More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: Matt on December 08, 2005, 06:05:58 pm

Title: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: Matt on December 08, 2005, 06:05:58 pm
This is a beta version of MC 11.1.  It will work with the same MC11 license that 11.0 uses.  Please post only bugs here.  Anything requiring discussion should go in a new thread.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved. 

PRICES for MC11.0 and 11.1 are here:;action=display;threadid=23311

The public release version of Media Center 11.0 is available here: (recommended for new users)

This latest build of MC11.1 Beta is here:

11.1.75 (12/8/05)

1. Changed: No image thumbnail no longer drawn as large in library browser style pages.
2. Changed: Removed plurals from library browser links and buttons.
3. Changed: Removed underlines on library browser links. (only underlines on mouse over)
4. Changed: Reduced bordering on library browser style pages.
5. Changed: Revised default view schemes. (available from Edit > Reset All View Schemes To Default)
6. Fixed: VOB files were using the wrong name with UPnP Server.
7. Fixed: VOB files had the wrong mime type with UPnP Server.
8. Fixed: Using library server and converting on the fly would truncate some files.
9. Changed: MC will no longer use QuickTime to analyze m4a files.
10. Fixed: MC would not import m4a files with UNICODE characters in the path.
11. Changed: Library browser views use standard typed navigation. (instead of automatic quick search like other views)
12. Changed: Revamped Media Library navigation system to show a full history.
13. Changed: Selecting multiple library browser items and picking "Play" plays all the selected items instead of just the one with the link.
14. Fixed: Podcast configuration was not cloned when you cloned a library.

11.1.74 (12/7/05)

1. NEW: Merged Media Library and Library Browser into one system.
2. Changed: Removed the "Documents" media mode.
3. Changed: Moved "Audio", "Images", and "Video" to the root of the tree. (more like Theater View)
4. Changed: Added "Reset All View Schemes To Default" to the Edit menu.
5. Changed: Tagging with the panes will only ask for confirmation on drop. (not on edit or tagging mode check)
6. Changed: "Album Artist" and "Album Artist (auto)" show as simply "Artist" in view scheme displays.
7. Fixed: Analyzing of AAC/m4a file stopped at 99%-100% and did not continue to the next file.

New Features in MC 11.1
Podcasting support
Much improved handheld support for iPod, PlayforSure devices, and many others
Configurable locations for all media types on handhelds
iPod Shuffle and Nano support
Album art on iPods that support it
Automatic backup of library
Directshow support for AAC files
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: Matt on December 08, 2005, 06:07:09 pm
Just a note that this build bumps the database version, so you can't roll back to a previous MC 11.1 build without a backup.
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: LonWar on December 08, 2005, 06:13:54 pm
The links on the thumbnails for view's that have a lot of panes are unreadable.
I have 9 panes, and the links looks like:

P. O. A A A F.. F. T... F..

Also, I keep wanting to click on a tile, that should do something....  :)
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: JaredH on December 08, 2005, 08:10:14 pm
I'm usually very wordy, but to save time and energy...

Having to set all of my view schemes to "Files" only to have them reset themselves back to "Graphical View" is NOT cool. Whether a bug, or by design. This happens whenever I do a "Save for this location and similar locations" in "Customize Current View"

On a lighter note, the database seems to be moving at a much faster pace since the Media Library/Library Browser merger.
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: GHammer on December 08, 2005, 10:31:31 pm
I like the way the library browser is working in this version.
Even I can navigate easily!  :)
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: danrien on December 09, 2005, 12:32:43 am
yeh i really like how all the views have been substantially "quickened" up.  i actually found myself using the tree moments ago!
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: avpman on December 09, 2005, 06:34:27 am
What happened to the link in the Album View that allowed me to pick how I wanted them ordered? In particular order by date last imported. Also, I'm not able to see a list of Albums in "Detail" mode. I'd like to see a non-graphical listing of all the Albums.

Thanks for fixing the truncating of playtime when converting to MP3 using Library Server.
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: ForsakenArdor on December 09, 2005, 09:27:42 am
In the main audio screen, for some reason it changed the list style to tiled view and I can't change it back to the normal way it looked before: listed details with my regular columns at the top.  If I click on customize current view and try to change it from tiled, it doesn't change.
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: Dutch Peter on December 09, 2005, 12:29:37 pm
I think a got a bug:

Use the new Media Browser and select Genres from the drop-down.
Select a Genre and click on the 'play'-option.
Then stop the player.
If you start the player again it plays the whole library.
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: MusicHawk on December 09, 2005, 12:37:05 pm
There's a Player bug in 11.1.75 that seems to affect any view. Play anything except the first record. Click Stop in the Player, then click Play again. The Player jumps to the FIRST record in the view and plays that! It seems the Player's "current record" pointer isn't working.
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: danrien on December 09, 2005, 12:39:10 pm
In the main audio screen, for some reason it changed the list style to tiled view and I can't change it back to the normal way it looked before: listed details with my regular columns at the top.  If I click on customize current view and try to change it from tiled, it doesn't change.

