Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: lOth on February 11, 2006, 06:59:36 am

Title: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 11, 2006, 06:59:36 am
the "bad authorization" bug is back and strong and I just need to vent my unhappiness about this...

Now, I know JRiver is not responsible for that plug-in. I think they should be though, because they should have come up with their own plug-in a long time ago. I believe JRiver needs to take this matter in their own hands because is just getting too big to keep ignoring it. MC really deserves at least a working plug-in. Ideally in my view, JRiver should work on a integration on the model of what Amarok does (+ ability to cache and submit playcounts from a portable player). In any case, all this to say that has become an important part of my listening habits as I'm sure it has become for many others who use MC and that I don't think I'll be following the MC 12 path if no progress is made on this point. Maybe I'm not the only one  ?
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: GHammer on February 12, 2006, 02:31:51 am
I agree.
QMP has very nice support, even pops up to warn you when auth fails too many times.
MM has nice support for it.
Shoot, even foobar works well with it.

At least if JRiver wrote a plugin it wouldn't lose the login info and crash as many have had happen with the current plugin.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: JimH on February 12, 2006, 07:27:24 am
How about fixing the plug-in?  It's a plug-in problem.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: GHammer on February 12, 2006, 07:47:44 am
How about fixing the plug-in? It's a plug-in problem.

Good idea, it's what we've asked for!

Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: runemail on February 12, 2006, 12:24:13 pm
How about fixing the plug-in?  It's a plug-in problem.

The problem is that the guy who wrote the current plugin is gone.

Here is the latest protocol :

"The plugin just needs to do a new handshake when it receives a "Bad Authorization" error (and cache the track that failed to submit).
This happens when you're not playing audio for a while (20/30 minutes?), the session just times out, or when you start another player that does a handshake on startup (like ITunes with iscrobbler installed) invalidating the original session."

Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 12, 2006, 12:55:10 pm
The problem is that the guy who wrote the current plugin is gone.

Might sound stupid but I think the main fault of this plugin is that it exists. It sure is better than nothing, but if it wasn't there I think someone (even maybe at JRiver) would have come up with something better.

I really wish I had the skills to write a new plugin but I don't. I'm just surprised that there isn't someone around with the skills to start working on this. Gosh, I'd even pay for a proper plug-in.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: marko on February 12, 2006, 02:52:28 pm
rhinobanga was writing a plugin, but wouldn't support him..

"because there was already an MC plugin available"

perhaps we could line him up, then apply serious pressure to to remove the existing plugin and offer him the support he needs?
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 12, 2006, 03:06:35 pm
perhaps we could line him up, then apply serious pressure to to remove the existing plugin and offer him the support he needs?

sounds good. I've no computer skills, but I can be scaringly good at putting pressure on people  ;)
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: RobOK on February 13, 2006, 03:40:04 pm
I support this.

My MC crashes all the time and it is because of this plug in, but I dont want to remove it b/c i like the concept.

I end up having a bad MC experience even though it is not MC software causing the problem.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: iCamp on February 14, 2006, 03:03:28 pm
If we can get rhinobanga or someone else to do this plug-in proper justice I think we can put enough pressure on LastFM to support the replacement of the old plug-in.  It's likely they just aren't aware of the limitations of the current plug-in.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: marko on February 16, 2006, 03:16:19 am
If JRiver built their own version of, for MC users would you use it?

to keep things simple, let's assume that it get's implemented exactly the way would like it to, as we all know that if it were to happen, we would get the chance to thrash it out to a certain extent at the time.

For me,
I'd need a cast-iron, legally binding privacy agreement has an MC group, and their statistics can be interesting, but I'm willing to bet that not all MC users are in that group. group membership must be an option. Similarly, not all MC users use, so data submission would need to be an option too.

I think I might, but I'm not sure, so thought I'd see if anyone else had thought about this?

