More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: Jaqqe on January 24, 2006, 08:17:30 am

Title: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: Jaqqe on January 24, 2006, 08:17:30 am
My library contains about 26 000 songs. I would dare to say that half of those songs are so awful that they might just as well be deleted from taking up precious disk space. However I never delete any files. Do you?
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: EpF on January 24, 2006, 08:25:57 am
Having a collector mentality, I find it hard to delete bad stuff! Not so long ago I was pretty happy I didn't, cause I had to make around 20 CDs for a wedding, which used lots of 1-star material!

With a gigabyte of storage space costing around 50cents or less, it's not too expensive to keep them, though I am going to look into splitting them into a different library as it's getting wearisome looking at them!
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: Jaqqe on January 24, 2006, 08:33:10 am
The collector mentality is a disease. I know, because I also have it  ;)
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: Deivit on January 24, 2006, 08:47:32 am
I just rate them 1-star, and they are not likely to be played again since my PN is fed with smartlists that normally exclude the 1-star songs. As you guys said, the "collector mentality" also forces me to not delete them if they are part of an album  :)
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: hit_ny on January 24, 2006, 09:29:21 am
I use the album score to tell me whether they are worth keeping or not. I find this score gives me the confidence to delete where before i was uneasy or like now just don't add  unless it has a decent score to begin with.

Usually if an album scores less than 6/10, I remove the bad tracks and move the good ones (still in their album folder) to a trimmed folder. I tend to give the album a cpl of listens over a period of time before this happens.  Sometimes i promote them. I am not going to recommend an album that scores that low to anyone anyway.

I get around the collector mentality by telling myself, the disk space would be better used by higher scoring albums. I currently have nearly 200 trimmed albums taking up the space of only 50. I got space for 150 more good ones. That's like 15GB more or less saved if we're talking mp3s, but i did say think about the larger number ;)
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: tcman41 on January 24, 2006, 09:39:56 am
I have only been into mp3 collecting and media center for about a year now, after about 8 months i had around 1,500 mp3 albums which equates to 18,000 songs.

For whatever reason the 1,000 album mark seems to be my threshold, it seems if i let my collection get much bigger than that it becomes cluttered with way to much stuff that i would never listen to past the first listen, therefore about every two months or so i go through my collection weed out about 500 albums or so of complete trash and just delete them, my collection always stays fresh with just my interests and always ends up around a 1,000 albums, weird but works for me.

The other thing about weeding out all one's awful albums is that it tends to concentrate the focus back to the albums that i really like and should be listening to more instead of spending all my time downloading and tagging crap that i would never listen to more than once anyway.

Granted it depends partially on how much one is spending on the music but if the bulk of it is coming from cheap russian mp3 sites or free music blogs and forums  then the cost doesn't enter the picture, it's more about taking the time to manage all those files and then not being able to have the time to really listen to the music that one likes.

TC  :)

Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: John Gateley on January 24, 2006, 10:06:08 am
My taste changes over time, so even songs I consider so awful that I can't bear to listen to them (there's not very many) I keep around. In a few years I may feel differently about them (and it goes the other way as well)

Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: GHammer on January 24, 2006, 10:29:01 am
I don't delete from full albums, though I have no hesitation to dump the odd song here and there.

Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: Berto on January 24, 2006, 01:49:05 pm
My library contains about 26 000 songs. I would dare to say that half of those songs are so awful that they might just as well be deleted from taking up precious disk space. However I never delete any files. Do you?
How did those awful songs get in your library in the first place? I don't delete any file from my library, because I don't put awful songs in it.

Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: Dutch Peter on January 24, 2006, 02:25:20 pm
How did those awful songs get in your library in the first place? I don't delete any file from my library, because I don't put awful songs in it.

I also tend to collect songs i like. So the target is not to collect as many songs as possible. Therefore I am only at 7.000 I guess.
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: KingSparta on January 24, 2006, 02:39:13 pm
Delete Them
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: Berto on January 24, 2006, 02:41:34 pm
I also tend to collect songs i like. So the target is not to collect as many songs as possible. Therefore I am only at 7.000 I guess.
And that's also why I have only 5.700 songs.
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: Jaqqe on January 24, 2006, 03:01:35 pm
I also tend to collect songs i like. So the target is not to collect as many songs as possible.
When you get your hands on an album, that you know has at least 1-2 good songs, at least I tend to rip the whole cd in case there should be other good songs. I usually don't listen to the whole album at once. Well, I should know by now that this is rarely the case. However, the bad songs then just stay on my computer.