Did you try changing to "files" in the dropdown menu (it might be at artist or album) now at the top of the media browser?
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: MusicHawk on December 09, 2005, 12:41:52 pm
>>  In the main audio screen, for some reason it changed the list style to tiled view and I can't change it back to the normal way it looked before: listed details with my regular columns at the top.  If I click on customize current view and try to change it from tiled, it doesn't change.

I have the same problem. My custom views are intended to display and let me work with very large lists of records/files; there are few if any graphics, and it's no help to see them instead of the actual data. This was working fine until 11.1.75.

Now, I can't get rid of Tile view, no matter what I select in the UI or view design. I can switch from Tile to showing Files, but then when I leave and come back, it's back to tiles. Also, setting the view to show files, then saving the view design for itself and children, doesn't help. I get tiles everywhere.

I hope this is a bug rather than an intentional change, because the value of MC to me is as a powerful database, not as a viewer of cover art graphics. I need to reliably see and work with the data and not have MC keep trying to show me something else instead.
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: Mr ChriZ on December 09, 2005, 12:49:09 pm
Despite the options being checked in the option panel
MC neither automatically rips when a CD is inserted
(It pops up a box asking if the CD should be ripped, then doesn't actually do so...)
nor does it automatically get cover art after ripping the album...
Requesting the cover art afterwards does work however...
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: Dutch Peter on December 09, 2005, 01:01:02 pm
It seems that tagging the current song in playing is not going ok.

After switching to the next song, the tag is not updated.

When closing MC a message is shown that the file could not be updated.

After starting MC the tag seems updated anyway.
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: marko on December 09, 2005, 01:30:34 pm
It seems that tagging the current song in playing is not going ok.

After switching to the next song, the tag is not updated.

When closing MC a message is shown that the file could not be updated.

After starting MC the tag seems updated anyway.

seeing the same here too.
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: avpman on December 09, 2005, 01:37:23 pm
Despite the options being checked in the option panel
MC neither automatically rips when a CD is inserted
(It pops up a box asking if the CD should be ripped, then doesn't actually do so...)
nor does it automatically get cover art after ripping the album...
Requesting the cover art afterwards does work however...

what are your encoding settings? I reported this back a couple of versions ago. If you are ripping to a single file (advanced ripping options->file management) it won't automatically download the coverart. See:
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: Mr ChriZ on December 09, 2005, 01:38:02 pm
Mr ChriZ - what are your encoding settings? I reported this back a couple of versions ago. If you are ripping to a single file (advanced ripping options->file management) it won't automatically download the coverart. See:

I'm ripping to APE files, not singular.  Secure copy mode, with option to Rip from
2 drives at once with 2 processes with Encode on the fly, although last rip only came from one drive with nothing happening in the other.

-Updated with more of AvpMans extra info request...

Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: avpman on December 09, 2005, 01:43:35 pm
I'm ripping to APE files, not singular.  Secure copy mode, with option to Rip from
2 drives at once with 2 processes, although last rip only came from one drive with nothing happening in the other.

Ripping to APE here also. The auto-rip has needed some work (IMHO) and the developers seem to be knocking the bugs out one by one. I'd recommend you post screenshots of your rip option settings. Also, do you have the "Encode on the fly" option checked or unchecked? I had a multiple drive rip problem that was solved by checking (enabling) that option.
Title: Re: Media Center 11.1.75 Beta
Post by: avpman on December 09, 2005, 02:37:17 pm
>>  In the main audio screen, for some reason it changed the list style to tiled view and I can't change it back to the normal way it looked before: listed details with my regular columns at the top.  If I click on customize current view and try to change it from tiled, it doesn't change.

I have the same problem. My custom views are intended to display and let me work with very large lists of records/files; there are few if any graphics, and it's no help to see them instead of the actual data. This was working fine until 11.1.75.

Now, I can't get rid of Tile view, no matter what I select in the UI or view design. I can switch from Tile to showing Files, but then when I leave and come back, it's back to tiles. Also, setting the view to show files, then saving the view design for itself and children, doesn't help. I get tiles everywhere.

I hope this is a bug rather than an intentional change, because the value of MC to me is as a powerful database, not as a viewer of cover art graphics. I need to reliably see and work with the data and not have MC keep trying to show me something else instead.

I second that. I would really like to see a detail listing of my albums (w/o graphics) and be able to sort by any one of title, last played, genre, date of import, etc.