It might be worth pointing out that I don't make use of all available features.
I was thinking along the lines of at least a bare minimum of being able to display stats in the way that does.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: Marty3d on February 16, 2006, 05:15:39 am

The only thing I want is a working version so MC can upload AS data without hazzle, not more!
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: KingSparta on February 16, 2006, 05:20:54 am
If JRiver built their own version of

What Is A
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: Mr ChriZ on February 16, 2006, 05:37:00 am
The whole scrobbling thing to me is a bit like big brother,
some people get it, but i really just don't  see the fasination! ::)
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: enervation on February 16, 2006, 05:53:30 am
If it was fully integrated into MC, had the sheer volume of data that does, and had all the radio options of then... maybe :P I use primarily for music recommendations - I am not hugely interested in stats about my own listening habits. It would take a long time and a large userbase for an MC version to be as good as this.

Maybe MC could do some kind of collaboration with, e.g. you could listen to radio in MC as easily as you can with the existing player, you could right click on any artist/album/song and start listening to similiar arist radio...
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 16, 2006, 06:48:54 am
I would use it, I would even pay extra for advanced integration in MC.

I was thinking along the lines of at least a bare minimum of being able to display stats in the way that does.
That would be a start, but why not go for a full integration on the model of how Amarok cross references recommendations with what you have in your library? Also, why not have a " recommendation" sub-section in the "now playing" section of the navigation tree? It can't be that much harder to implement than the buy CD at Amazon or the allmusic info pages. Maybe harder but really nice would be the ability to listen to radios from within MC (but I'm wondering if this one is at all possible)

Similarly, not all MC users use, so data submission would need to be an option too.
Agreed. I can imagine a plug-in that would only submit info to only if you've entered your username and password in the options.

What Is A

The whole scrobbling thing to me is a bit like big brother,
some people get it, but i really just don't  see the fasination!
For me it's not about being self-absorbed in one's own listening taste and habits, quite on the contrary it's all about discovering new music. Thanks to my "neighbours" and to the recommendation system I've now discovered quite a few bands and artists that I really like and that I think I would have never heard of without
Although has a few other niceties I think that the way it can help you discover new music is its main strength.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: GHammer on February 16, 2006, 07:01:22 am
I would use it, I would even pay extra for advanced integration in MC.
Not what was being asked I'm afraid.
This would be a JRiver effort, not a JRiver AS plugin/ability.

That would be a start, but why not go for a full integration on the model of how Amarok cross references recommendations with what you have in your library? Also, why not have a " recommendation" sub-section in the "now playing" section of the navigation tree? It can't be that much harder to implement than the buy CD at Amazon or the allmusic info pages.

I'd love to see some sort of discovery ability in MC.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: GHammer on February 16, 2006, 07:06:39 am
I rather have a functioning AS plugin NOT supported by a user. Users come and go. JRiver will be here for awhile I'm guessing.

But on topic, I'd try it and see what sort of user base it developed. But it would have to be broad based to interest me. I like to find new stuff to listen to, especially being here with no radio, TV, clubs, etc.

If participation was high, it'd be great.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 16, 2006, 08:21:47 am
Not what was being asked I'm afraid.
This would be a JRiver effort, not a JRiver AS plugin/ability.
I got carried away by my own desire of the moment to see a new plug-in.

So, I'll change my answer: I'd be willing to try JRiver's own service but, since  what I'm looking for is mainly recommendations:

1) I doubt that there would be a sufficient user base to provide accurate and that the same time very diverse recommendations

2) why create a new system when is already there, is free, and only needs and updated plug-in to do great things together with MC?

I'd love to see some sort of discovery ability in MC.

It seems to me this would be completely doable with a new plug-in. Again, have a look at what Amarok does.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: PollyQ on February 16, 2006, 09:03:44 am
Well, I voted yes, but I misunderstood the proposition (it's still early here, & the coffee hasn't hit my bloodstream yet ;)).  I too thought we were talking about a JR audioscrobbler plug-in, which it seems we aren't.

I'm changing my vote to 'no', on the same basis as lOth:

2) why create a new system when is already there, is free, and only needs an updated plug-in to do great things together with MC?
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: razumik on February 16, 2006, 09:47:43 am
I'm with PollyQ and lOth on this.  I would prefer to see better funtionality built into MC, rather than having a similar service built into MC that uses only data from other MC users...though it would be cool to see what other MC users are listening to.

