Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: JONCAT on February 27, 2006, 08:20:16 pm

Title: Streaming to PocketPC
Post by: JONCAT on February 27, 2006, 08:20:16 pm
Stupid question but I am starting from scratch.

Will NetRemote stream over wi-fi or cellular data service to a pocketpc client?

I want to try out a Cingular 8125 and stream audio to it. I know noting about PPC's ....can you install MC on Windows Mobile 5???


Dr. C
Title: Re: Streaming to PocketPC
Post by: Robert Taylor on February 28, 2006, 04:42:00 am
NetRemote is for conrolling an instance of Media Center from a PC or PocketPC.

I stream music (with varying amounts of success) from Media Center's uPNP server to Nero ShowTime Mobile on my Dell Axim x50V (only available as download if you are a registered customer).

I have also had some success with the NEVO media software which came with my HP IPAQ (also via uPNP server).
Title: Re: Streaming to PocketPC
Post by: JONCAT on February 28, 2006, 07:47:33 am
I am tired of waiting for the Neuros III and I may try out a Pocket PC. I'll post back here if I can find one with decent audio output.

dr. c
Title: Re: Streaming to PocketPC
Post by: JONCAT on February 28, 2006, 10:45:08 am
But Cingular's new offering is based on a different technology, called HSDPA, for High Speed Downlink Packet Access.

Seems like Cingular's EDGE may not be fast enough for streaming some Ogg (normal) files. I'd like to give it a whirl though since it's 20$/month for unlimited use.

Title: Re: Streaming to PocketPC
Post by: JONCAT on March 01, 2006, 07:54:27 pm
Does NETREMOTE allow steaming? What is the two way communication referred to n their site?