual mode and that is the best way of selecting the best art the server has.

The Program will not overwrite any of your art, unless you have "Always Get Art Checked". And If So It Will Get Art Only After It Has Uploaded Your Art To the Server. Then It Will Get Art As To Your Settings In the Program. If It Selects Your Art That Is On The Server As The Best Per Your Settings, It Will Not Download It, It Will Just Move To The Next Media File (in batch Mode).
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: GHammer on December 19, 2005, 11:38:19 pm
One other request - I would like to replace my art if you have a better one on your server - but if you don't , I don't want it to do a thing.

How would the tool know?
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: GHammer on December 19, 2005, 11:41:06 pm
King, I installed and let the tool run overnight on all selections I have.
I watched for awhile and it was doing well.
When I woke up, I looked and the log showed a string of DisConnected
I tried a few random selections and the art was submitted, it was not found on the server.
No internet problems on my side during that time, just wondering if several 1000 entries are too many at one time?
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 20, 2005, 06:07:43 am
just wondering if several 1000 entries are too many at one time?


No Clue, The Server Is Working Fine And My Batch Completed Last Night Without Error.

I Do Find It Amazing That Someone Is Still Using A Old Version That Does Not Work Like IP: xx.231.13.222.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 20, 2005, 11:52:44 am
3.0.4 A User Made A Comment That The Image Was Flashing Too Fast in Batch Mode To The Default "No Image" Picture. There Is Now A Option That You Can Change This Will Stop The Display Of The "No Image" Picture And Will Only Update When A New Cover Art Is Found In Your Media Files Or From the Server.
3.0.4 When Pressing The "View All" Button In Manual Mode The Plug-In Would Continue To Log-In And Out. Now The Plug-In Will Stay Logged In Until All Images Are Downloaded.
3.0.4. Removed The Prompt When You Press Download And Apply Image, The Plug-In Will "Just Do It" Now.
3.0.4 When You Delete A Image From The Server By Dragging And Dropping It When Your Viewing The Images From The "Browse Cover Art" Tab In A Browser Window. The Plug In Will Now Longer Download Images It Already Has Downloaded. It Will Simply Update The Browser Window With The Images It Already Has (Much Quicker).
3.0.4 Blaa Blaa Blaa A Picture From A Current Artist Should Only Download It Once No Matter What You Do
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 20, 2005, 01:55:42 pm
3.0.5 The Plug-In Will Now Look At Your Art On Your Hard Drive, And Compare The File Size Of It With The Art That Is To be Downloaded If It Is The Same. The Plug-In Will Apply The Local Art To The File. If It Is Not The Same, It Will First Look In The Plug-In Download Folder If It Is There The Plug-In Will Use What Has Already been Downloaded. If The Art Is Not Found Local Or the Size Is Not The Same, The Plug-in Will Download The Selected Art. This Should Speed up the Program Allot.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 20, 2005, 05:16:53 pm
Hi King - I started using this and I think I see that you are going to run into problems - a few things I observed:

1 - I noticed that when I upload art that you don't have, the program seems to associates the image with every song on that album.

2 - I had a multiple artist album - it found a song that was associated with art by the band name but not the album name (it found the name of the artist - but not the name of the Album that this particular song was on).  It then went on to associate that incorrect art with every other song on that album and it seemed to upload this incorrect data up to your database.  I went back and manually deleted it from MC, my disc, and hopefully your database - by deleting it manually through your program but I am not sure if that worked on your end.

It seems that this type of system will associate or be constantly updating or reassigning art as users upload.  I don't know how to get around this - you certainly can't just search by album title - becasue then you could have greatest hits multiple times but it doesn't seem to work well with multiple artists cds.....

I am not sure if I am clear but this is what I think your program does:

As an example - Artist - ACDC - Album - Back in Black - song - Hells Bells - your cover art associates this song with the cover art for Back in Black.  Then someone will search for a multiple artist album - Hard Rock Hits - Artist - ACDC - Song - Hells Bells - now your finder associates all the songs on my Hard Rock Hits - with the Back in Black Cover. 