I have tried other recommendation systems in Rhapsody, YahooMusic, etc., but the recommendations that I get from are a lot more reliable and interesting.  It has become my favorite way to find new music.

I also like how keeps historical playcounts and allows you to see what you were listening to 2 weeks or 6 months ago, and not just a cumlative playcount for each song.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: runemail on February 16, 2006, 10:12:41 am
Coding a "new" from scratch is not a small task. It would cost a lot in both coding and hardware and never be as good as because of the smaller userbase. There is also the social networking part of, the new artist wiki etc.
What i want is for to MC to USE like amarok. is there, its great and its free...

Personally I think it would be great to have my entire MC database online, both as a backup, and a way to easily synch metadata with other users etc. And an optional webinterface linked to my local files. That would be even more powerful than
It would be great for pictures and documents too!

Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 16, 2006, 10:26:30 am
though it would be cool to see what other MC users are listening to.

all we need for this is 1) get ourselves a new working plug-in, 2) join that JRiver Media Center group at :

Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: Pink Waters on February 16, 2006, 10:31:45 am
I hope to see it implemented in MC core itself like that KDE Player in linux (It has a tab in its option window that lets you put your login and enable submission)..
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: KingSparta on February 16, 2006, 10:45:09 am
but i really just don't  see the fasination!
I hear you, i have no idea why i would even care what joe blow is playing
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 16, 2006, 11:02:03 am
I hear you, i have no idea why i would even care what joe blow is playing
maybe because joe blow is playing something you don't know and might like.

But then to be fair, there are many other ways to discover new music and there certainly are people who are very happy with the music they already have and do not wish to listen to anything new. All of these positions would be very legitimate. It's only music after all  ;)
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: KingSparta on February 16, 2006, 11:10:13 am
maybe because joe blow is playing something you don't know and might like.

I understand that, but would it not be better if the site listed the top sales of the song and more relevent info along with a maybe 30 second demo of the song?

And don't they have places like this that also provide this info?

Not that i like CD-Baby But they provide best sellers, Play the song, album, provide Cover Art And Even Buy.

I see no point for this service, unless it includes more info, play and a point of sale.

Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: JimH on February 16, 2006, 11:13:32 am
I think the principle is to allow you to find users with similar tastes in music and see what they play that you don't know about.  I think that's really powerful.

Any other LastFMists,
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: KingSparta on February 16, 2006, 11:26:22 am
So when i find this user, what then Chat with that user in a forum or chat client of some sort?

Sure we can all get to gether in a forum and chat, but without the the "Shopping Cart" and a buy button i see no reson why anyone would take on this project or even start it for that matter.

As a matter of fact the forum there has current threads of P2P comments, something i think that the music industry is trying to flush.

Sure it could be something good if all 8 parts of the pie are in the pan.

I just don't see it in there current project
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 16, 2006, 12:31:16 pm
there is currently a buy button. When you browse artists, each album has a buy cd from amazon US link.

In addition you don't need to chat or participate in forums to discover music, you can just use the recommendations that are brought right onto your page, or browse the music your musical neighbours are listening to.

As a side note, there are talks about P2P everywhere, including on this board, I don't think that it will bring down.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: JaredH on February 16, 2006, 01:39:12 pm
But on topic, I'd try it and see what sort of user base it developed. But it would have to be broad based to interest me. I like to find new stuff to listen to, especially being here with no radio, TV, clubs, etc.

Interesting you should note that. I found that I discovered more new music during my year spent in China in 2004 than almost anywhere else before, and even while being home in the US this past year. The variety of music I found at almost every side shop and street vendor while living in Wuhan and travelling to Shanghai absolutely blew my mind.

At virtually less than a dollar a go, you can buy the CDs just for the sake of a review. If the whole bootleg thing isnt your jive, you can toss 'em when you're done. Matter of fact, thats exactly what I did, I think I either tossed or gave away probably 50-75 bunk CDs before I left China. It was a good review process because, after arriving back home, I started purchasing many of the CDs I gave a listen to while in China.