My aim has never been and is still not to get as many files as possible. At this day and age it would be no problem to get thousands of files in a couple of days if one wanted to, but why bother.

Just checked my library and the ratings:

5: 479
4: 1995
3: 3769
2: 2973
1: 1043
?: 16069 (of which 2010 are live performances)

To be honest I rarely listen to songs with a rating under 4. Some day I will rate all my songs, I will. If only the wife wasn't so active in downloading that darn country music...

John Gateley has a point in the music taste changing every now and then. This is also one reason I don't want to delete the files...
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: zxsix on January 24, 2006, 03:05:05 pm
I am going to look into splitting them into a different library as it's getting wearisome looking at them!

Edit your primary view scheme to exclude them by rating.
Add a secondary view scheme that shows the full list.
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: Mastiff on January 24, 2006, 03:07:08 pm
I don't even rate my songs, and I never delete anything. I actually spent time last fall re-ripping a bunch of old CD's that I don't listen to or even like because the rip quality wasn't good. I guess you may call me a manic collector ... beyond 60 000 tracks...
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: runemail on January 24, 2006, 03:09:09 pm
I have around 46000 songs in my main library now, its my personal music wiki :)
In my main library is the stuff i used to listen to years ago, as well as my current likings, and the basic 1000+ albums any music-nerd needs to have a meaninful life. Its 100% complete releases.

I also have a large collection of stuff i haven't yet had the time to put in my library(taging rare stuff is very time-consuming). I have several thousand vinyl-rips that i maybe never have the time to tag properly.

The only thing I ever delete is incomplete releases.
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: glynor on January 24, 2006, 04:43:25 pm
I don't even rate my songs, and I never delete anything. I actually spent time last fall re-ripping a bunch of old CD's that I don't listen to or even like because the rip quality wasn't good. I guess you may call me a manic collector ... beyond 60 000 tracks...

True that.

With the exception of actual corrupted files I typically do not bother to delete music.  The files are just too small for me to worry about it.  With my RAID drive space allocated basically: 65% video, 15% images, and 20% audio it's generally just not worth the time to do a systematic purge of the bad audio tracks (I gain back much more disk space doing a video burn-n-purge).  I will delete the occasional awful track that happens to pop up if I happen to be listening to music while sitting at the computer and not doing anything too terribly consuming (so I don't mind switching to MC and finding the track to delete it)....

Those times are rare indeed.  Mainly, that's what the "FF" button on the remote is for.

I also don't bother to rate the tracks I have.  I tend to know what I like, and not only that, but my collection isn't just for me.  My wife uses it, my friends do, I DJ sometimes, and at work my co-workers do (my "iTunes" shared library --- which iTunes never actually touches BTW -- is by far the biggest on the network).  Not quite to 60k yet, but working on it...   ;)
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: LonWar on January 24, 2006, 07:39:16 pm
I have a few tracks that I don't really like, but I will listen to them again when I am in a different mood and will feel differently about it.....

I can hate a album one day and listen to it over and over the next.....
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: datdude on January 24, 2006, 08:15:57 pm
I find myself hating an album at first and then a year later it is now one of my favorites.

I do however get rid of albums where there are no good songs at all.  If there are a couple then I keep the rest even if they are bad.
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: gk666999 on January 25, 2006, 12:32:28 am
Delete the junk, it's not because of the storage price, the one-star rated tracks obscure other, good songs.
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: glynor on January 25, 2006, 05:35:50 pm
I find myself hating an album at first and then a year later it is now one of my favorites.

Here too.  There's been more than one time where my wife will have an album on the system, which I hate at first, but am forced to listen to for her.  Then, months later I'll catch myself humming it in my car... Then, turning it up when it comes on.

There's some bad stuff that just never gets better (, but you never know who will appreciate it sometime in the future.  And besides, if not, you can always use it to torture your friends.
Title: Re: OT: Do you delete bad songs from your library?
Post by: Jaqqe on January 26, 2006, 01:53:58 am
And besides, if not, you can always use it to torture your friends.
Oh yes, I have specific songs for this purpose, and those will never be deleted  ;D