I then think it updates each song - so now if there was a song by the Scorpions - Rock you like a hurricane - on my Hard Rock Hits album -  If someone looks for that song (rock you like a hurricane) - then the ACDC album cover would be associated with that and would go to the user - even though it is wrong.

I am not sure if this is how it works but It seemed to me that is how it was going - I know that it definitly was assigning art to one of my multiple artist albums - that was incorrect for the album - but was correct for one of the songs.

I was actually thinking of running all my mulitple artist albums - with only one song in the playlist so that way if it located the album it only would mess up the art with one file if it was incorrect.

I was probably going to do this with my single artist albums also - since it takes so long to look at each song on the album - if I can get the art using one song I don't need it to look at each album.

I hope this makes sense - but I would hate to see this mess up someone's art files - or mess up your database.  I could be completely wrong too.....
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 20, 2005, 06:15:17 pm
As I Said Before

It Is best To Select, Album This Looks Up By The Artist And Album

Like "/B/Beatles/Album/WhiteAlbum/xxxxxx.jpg

It Is Not As Good If you Select

Name (Loose)


Or Artist (Looser)


Users May Have Incorrect Art And It May Give You Incorrect Art

A Users Art Is Not Over Written If They Have Art (Unless You Over Ride It) By Selecting Always Download.

If You Have Media Center Set As "Folder.jpg" This May be Bad Since It Only Takes One Wrong Album Art To Mess The Album Up.

I Am Not Sure I Understand the Problem But If You Can Send Me A List Of All the Songs Involved By File Name, And What Is In the 3 Major Fields "Artist", "Name" And "Album" In E-mail Or PM Here I Will Look At What It Is Doing.

There Are Other Issues That Can Cause Bad Matches But Most Of It Is If A user Uses Loose And Looser.

The Final Outcome Of All this Is: Manual Mode Is Best And A User Can Correct The Server By Deleteing The Wrong Art If They Wish.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 20, 2005, 09:33:54 pm
Hey - I am just trying to help - no need to try to make me feel like an idiot - I am just telling you what I saw happen.  I do have the settings - Artist/Album - set as you previously mentioned.

As for overwriting art - that is why I suggested putting in option that doesn't always overwrite - instead skip getting the art from the server if there is already art in the folder / or  it if the art in the folder is larger,etc.

As for the one instance that I noticed and stopped it before it overwrote all my files or messed up your database - The album I have is - AM GOLD 1969 - song # 13 - Jay And The Americans - This Magic Moment - once your program identified this song on the album - it assigned Jay and The Americans Greatest Hits cover art to this folder on my computer and associated all the songs on AM GOLD 1969 - with that art - as I previously mentioned - I took the time to go back and manually delete these through your program so they wouldn't be messed up in your database........

And with 38,000K+ songs - manual mode is not an option for me - and as far as uploading all my art to your server - If you have to catalog everyone of the songs to a picture (becasue when I was watching your program run - it uploaded the same image for each song on an album)- as opposed to once per ARTIST/ALBUM - It probably would take over a week to be done.

Like I initially said - just trying to help........
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plug-in
Post by: KingSparta on December 21, 2005, 07:51:48 am
Hey - I am just trying to help - no need to try to make me feel like an idiot - I am just telling you what I saw happen.  I do have the settings - Artist/Album - set as you previously mentioned.

I Don't know where you got this from.

As for overwriting art - that is why I suggested putting in option that doesn't always overwrite - instead skip getting the art from the server if there is already art in the folder / or  it if the art in the folder is larger,etc.

I Just Checked It Does Not Overwrite Art If You Have Art Unless You Tell It To, However If One Of The Media Files In That Album Does Not Have Art It May (Depending On Settings). So What I Have Done Is Add A Line Of Code That Will Check For Art That You Already Have For That Album. If It Finds It Then It Will Use Local Art You Already Have.

It Should Show Up like This Below (Depending On Your MC Settings) In The Log After Attempting To Upload Your Art

Using Art In Cover Art Folder: C:\Cover Art\Garth Brooks - Fresh Horses.jpg
Using Art In Cover Art Folder: C:\My Music\Garth Brooks\Garth Brooks - Fresh Horses.jpg
Using Art In Cover Art Folder: C:\My Music\Garth Brooks\Folder.jpg

Please Let Me Know If That Works Better For You, It Seems To Be Working Better Here Now.