Sorry, about that, I got off on a tangent. This thread was about I would probably use it. I've yet to tap into the idea however, if it were integrated into MC, I would at least give it a go.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: schmoose on February 16, 2006, 07:34:32 pm
not sure what problem you guys are talking about. used to have server handshaking problems upon login a while back (no crashes though) , but things have been all peachy over here since upgraded their servers.

but, since we're on the subject, a plugin that could also make use of's web services to view stats, neighbors, recommendations, etc. would be pretty sweet.

even better would be the ability to use MC as the radio player.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lpr on February 16, 2006, 10:17:45 pm
There seem to be something going on with the plug-in since 11.1.120, other users have also noticed this...

Your original login info is lost and you need to re-enter them. After that a  "audioscrobbler.ini" file is created on the desktop and cannot be deleted or you would have to re-log manually each time if you don't want to crash.

Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: GHammer on February 16, 2006, 10:46:46 pm
Interesting you should note that. I found that I discovered more new music during my year spent in China in 2004 than almost anywhere else before, and even while being home in the US this past year. The variety of music I found at almost every side shop and street vendor while living in Wuhan and travelling to Shanghai absolutely blew my mind.

Ah, you are speaking of large cities with lots of foreigners.
I live in a small fishing village now (just moved), and lived in a small steel town before.
When I go to the 'Big city' I usually don't spend time on CD/DVD stalls. I get things like books, clothes, personal care items. Eat!
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: GHammer on February 16, 2006, 11:09:46 pm
Hmmm, I had a problem after installing 120 but entered my info and all was fine. Still fine on 123
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: schmoose on February 17, 2006, 12:04:20 am
There seem to be something going on with the plug-in since 11.1.120
ah, that explains it. i'm still on 11.1.115. Guess i'll stick with this version as I'm semi-addicted to
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 17, 2006, 12:45:04 am
There seem to be something going on with the plug-in since 11.1.120

Yes: I have seen my user info being reset, I have that .ini file on my desktop. But it seems that JRiver would like to present this as an "Audioscrobbler issue" for now (

Mmmm.... Is there a chance that they're just trying to cover up whatever they are up to in the area? In any case, I believe this would be very good news as they can't just be trying to further break the old plugin. Also, I take it as a good sign that no one from JRiver has commented yet on this thread or on the YAScrobbler one ( Unless the 11.1.12x problem with the plug-in is just chance (or lack thereof) and JRiver is genuinely not interested in that thing? Who knows? Maybe they'll let us know soon?  ::)
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: Pink Waters on February 17, 2006, 01:04:52 am
Yes: I have seen my user info being reset, I have that .ini file on my desktop. But it seems that JRiver would like to present this as an "Audioscrobbler issue" for now

If its a plan "B"  i think Customers "A" are outta here! too
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: runemail on February 17, 2006, 03:49:38 am

If its a plan "B"  i think Customers "A" are outta here! too

hmm, maybe j.river should send a message to and have the plugin and links to MC removed if they dont like their customers to use the service.
There have been alot of posts about on interact lately.

This is what im reading from the other thread: Do not use with MC, the plug-in is not working, stop asking!

Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 17, 2006, 07:11:09 am
hmm, maybe j.river should send a message to and have the plugin and links to MC removed if they dont like their customers to use the service.

Agreed. And I think they also would have to let their customers know that they don't plan to implement any support in MC.

Maybe then someone will be willing to write a proper third-party plug-in for

Although I don't think JRiver owes anyone an explanation as to why they might think that the service is not worth putting any time and effort into a new built-in functionality, I'm still curious about what's behind the seeming lack of enthusiasm here. I do understand MC users who don't find the service appealing at all but I'm wondering about why JRiver seems not to be interested in catching some of the current and growing excitement generated by Maybe they're right and some of us here are just over-estimating what's nothing else than a temporary buzz about a not-so-interesting service. Yes? No?
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: enervation on February 17, 2006, 07:55:36 am
Some people don't really get it, so I'll try to explain the point of There's loads of ways to use it, but here's the 4 ways I use it:

1. finds musical 'neighbours' (people with similiar musical taste to me), and tells me about them. I then go their pages and listen to a streaming radio station which plays music that they like.

