Windows => Plug-in Development => Topic started by: Mr ChriZ on December 30, 2005, 08:59:59 am

Title: Regasm? (Resolved)
Post by: Mr ChriZ on December 30, 2005, 08:59:59 am
OK having now got the to work
one of the steps required was to Regasm the DLL
which is fine on my machine as a development machine
however I'm doubting non development machines are
going to have this.
I can see that Regasm can produce Reg files however
that still doesn't seem to associate with the DLL file at all...
So anyone got an idea how you could do a Regasm on install?

Title: Re: Regasm?
Post by: Mr ChriZ on December 30, 2005, 09:29:40 am
Ideally could JRiver Package gizmo do this?
Title: Re: Regasm?
Post by: Mr ChriZ on December 30, 2005, 09:36:56 am
Hang on, I'm learning!
Regasm is provided as standard as part of the .NET framework.
It would still be good if the JRiver Pacakge Gizmo could organise this bit tho!
Title: Re: Regasm?
Post by: Mr ChriZ on December 30, 2005, 10:09:23 am
OK it was going to well.
Runs fine now on my development machine (Got Popup .Net buttons
and everything!)
but can I get it to run on an identical machine round the corner?

Will keep working on it!  ::)

Additional Note
*Starts Swearing!*

Apparently my Assemblies must be strong named so that I can use GacUtil on them
however I can't strong name them because they use Media Center.tlb which
isn't strong named... This is getting silly!
And by the sound of it I really don't want my DLL in the GAC anyhow...

Additional Note
*Starts Crying*

I'm sure Microsofts job is there to make everyone elses job
that much more difficult!
Title: Re: Regasm?
Post by: Mr ChriZ on December 30, 2005, 12:28:55 pm

I've got it working reliably on three machines!