Devices => Androids and other portables => Topic started by: razumik on February 28, 2006, 06:32:21 pm
I have recently purchased a 1GB IPOD Nano and am unable to transfer cover art to it using MC. Apple just released the 1GB in the past few weeks and I am not sure if there are any database changes from the 2GB and 4GB versions. I have tried just about everything that I can think of without success. A couple things to note:
1. If I transfer the same files using iTunes album art shows up on the device.
2. I have an 5G Video and have no trouble transferring album art to it and I am syncing the same library and files.
3. I have all of my cover art stored in the tags.
4. I have also created a small library with a single album and tried storing album art as folder.jpg.
5. I have restored with several versions of the IPOD updater and have re-initiallized using MC.
6. As far as I can tell the file/folder structure in iPod_Control on both the Video and the Nano are the same.
7. One strange thing that I have noticed is that if I first sync 25 songs with iTunes (cover art shows up) and then sync 50 songs with MC (25 of the songs are the same and already on the device and 25 are different) the cover art still shows up for the files that I initially synced with iTunes...I would have thought that MC would have completely overwritten the covert art db...assuming that two programs are modifying the same file.
Can you copy your system info from MC Help and paste it here?
Here is my system info...though I forgot to mention that I get the same results on two different PC's. Thanks.
Media Center Registered 11.1.133 -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\
Microsoft Windows XP Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
AMD Unknown 2199 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1047 MB, Free - 533 MB
Internet Explorer: 6.0.2900.2180 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.2900 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.2900 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.2900 / wnaspi32.dll: 4.71 (0002) , ASPI for Win32 DLL, Copyright © 1989-2002 Adaptec, Inc. / Aspi32.sys: 4.71 (0002)
Ripping / Drive D: COMBO-52X16C Mode:Normal Type:Auto Speed:Max
Digital playback: Yes / Use YADB: Yes / Get cover art: No / Calc replay gain: Yes / Copy volume: 32767
Eject after ripping: Yes / Play sound after ripping: No
Burning / Drive D: COMBO-52X16C Addr: 3:1:0 Speed:52 MaxSpeed:52 BurnProof:Yes
Test mode: No / Eject after writing: Yes / Direct decoding: Yes / Write CD-Text: Yes
Use playback settings: No /
Could you email the system info file from the device to matt @
I'm wondering if we just don't realize it's a nano because of the new model number.
Thanks for checking. I have sent the file. Please let me know if you do not get it.
Thanks for the file. Tonight's build will have updated handling for your 1GB Nano.
Thanks Matt, everything is working now.