More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: MrHaugen on March 22, 2006, 07:54:44 am

Title: Missing navigation configuration i Theater View?
Post by: MrHaugen on March 22, 2006, 07:54:44 am
I'm using MC 11.1.121 with a iMON remote controller

When using the left and right arrows I can easily navigate the menues. But I think it is strange you have to hit enter and then select an action from the "ugly" meny (play, add, select, cancel etc...). This kinda mess up the otherwise nice view. And it is much work if there is alot of songs to add from the library to "playing now" etc...

Is there really NO options for setting default behavior for enter when you are in Theater View?
If not; is there other ways to do this more user friendly?
Title: Re: Missing navigation configuration i Theater View?
Post by: raym on March 22, 2006, 05:12:28 pm
This is a good idea and I'm looking forward in seeing some Theater View enhancements soon to coincide with the rapid developments being made to MC in general.
Title: Re: Missing navigation configuration i Theater View?
Post by: Matt on March 22, 2006, 05:43:31 pm
In theater view, double click goes in.

Pressing space plays the selection.
Title: Re: Missing navigation configuration i Theater View?
Post by: MrHaugen on March 22, 2006, 08:20:57 pm
In theater view, double click goes in.

Pressing space plays the selection.

Double click seems to do no different than a single click... Just more flashing of the menu. A single click will get you in from the main menu and the buttons on the left side after that. But nothing else....

As to the space key. It works pretty good.
It adds playlists to playing now. The problem appears when you want to brows the library and add single songs. If you hit space at that time, the whole "Playing now" list will be replaced by the one song. It can be rather confusing for someone who do not have any training (like a drunk buddy). You can hit enter and select Add. But still confusing...

I would REALLY like options for default behavior when hitting enter/space on playlists and single files (and possibly albums).
My preffered setup would be:

Play playlist (replace Playing Now)
Add single songs to Playing Now (add to bottom of list or play next)

Despite this few things; still the best application in the world!
Love you guys :D
Title: Re: Missing navigation configuration i Theater View?
Post by: Griff on March 24, 2006, 08:03:52 pm
then select an action from the "ugly" meny (play, add, select, cancel etc...).

This kinda mess up the otherwise nice view.

And it is much work if there is alot of songs to add from the library to "playing now" etc...

Well, Never mind .............................

People have said this since the beginning of MC11/Theater view/aka Hairstyle.

If you want a mean mach. w/Hairstyle try MC10.


PS Maybe MC12/hairstyle will be better/ no maze of menus.


Title: Re: Missing navigation configuration i Theater View?
Post by: MrHaugen on March 27, 2006, 08:59:52 am
Indeed, let's hope so.

And by the way; I want half star ratings!!  :D
Sorry. A little far from my original topic.