Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: scthom on February 11, 2006, 11:20:52 am
OK, those of you who have been waiting with baited breath can now pick up the 1.5.0 version of the FLAC decoder (input) plugin.
It's a re-write to use the JRReader interface so it should work with Library Server. I've also attempted to make it crash less easily when you click too fast on the next button. Because of this, I'm considering it Beta for now.
Please let me know if you have any problems (or success with Library Server!)
Thanks, Scot.
Thanks, Scot.
No, no. Thank You. 8) Seriously, thanks for noticing and pointing people the right direction in the forums. I hope it helps to have another format for MC to use. I know I wouldn't be as happy with MC if it didn't have FLAC. Now if I could just get it to play on my Squeezebox directly without having to run SlimServer too ;D
Thanks Scot for the quick update and responses.
Can't give much feed back on the server side of things (I use SqueezeBox/Slimserve) :)
I'm still getting occasional crashes with quick switches, although it seems better.
Just as a reminder (in case you missed it in the other thread) Oblongs decoder does not have this effect.
Just wanted throw that in again. :P
I'm also with ya on the SqueezeBox support. Never have read "why not" on here anywhere!
I visited the site and noticed there were newer versions of the encoder and decoder. So, I installed both and now FLAC files will not play. Any ideas what to do to fix this?
Update: I went back to Oblong's original FLAC decoder and now I can play FLAC's again. Any idea why? I'd certainly prefer to use your newer decoder.
BTW, thanks for putting the link to Oblong's decoder on your site!
I visited the site and noticed there were newer versions of the encoder and decoder. So, I installed both and now FLAC files will not play. Any ideas what to do to fix this?
Which version of MC are you using?
There have been reports of the new 1.5 decoder no longer working with MC 11.0. I believe this is probably completely true and would recommend you stay with decoder 1.4. The only real difference is that 1.4 will not work with Library Server.
I am unable to build for both because the JRReader interface is not the same for 11.0 and 11.1. Decoder 1.4 works for both because it does not use the JRReader interface at all. That's why it doesn't work with Library Server.
I'll update the web page to make this more clear.
Has anyone used the Library Server yet? Does it work with the new plugin? I assume since I haven't heard much things are going well.
OK...I updated MC to 11.1 (I was using 11.0) and now your new decoder works fine. Thanks again for your help and for carrying the FLAC torch for us MC users.
I second that. scthom, you da mann! I'm using 1.4, mostly because i don't know what a library server is, so I don't feel like I'm missing anything.
flac working over library server!!