2. recommends individual artists (based on your current listening habits), and you can listen to a streaming radio station which plays these artists.

3. I go to the page of an artist I like, and listen to 'similiar artist radio' ( works out similiar artists from the data they get from users)

4. Users tag music they like, with genre information, specific things about songs (e.g. 'female fronted metal'). I pick a tag which I like, and listen to a radio station that is made up of songs/albums/artists tagged with that tag.

The point of all of these is that you can just listen to streaming radio of stuff that you'll probably like but probably haven't heard before, and that you can find new artists to listen to. I've probably picked up more new artists from than anywhere else (and believe me, I spend hours and hours trying to find new artists to listen to). They get money from 'buy now' amazon links, I find new loads of new artists, everyone's happy!

All of this generates a huge amount of data, that is accessible through this page: Some of this could be great when integrated into MC. For instance, if I choose to listen to a Metallica album, then when that is finished, MC could look up 'similiar artist' information (, and then add any artists in that list that you have in your library to your now playing list. Or, it could generate playlists based on tag information. I could go on, but this post is already way too long :P
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 17, 2006, 09:15:30 am

thanks for all these explanations. I'm sure it will help people who are not familiar with understand what it does and hopefully see the full potential of using this service from within a media player.

All of this generates a huge amount of data, that is accessible through this page: Some of this could be great when integrated into MC. For instance, if I choose to listen to a Metallica album, then when that is finished, MC could look up 'similiar artist' information (, and then add any artists in that list that you have in your library to your now playing list. Or, it could generate playlists based on tag information. I could go on, but this post is already way too long

This is more or less what Amarok does and that I've been trying to explain before. Besides adding to your now playing list songs that are similar to what you're currently listening to, Amarok displays in a sidebar (could be the Action Window in MC) a short list of songs (no more than 5 or 6) that you can add manually to your listening queue. I believe the choice is based on a mix between what suggests, what you have in your library, and your playcounts (songs most listen to show up first in the sidebar). This is definitely a great way of listening to your music: typically, you start by choosing one song/album you're in the mood for, and from there you just let your media player pick what should come next. You can always skip or remove from the queue what you don't want to listen to, but in my experience (with Amarok) this system is incredibly good at suggesting songs you're in the mood for (especially songs you had forgotten about...).
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lpr on February 17, 2006, 09:52:47 am
Although I don't think JRiver owes anyone an explanation as to why they might think that the service is not worth putting any time and effort into a new built-in functionality, I'm still curious about what's behind the seeming lack of enthusiasm here.

Why use FLAC when you have APE?
Why use CDDB, FREEDB or MusicBrainz when you have YADB?
Why use Last.FM when you could have YAScrobbler or whatever it's called if it sees the light of day?

That's why third party plug-ins exist for us users looking for alternative within Media Center.

As long as I can use the audioscrobbler plug-in, I will be happy, or if we have an alternative that works with Last.FM...

Take care.

Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: KingSparta on February 17, 2006, 10:14:38 am
hmm, maybe j.river should send a message to and have the plugin and links to MC removed if they dont like their customers to use the service.

where do you get his idea?

This is what im reading from the other thread: Do not use with MC, the plug-in is not working, stop asking!

where do you get this from?
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 17, 2006, 10:16:50 am

I definitely see your point but since 11.1.120 I have doubt about this:

As long as I can use the audioscrobbler plug-in

this plug-in has always had serious bugs, but it got worse since the last few MC builds. It's unclear at this point what causes the new problem and whether JRiver is going to ask us to just stop using this plug-in or try to fix the problem or come up with their own alternative solution (YAScrobbler? new AS plug-in?).

If this is the case, I guess I could always go back to 11.1.119, forget about getting any new feature or improvement in MC since I'd be stuck with that build, and use it with a not so stable plug-in. I mean, it wouldn't be that terrible: 11.1.119 is still much better than any other Windows media management program I know of.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 17, 2006, 10:26:00 am

I think he gets this from these posts:

It's seriously buggy.  It should probably not be used.