As for the one instance that I noticed and stopped it before it overwrote all my files or messed up your database - The album I have is - AM GOLD 1969 - song # 13 - Jay And The Americans - This Magic Moment - once your program identified this song on the album - it assigned Jay and The Americans Greatest Hits cover art to this folder on my computer and associated all the songs on AM GOLD 1969 - with that art - as I previously mentioned - I took the time to go back and manually delete these through your program so they wouldn't be messed up in your database........

It Will Not Do That Unless A User Uploads The Art For "Jay and The Americans Greatest Hits" As "AM GOLD 1969" There Is No Way To Keep A User From Doing This. If A User Uploads Art For That Album That Is Wrong That's How It Will be, Wrong.

I Was thinking At Some Point Refuse Uploading Of Any More Images For A Album Once The Server Has Good Art For That Album. But That Would Be Sometime Down The Road. But I Was Thinking Maybe Limiting The Number Of Images In A Folder Like For A Album Limit Of 5, Song Limit Of 10 And Artist Limit it to 50. And That Could Easily Be Done. Right Now I Need To Collect As Much Art As I Can.

And with 38,000K+ songs - manual mode is not an option for me - and as far as uploading all my art to your server - If you have to catalog everyone of the songs to a picture (because when I was watching your program run - it uploaded the same image for each song on an album)- as opposed to once per ARTIST/ALBUM - It probably would take over a week to be done.

38,000 May Take Some Time But I Would Like The Art Work.  ;D

It Uploads The File 3 Times Under Album Name, Song Name And Artist Name. If It Has Already Been Uploaded Under Album Name Or Artist Name It Does Not Upload It Again. It Will However Upload It For Each Song Name However Since This Will Be Used To Allow Users To Match That With Art Even If The Album Name Maybe Different. And That's Why A User Should Used The Preferred "Album\Artist" Mode.

The Program Also Uploads Some Text Files:

ArtistName.txt, AlbumName.txt, And SongName.txt To The Folders That Do Not Already Have The Text. This Is So In The Future I Can Scan The Folders And Get Text Information About What Should Be In That Folder. And If It Is Not The Same As The text Info I Can Delete The Cover Art. Basically To Clean Things Up A Bit.

It Would be Nice If If Getting Art Was A Perfect World Bu No Matter What Using This Or MC's Cover Art Finder, You Will Always Have A Chance That The Art Is Not Correct For Your Music. As A Matter Of Fact The Same Album May Have Different Art Depending On What Year The New Burn Was Done In And They Changed The Art For Some Given Reason.

I Have Thought Using OCR (Character Recognition) Software Could Scan The Album Art And Figure Out What The Art Actually Is For. That Would Be Cool but I Don't Have A Load Of Money Laying Around. One Control I Looked At They Wanted Over $5,000 For they Must be On Some Sort Of Drugs.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 21, 2005, 10:29:11 am
Hey King,

Thanks for your response - I guess it was the tone of your previous response - that got me a bit - or it could have been just a bad day - anyway.....

there is art coming your way.......  :)
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 21, 2005, 10:47:28 am
Okay King,

Wanted to test - using version 306 - uploaded a cover to you - it appears to have uploaded the same file 12 times (number of songs on the album is 10).  I don't know of a better way to post this info so here is the log (I apologize in advance):  It took about
4 to 5 minutes for this to process - at 2770 albums - that isn't quick......

I will post the results I get when I check for that album on your site next.