There is a long history of problems with the plug-in.  Please try a search here.

Try a search.

Maybe the systematic 'try a search' answer is read as a (legitimate) refusal to support a third-party plug-in that causes problems. I for one perceive some sort of exasperation not only with the plug-in but with itself. But I could well be wrong and read too much here because of my own impatience with this.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: KingSparta on February 17, 2006, 11:14:27 am
well he is correct on all counts.

Not that my plug-ins are the best things since sliced bread, but that plug-in creates more problems than any other plug-in. It interferes with programming with mc because they need to keep answering questions why MC is crashing or is having problems with mc and the root cause often is that plug-in if it is installed.

Jim Did say he thinks it is or could be of use to users, so i don't see where anyone could say some of the things they are saying about "J rivers" feelings about the plug-in.

The plug-in would work better if:

1. it wrote all data to the drive only.
2. have a second program that sends the data to the site that is outside of MC that may run in the notify bar.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 17, 2006, 11:46:39 am
Not to argue or anything but I believe that once a program is released, the author doesn't have much control over what users think would be of use to them once they've started using it. He can still decide whether or not he wants to try and answer these needs or make it possible for someone else to fill these needs (by allowing third party plug-ins to be written). In other words, whether a plug-in is of use to MC users or not is not for JRiver to decide, it's already a fact because there already are people using the plug-in regardless of how crappy it is in its current state. What JRiver can and has to do is evaluate which of  users' particular needs and wishes are relevant from their point of view, that is considering the costs and benefits of answering these needs. Fortunately, not all of the users' wishes justify that JRiver put time and efforts into trying to satisfy them. It might well be the case of a working plug-in... or not. I just don't know. Maybe JRiver is not interested in this particular service, and maybe they're right about it: maybe it wouldn't bring them that many new customers, maybe very few current customers would drop MC because of its weakness in the area.

The plug-in would work better if:

1. it wrote all data to the drive only.
2. have a second program that sends the data to the site that is outside of MC that may run in the notify bar.

I really wish I could use this info to start writing a new plug-in. I just don't have the skills...
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: Paus on February 17, 2006, 11:53:51 am
I'm also an avid fan of and audioscrobbler and would also like to see some MC integration with this. I also use in all the ways that enervation described and have found it to be a great way to listen to music styles that i like or discover new stuff.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: gk666999 on February 17, 2006, 02:45:57 pm
King: is helping to get to know music for people who had enough with chart toppers and bestsellers. What if your most favorite artists were King Crimson and Tom Waits? Audioscrobbler woud take a note of your playing mostly this artists on your computer, and after a while would present you with custom made radio station. This station will play your favorite artists plus songs that you never heard before. And these songs are pulled from other people's playlists consisting mostly of King Crimson and Tom Waits. You would than have an option to 'Never play this again' or 'I love it'. In addition, you tag artists/albums/tracks with your tags and give Audioscrobbler even greater degree of understanding your prefs. Pick already made tag and listen to radiostation with songs tagged with it. How about playlist made by 600 users with songs 'To listen while skiing downhill?'  :-\
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: Pink Waters on February 17, 2006, 04:39:43 pm
there already are people using the plug-in regardless of how crappy it is
since most MC implemented features are requested from public and thats how mc is getting better, any other change should be asked out for comment from public before taking any action...

anyway.. I am going to stick with iTunes till this issue is clear.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: RhinoBanga on February 18, 2006, 02:00:08 am
FYI, I did eventually get an ID and there is AS support in PN ... it's just disabled due to the problems they were having at the time (their database was down so I couldn't fully test it).

PN tries to be clever and saves the history to a file if it cannot talk to the AS website, so at least you don't lose your history if you cannot connect for whatever reason.

Looks like it's time to ressurect this ...
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 18, 2006, 02:17:16 am

I'm really glad to see you getting involved in this conversation :)

A couple observations:

AS support within PN would suit me well as I am a PN registered user but my guess is that there are lots of people out there who would be interested in a separate plug-in that would focus on AS only. How painful would it be to write a new separate plug-in?