Remote File Does Not Exist: 30048.jpg
Sending File: 30048.jpg
File Sent: 30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: AlbumName.txt
Sending File: AlbumName.txt
File Sent: AlbumName.txt
Remote File Does Not Exist: ArtistName.txt
Sending File: ArtistName.txt
File Sent: ArtistName.txt
Remote File Does Not Exist: 30048.jpg
Sending File: 30048.jpg
File Sent: 30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: SongName.txt
Sending File: SongName.txt
File Sent: SongName.txt
Remote File Does Not Exist: ArtistName.txt
Sending File: ArtistName.txt
File Sent: ArtistName.txt
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: 30048.jpg
Sending File: 30048.jpg
File Sent: 30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: ArtistName.txt
Sending File: ArtistName.txt
File Sent: ArtistName.txt
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/*.*
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: 30048.jpg
Sending File: 30048.jpg
File Sent: 30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: SongName.txt
Sending File: SongName.txt
File Sent: SongName.txt
Remote File Does Not Exist: ArtistName.txt
Sending File: ArtistName.txt
File Sent: ArtistName.txt
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/*.*
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: 30048.jpg
Sending File: 30048.jpg
File Sent: 30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: SongName.txt
Sending File: SongName.txt
File Sent: SongName.txt
Remote File Does Not Exist: ArtistName.txt
Sending File: ArtistName.txt
File Sent: ArtistName.txt
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/*.*
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: 30048.jpg
Sending File: 30048.jpg
File Sent: 30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: SongName.txt
Sending File: SongName.txt
File Sent: SongName.txt
Remote File Does Not Exist: ArtistName.txt
Sending File: ArtistName.txt
File Sent: ArtistName.txt
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/*.*
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: 30048.jpg
Sending File: 30048.jpg
File Sent: 30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: SongName.txt
Sending File: SongName.txt
File Sent: SongName.txt
Remote File Does Not Exist: ArtistName.txt
Sending File: ArtistName.txt
File Sent: ArtistName.txt
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/*.*
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: 30048.jpg
Sending File: 30048.jpg
File Sent: 30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: SongName.txt
Sending File: SongName.txt
File Sent: SongName.txt
Remote File Does Not Exist: ArtistName.txt
Sending File: ArtistName.txt
File Sent: ArtistName.txt
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/*.*
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: 30048.jpg
Sending File: 30048.jpg
File Sent: 30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: SongName.txt
Sending File: SongName.txt
File Sent: SongName.txt
Remote File Does Not Exist: ArtistName.txt
Sending File: ArtistName.txt
File Sent: ArtistName.txt
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/*.*
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: 30048.jpg
Sending File: 30048.jpg
File Sent: 30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: SongName.txt
Sending File: SongName.txt
File Sent: SongName.txt
Remote File Does Not Exist: ArtistName.txt
Sending File: ArtistName.txt
File Sent: ArtistName.txt
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/*.*
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: 30048.jpg
Sending File: 30048.jpg
File Sent: 30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: SongName.txt
Sending File: SongName.txt
File Sent: SongName.txt
Remote File Does Not Exist: ArtistName.txt
Sending File: ArtistName.txt
File Sent: ArtistName.txt
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/*.*
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: 30048.jpg
Sending File: 30048.jpg
File Sent: 30048.jpg
Remote File Does Not Exist: SongName.txt
Sending File: SongName.txt
File Sent: SongName.txt
Remote File Does Not Exist: ArtistName.txt
Sending File: ArtistName.txt
File Sent: ArtistName.txt
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Artist/weirdalyankovic/30048.jpg
Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/*.*
Done With Batch...
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 21, 2005, 10:53:36 am
Here is the check for art results - only took about a minute - so that is quicker - but I never got the notice:

Using Art In Cover Art Folder: C:\Cover Art\Garth Brooks - Fresh Horses.jpg
Using Art In Cover Art Folder: C:\My Music\Garth Brooks\Garth Brooks - Fresh Horses.jpg
Using Art In Cover Art Folder: C:\My Music\Garth Brooks\Folder.jpg

Here is the event log:

Looking For: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg
File Exists: W/weirdalyankovic/Album/polkaparty/30048.jpg

Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 21, 2005, 11:18:18 am
I guess it was the tone of your previous response

Thats Just Me, I Often Come Across Wrong, My Wife Tells Me Its Not What I Say It Is How I Say It. I Sometimes Use A Shotgun When I Should Be Using A SpitBall.

Wanted to test - using version 306 - uploaded a cover to you - it appears to have uploaded the same file 12 times (number of songs on the album is 10).

That Would Be Correct, At Least It Was Not 30 times, And That Would Be A Waste.

I Tweeked It A bit More, 3.0.7 May Be A Bit Better.

I Think My Provider Is Having Some Problems.

BTW what is your max upload and download Speed? Dialup, Cable, DSL?

Currently My Upload Speed Is 5MBits
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 21, 2005, 11:45:33 am
I have cable - about 650 kbps dl and 500 ul - of course depending on time of day and what else I am running....

I will get the newer version and continue sending you art.....

unfortunately all the art that I am missing you do not have - at some point I will have to go on the web and do a manual search - but that won't be for a while....
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plug in
Post by: KingSparta on December 21, 2005, 11:54:24 am
Well With More People Uploading Art That May Get Better

Well I Guess I Need To Go get Ready For A Work Related Christmas Party (I Am On Vacation).
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 21, 2005, 03:17:26 pm
The newest version (3.0.7) doesn't seem to be working correctly - when on auto batch - when the album changed - it didn't change to the art in that folder - it used the art for the first CD on the now playing list.

I also checked this with the manual option and it is the same.

The album art for the current album is not displayed in the little cover art window - it only shows the first one.

When there are 2 pictures associated with a song - Any way to just make them appear when you highlight or click the jpeg  - as opposed to having to click - view selected picture?

I have a question about the browse cover art page also - it displays both the jpg's mentioned on the main page - but there is also another picture there - it says folder.jpg - but it isn't the artwork from the current folder - it is displaying a duplicate of one of the existing files.  When you drag the one that is folder.jpg to the trash bin - it asks if you want to delete it - but it doesn't - but once you do this you can't delete any of the other ones (the ones listed from your site).  So I don't think this part of the program is working correctly.

Another question - on the manual buttons - when you select delete image - does this delete it from your server - becasue it doesn't seem that it logs back in and does that.

I caught the autobatch before it did more than 3 albums - I don't know how easy it is for you to manually locate/delete files from your server - but if you can - delete the images associated with the following albums:  Ultra-Lounge Christmas Cocktails; 4Him - The Season of Love; Vince Gill - Let There Be Peace On Earth.

Hope this helps.  I haven't run any more albums until you take a look at it.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 21, 2005, 03:41:33 pm

I Forgot to clear a string

And i was thinking about this on the way home from the short party too.

Should work now..
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 21, 2005, 04:11:08 pm
I have a question about the browse cover art page also - it displays both the jpg's mentioned on the main page - but there is also another picture there - it says folder.jpg - but it isn't the artwork from the current folder - it is displaying a duplicate of one of the existing files.  When you drag the one that is folder.jpg to the trash bin - it asks if you want to delete it - but it doesn't - but once you do this you can't delete any of the other ones (the ones listed from your site).  So I don't think this part of the program is working correctly.

That Should Not Be, Since That Page Only Gets The File Name From The Listing, But Maybe Me Not Clearing That Var May Have Created A Problem With The Current Art. I Just Tested It It Seems To Be Working So Maybe That Was The Problem.

Another question - on the manual buttons - when you select delete image - does this delete it from your server - becasue it doesn't seem that it logs back in and does that.

Yes, Here I Deleted A Smaller Image That Had A Better Larger One.

Remote File Exists: 7801.jpg
Deleted: 7801.jpg

Here Is Where You Deleted A File (From My Server Log) This Deleted It From The Album Folder, It Does Not Delete It From "Name" Or "Artist" Folder You Would Need To Push The "NAME" Or "Artist" Button To View The Files And Then Delete It For Each Folder.

I May Ask In The Future "Is This The Correct Artist?" If The User Ansers "No" Then Delete The Same Images From All 3 Folders.

4:16:32 PM - xx.181.122.46 - CoverArtFinder307 > DELE 1518937.jpg
4:16:32 PM - xx.181.122.46 - CoverArtFinder307 > asked to delete 'D:\FTP\Cover Art\0\4him\Album\seasonoflove\1518937.jpg' --> Access allowed.
4:16:32 PM - xx.181.122.46 - CoverArtFinder307 > 250 File/Dir '/0/4him/Album/seasonoflove/1518937.jpg' deleted.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 21, 2005, 06:30:29 pm
Only Ver 3.0.9 Will Connect To The Server Now

Fixed A Problem I Created In 3.0.8 (Cover Art Would Not Download)
Added: When You Delete A File Via "Delete File" Button The Program Will Ask You If The Art Is For The Correct Artist, If You Select "NO" It Will Delete That Art From The 3 Folders (Artist, Name, Album). If You Select "Yes" The Program Will Ask Are You Sure? If "Yes" It Will Delete The Image For The Folder Only.
Added: If The Image Your Deleting Is The Same As Your Current Art Then The Plug-In Will Ask You If You Wish To Delete It Also
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 22, 2005, 12:21:59 pm
I went back and manually deleted the wrong art for the 3 albums mentioned in the album/artist/song sections. 