PN tries to be clever and saves the history to a file if it cannot talk to the AS website, so at least you don't lose your history if you cannot connect for whatever reason.

Any chance one could use this to cache playcounts coming from a portable device and send them to
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: RhinoBanga on February 18, 2006, 06:33:00 am
Hi lOth,

How painful would it be to write a new separate plug-in?

It wouldn't be too hard to do but I wouldn't even contemplate it until it all works within PN.

Any chance one could use this to cache playcounts coming from a portable device and send them to

That'd be a lot of work as it would have to take a snapshot of the current playcounts for all your tracks and then after you've sync'd it would have to look for differences ... unless someone knows of a better way of doing it?
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 18, 2006, 07:40:05 am
It wouldn't be too hard to do but I wouldn't even contemplate it until it all works within PN.

Fair enough.

That'd be a lot of work as it would have to take a snapshot of the current playcounts for all your tracks and then after you've sync'd it would have to look for differences ... unless someone knows of a better way of doing it?

I don't know about other portable players but in the case of iPods there would be no need to compare such snapshots of the entire library. I think (please someone confirm this) you "just" have to get the data you want to send to from the play counts file found in the [iPod drive letter]\iPod_Control\iTunes\ folder.
Of course, if MC is set to sync playcounts with the iPod you'd need to get this data before MC resets the file (actually, I think MC just deletes the file once it's extracted and synced the playcounts).
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: c1c9k72 on February 18, 2006, 01:26:01 pm
With the last two builds, when I get about halfway through the first song in the playlist, Media Center shuts down and gives me an application error.  It would seem to have something to do with the iteration of the plays counter, but I'm not sure if that's just coincidental.

Has anyone else had this trouble ?
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 18, 2006, 02:21:17 pm
do you have the audioscrobbler plug-in installed?

If so, have a look there:
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: c1c9k72 on February 18, 2006, 02:50:17 pm
I do.  And somehow, the username and password got deleted.  Reloaded those and it works perfectly now.

Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: mark_h on February 19, 2006, 02:17:13 am
I've started seeing this in the last build.  Every now and then MC crashes and upon restart my audioscrobbler settings are reset to default :'(

In the other thread, according to Matt, "it turned out to be an audioscrobbler problem" but funny how the only thing to change, which caused the problem, was MC  ?

I hope this issue goes away soon.


Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 19, 2006, 03:01:20 am
I hope this issue goes away soon.

I hope so too, but unfortunately, as the plug-in didn't start mutating on its own, the issue won't go away on its own, and since the author of the plug-in has stopped working on it, the fix can only come from some intended change in a new MC build. Unfortunately too, since JRiver's take on this is that the audioscrobbler plug-in is a third-party plug-in they won't spend any time fixing this issue even though it appeared as a result of some recent changes in MC itself.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: JimH on February 19, 2006, 06:47:03 am
The Audioscrobbler problem has been around for a long time.  It's not an MC problem.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: mark_h on February 19, 2006, 06:48:48 am
Except the latest builds of MC have done something to break it further  :'(

Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 19, 2006, 07:56:01 am
The Audioscrobbler problem has been around for a long time.  It's not an MC problem.

Generally speaking, there have been problems with this plug-in for a long time, everyone agrees on this. What I, and it seems many others have started seeing is a new specific problem since build 11.1.120 : never before have I seen my username and password being reset randomly (this is what causes a crash I had never seen before either), never before have I seen an audioscrobbler.ini file being created right on my desktop.

I sincerely do understand JRiver's point of view on this: JRiver is not the author of the plug-in, you shouldn't have to waste time fixing an issue that's not your responsibility. Fair enough. But "it's not an MC problem" is a bit of a stretch, because it really looks like recent changes in MC 11.1 caused, in part, the problem. What you could say is "we realize this is a problem for many MC users, but we consider this is not JRiver's problem". That'd be more accurate and users would feel less in the dark as to what to expect on this particular issue.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: iCamp on February 19, 2006, 10:08:05 am
I would not support a J River-specific copy of LastFM.  Why start a whole new service when a free one is already available?  Furthermore, the reason LastFM works so well is because of the community surrounding it.  J River Media Center is a very small segment of that total community and I would hate to loose the variety of music represented at LastFM by shrinking the total user count to only those of us running MC.