One suggestion/recommendation - In the manual window - I know the default is the album art (as opposed to the artist/song) - would it be possible to highlight that bar so it is more intuitive as to what art you are looking at - album/artist/song

and along those lines - let's say I wanted to look at all artists - once I choose this can it be the default for the manual window - so it brings up the art by artists - this way it doesn't have to load by album - then load again by artist? 

It would also help to have some sort of indicater on the manual page - when it is connecting to the server - becasue if you click the buttons another button on the screen after you have pushed one - (and it is still working) - it causes a runtime 5 error.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 22, 2005, 02:06:42 pm
I went back and manually deleted the wrong art for the 3 albums mentioned in the album/artist/song sections.
Ok, Fixed 

One suggestion/recommendation - In the manual window - I know the default is the album art (as opposed to the artist/song) - would it be possible to highlight that bar so it is more intuitive as to what art you are looking at - album/artist/song
Ok Should Be Fixed

and along those lines - let's say I wanted to look at all artists - once I choose this can it be the default for the manual window - so it brings up the art by artists - this way it doesn't have to load by album - then load again by artist?
I Think You Ment "All Albums" Ok Sure Can

It would also help to have some sort of indicater on the manual page - when it is connecting to the server - becasue if you click the buttons another button on the screen after you have pushed one - (and it is still working) - it causes a runtime 5 error.
Ok, Fixed

The Next Build 3.0.10 Should Have All Of The Above Or Fixed
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 22, 2005, 02:48:05 pm
Avail Now

Version 3.0.10
Added: Default & Highlighted "Album", "Artist", "Song" Buttons So When You Press A Button It Now Becomes The Default View, The Active View Is Also Highlighted, The Plug-In Will Also Remember This Default Every Time You Use It Until You Press Another Button Then That Becomes Default.
Added: More Messages On The Status Bar.
Changed\Fixed: When You Use An Option Other Buttons Are Disabled Until The Operation Is Complete.
Added\Fixed: Each Sub Has A Error Trap Now.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 22, 2005, 03:58:26 pm

I think when art was replaced before was\maybe due to you using "folder.jpg" in MC as a way of saving your images. and when the plug in replaced one of the cover art files it replaced the folder.jpg file.

i don't think that will happen now since the plug-in checks to see if there is a file already on your local drive that it can use. if so it does not download a file from the server. actually this also speeds things up a bit too.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 22, 2005, 06:00:54 pm
Okay - 310 - looks good - but I don't think something is working with the download and apply option.

Here is my Media Center setting for images:

Track image location - next to file(Folder.jpg)

I took coldplay - parachutes - which I have a low quality image - I uploaded it to the server - first off - it didn't upgrade my art to the larger image (I have that option selected in CAF3).

I then manually looked at all the other ones - and found one that was better - selected it - download and apply - the art in my folder doesn't change - BUT now in my image file column - where it just indicated - folder.jpg (notice the spelling - lower case)- it now actually has the path of the folder where the CD is located with the file noted as Folder.jpg (now capitalized)- when I goto that folder - I still have my old image.

I looked at the event list and it appears that it is downloading the file but I can't locate it anywhere on my computer (I have ran a search through explorer).

so it appears that there is still some sort of problem.

as an fyi - the image number I uploaded for coldplay - parachutes - registered as 5660. 

If you would rather correspond via email let me know and I will Pm you my email address - if that works better.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 22, 2005, 06:03:39 pm
Okay - 310 - looks good - but I don't think something is working with the download and apply option.

Right, I Found That About 30 Mins Ago, It Is Fixed 3.0.11 (Now Aval)

I think that addresses everything todate

Version 3.0.11
Fixed: If There Was No Art The Plug-in Would Forget What Was Default
Fixed: The Trash Can Was Not Disabled When The Plug-In Was Working
Fixed: When In Manual Mode If you Deleted Art, Or When You Click Download And Apply The Plug-In Was Finding The Local Art, Since Your Requesting Art From The Server Manually It Should Always 1. Check To See If The Requested Art Is Already Downloaded And if Not Then Download From Remote, But It Should Not Find your Old Art.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 22, 2005, 06:04:25 pm
just a quick thought - could this be a "read only" setting error - I think all my folders are set to read only?
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 22, 2005, 06:05:58 pm
just a quick thought - could this be a "read only" setting error - I think all my folders are set to read only?

that could also create that problem (i think)

If you have the same problem with 3.0.11 it prob is the write protect
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 22, 2005, 06:12:08 pm
By the way, I want to thank you for helping debug this thing, and adding your own ideas, I think it has been very fruitful
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 22, 2005, 06:24:04 pm
No problem - I appreciate all your other plug-ins and am glad I could help.

Version 3.11 - seems to work correctly - automatically get larger image - and able to download and apply image manually

I did test the read only thing - it does prevent it from working if the file (folder.jpg) is read only - if just the folder is then it works fine.  I don't know if there is something that you can do to force the change - or you might want to mention it on the set up page.

I know you have so much free time but if you need other ideas for plug-ins - I have a request - I don't know if you have heard of Musicmagic Mixer - by Predixis - but what it does is via an acoustic anaylsis done on your collection - it then can create playlist based on certain variables entered by the user i.e. - song, artist, genre, mood, etc.  They have a headless version for this type of thing. Someone has made a plug-in for winamp - and it will already send the playlist to MC to play - but it would be nice if it was built in (or plugged in). 

Even if you don't I recommend you check it out - if you have a large music collection it is very handy to find songs that you haven't heard in a while or songs that are similar to the ones you like that you may have never heard.

Anyway - I am going to start uploading my art to you - a genre at a time... :)
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 22, 2005, 06:45:30 pm
Ok, i did find something else


Fixed: when slecting View all art, the plug-in was logging in and out. I broke this a few builds back (i commented out the part to make it work correctly).
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: lukecro on December 23, 2005, 04:43:32 am
Boy, these new builds are coming out fast and furious.... Every time I check back I'm a build or two behind.   ;)

Seems to be working much better now, though. Much, much faster. It's still not finding a lot of art for my collection, but it it finds at least something new every day and seems to be uploading okay as well.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 23, 2005, 07:15:14 am
Boy, these new builds are coming out fast and furious....

I make mistakes...

Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 23, 2005, 09:53:36 pm
okay - I think I found another one - the get larger art if it exists - doesn't work in the auto batch mode - it works in the manual mode but not in auto mode.  I have gone through 8k songs - with about 1000 pics - and not one of them updated - so I manually checked a few of my smaller pictures and there are indeed larger pictures available.

Can you confirm this?  Thanks.

By the way - it pretty much took 8+ hours for 4000 songs - if someone is trying to calculate it out......
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 23, 2005, 09:57:36 pm
p.s. - I am pretty much going to hold off on any more - since I want to get this fixed before I do anymore - I want to rerun my files - to check for the updates.

As an fyi - the program is much faster once you have uploaded the art - I would say about 1 -2 minutes per album since it is only checking.

Thanks again.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 24, 2005, 05:58:48 am
so I manually checked a few of my smaller pictures and there are indeed larger pictures available.

Well That Is Because It Is Finding The Local File On Your Hard Drive. This Was Something We Added So It Would Not Overwrite Your Art You Already Had.

I Just Checked And This Should Be True.

For It To Download You Would Need To Check "Always Get Art" And This Will Always Get Art If It Is Bigger Than Yours. If Your Art Is The Largest It Will Not Download.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 24, 2005, 10:05:27 am
Hi King,

I do have the option checked - After uploading my art that the server does not have check server art & always get art (overwrite my art). 

This is the option that I thought would upload my art - check for larger art - then download that if it was available.