The better solution is to get a properly working plug-in for LastFM on MC.  If I were J River I would release an official plug-in (or at least sponsor the creation of such a plug-in).  I don't understand why they don't just do it.  Judging by the talent at J River they could probably have an excellent plug-in up and running in a few hours.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: iCamp on February 19, 2006, 10:23:08 am

I will buy a license to your playing now plug-in the very moment you announce LastFM support is up and running.  Thanks so much for taking this project on. 
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: runemail on February 20, 2006, 05:14:45 am

I will buy a license to your playing now plug-in the very moment you announce LastFM support is up and running.  Thanks so much for taking this project on. 

Just bought a license :)

Maybe you should consider taking donations if you make a stand-alone plugin.
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: razumik on February 20, 2006, 08:31:05 am
Maybe you should consider taking donations if you make a stand-alone plugin.

You have my donation if you do...
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: Pink Waters on February 20, 2006, 11:21:08 am
You have my donation if you do...
Me as well
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: RhinoBanga on February 20, 2006, 03:39:56 pm
Hi All,

There'd be no point in taking donations since the price of PN is so small anyway.   Some good news though ... I've nearly got AS support up and running ...
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: runemail on February 20, 2006, 04:21:20 pm
Hi All,

There'd be no point in taking donations since the price of PN is so small anyway.   Some good news though ... I've nearly got AS support up and running ...

What i ment was if you were going to make a "free" plugin without playing now. The price on PN is just fine by me.
In fact I think that I bought it  a couple of years ago, and then for the second time today :)
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: LonWar on February 20, 2006, 04:55:13 pm
thanks for your effort Jammie.... I look forward to playing with it.

Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: Marty3d on February 20, 2006, 05:19:14 pm
With the last two builds, when I get about halfway through the first song in the playlist, Media Center shuts down and gives me an application error.  It would seem to have something to do with the iteration of the plays counter, but I'm not sure if that's just coincidental.

Has anyone else had this trouble ?
Yes. I solved it by
1. Enable the plugin
2. Exit MC
3. Restart MC

Then it worked :)
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: RhinoBanga on February 21, 2006, 11:59:31 am
The alpha of PN v1.3 with AS support is available:
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: lOth on February 21, 2006, 02:02:17 pm
The alpha of PN v1.3 with AS support is available:

you're the man.

maybe we should have some sort of "let's ditch that old audioscrobbler plug-in!" party.

We just have to hope that a new 11.1 build won't break the shiny new PN. I doubt it can happen, but hey, if it does I guess you're responsible ;)
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: mark_h on February 22, 2006, 03:12:43 am
Thank you so much!  You have saved Media Center for me!  I could not use a player which didn't support LastFM somehow and now we have a viable alternative to the old plugin.


Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: Pink Waters on February 22, 2006, 03:55:26 am
Thanks RhinoBanga
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: GHammer on February 22, 2006, 06:00:11 pm
Works a treat!

Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: brossmac on March 20, 2006, 12:36:53 am
PlayingNow ROCKS!!!
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: marko on March 20, 2006, 12:46:08 am
it does indeed.

I'm not sure about using one of the 'medium' skins as a forum sig though. I feel they're a shade too large for that, Imagine how things would look and load if everyone used one.

If there's nothing on the 'slim skin' pages that catches your eye, perhaps I could make a 'slim' version of medium-black for you to use instead?
Title: Re: Audioscrobbler plug-in
Post by: brossmac on March 20, 2006, 09:00:01 am
it does indeed.

I'm not sure about using one of the 'medium' skins as a forum sig though. I feel they're a shade too large for that, Imagine how things would look and load if everyone used one.

If there's nothing on the 'slim skin' pages that catches your eye, perhaps I could make a 'slim' version of medium-black for you to use instead?

Very true.  I run a forum and hate when people use gigantic sig pics.  I would love a slim skin with a larger thumbnail--one that almost takes up the vertical size.  I tried changing the thumb type in the INI but they were either too big or too small.