So you are saying that I should check - never use local art - always download option?

That doesn't make sense to me -  I thought the first option was added in order to speed things up for people with a lot of art - or people who only wanted to see if there were larger or identified size art available?

If it is the first option that is supposed to be checked then it is and it isn't working correctly.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plug in
Post by: KingSparta on December 24, 2005, 11:27:45 am
That doesn't make sense to me
Your Not Alone

Actually I Should Have Just Used One Check Box I Guess

Try Both Check Boxes And See If That Has The Desired Effect
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 24, 2005, 01:03:36 pm
This seems to work.......

This is how I thought it would work if you picked just the first button.  :)

Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 24, 2005, 01:43:48 pm
I have been thinking about that anyway

How is this

[X] If I Have Art For The Media File, Check Server For Art And Download It If It Is Larger.

[X] If I Don't Have Art For The Media File, Check To See If I Have Art Local First, If Not Download It

Or Settings For Manual Mode And For Batch Mode


I Deleted The Button "View Image" Now If You Just Click On The Image In The List It Downloads It And Displays It, If It Is In The Download Folder Already It Just Shows It. This Made Room For Me To Give More Room To Other Buttons And It Is Less Work For The User.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: broncodan on December 24, 2005, 04:50:41 pm
[X] If I Have Art For The Media File, Check Server For Art And Download It If It Is Larger.

[X] If I Don't Have Art For The Media File, Check To See If I Have Art Local First, If Not Download It

Isn't this the same thing?  I guess I am confused by the 2nd choice:

[X] If I Don't Have Art For The Media File, Check To See If I Have Art Local First, If Not Download It

If I don't have art - why check locally?  Maybe I am not sure what you mean by locally.

I think the options should be:

[X] If I Have Art For The Media File, Check Server For Art And Download It If It Is Larger (and/or get art that meets my size specifications)

[X] If I Don't Have Art For The Media File -  Download It

[X] Ignore my art and always download art

I am not sure why someone would ever use the last option but since you have that in the current build - I guess there is a reason.

I also am not exactly sure what the following option does:

Clear art between media files.

And I like your last update of displaying the image highlighted - one thing that would be nice with this is to be able to display the file or image size along with that - because the only way to really tell how big the image is is to goto the display all pictures option.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 24, 2005, 05:09:19 pm
Clear art between media files.

It Is For Batch Mode Only, And That Will be Clear On The Next Build

Orginaly When A User Scanned For Images And A Image Was Downloaded And Applied You Would See Basicly A Blink Of The Downloaded Image. But It Was Displaying The Correct Art For The Currently Displayed Media File.

Someone Said It Went By Too Fast, So I Added An Option To Hold That Art Until Another Image Was Found In The File, Or Downloaded.

So You May See An Image That Was 3 Files Ago If In The Last 2 Images No Art Was Found.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 24, 2005, 05:34:56 pm
[X] If I Don't Have Art For The Media File, Check To See If I Have Art Local First, If Not Download It

If I don't have art - why check locally?  Maybe I am not sure what you mean by locally.

Well It Is Not The Same

Lets Say You Have A Album Called "C:\My Music\Beatles\White Album"

And 6 out Of The 12 Songs On The Album Have Art, The Other 6 Did Not Have Art Or MC Lost it For What Ever Reason Or The Path Was Broken.

You May Want That Art To be The Same As The Other 6 That Has Art.

So Basicly The Plug-in Will Check For Local Art:

C:\My Music\Beatles\White Album\folder.jpg
C:\My Music\Beatles\White Album\Beatles - White Album.jpg
C:\My Cover Art\Beatles - White Album.jpg

If Not Found In The Local Spots Where Are Would Be The Plug-In Will Then Get Art From The Server, And Get That Art Per The Users Settings.

In the Next version The User Can Set The Search Order How Ever They Want To.
Title: Re: Amazon Cover Art Plugin
Post by: KingSparta on December 25, 2005, 08:17:00 am
The Same Is True If In The Album There Was 12 Tracks.

On the first track the plug-in did not find the track local so it gets it from the server. the other 11 tracks could be taken from the local area. this not only speeds up the plug-in to make it faster for the user but also puts less work on the server.