Devices => Androids and other portables => Topic started by: olarte on April 06, 2006, 08:16:34 am

Title: help: Cant' see album or lyrics when playing tunes from the Ipod in MC!
Post by: olarte on April 06, 2006, 08:16:34 am
Now that lyrics are working etc, and since overwrite on sync is not available,

I was going to browse through files on the Ipod in MC, and remove files that do not have lyrics or art then re-sync them... but i noticed that once they are transfered to the ipod, they no longer show the lyrics or art in MC.

THey show up fine in the ipod if they have lyrics or art... the problem is that in the views on MC, the image and lyrics fields are blank for files on the Ipod.

I add these two fields to see if they contain these items etc and this works great on the pc drives  just not on the Ipod.

Can this be fixed, or is there a way to determine at a glance what files on the ipod don't have lyrics etc???

Title: Re: help: Cant' see album or lyrics when playing tunes from the Ipod in MC!
Post by: Matt on April 06, 2006, 02:43:43 pm
You can't view lyrics and art for files on the iPod.  (the iPod doesn't make it easy to get this information)

Use your local library to see what files don't have art.  This way, you can leverage all of MC's browsing power.
Title: Re: help: Cant' see album or lyrics when playing tunes from the Ipod in MC!
Post by: olarte on April 06, 2006, 02:58:13 pm
You can't view lyrics and art for files on the iPod.  (the iPod doesn't make it easy to get this information)

Use your local library to see what files don't have art.  This way, you can leverage all of MC's browsing power.

That's the precisesly the problem, as I do lyrics and cover art in batches,  they will be different than the ipod files so I can't go by what's on MC. I already do this in MC... now I need a way to either overwrite files on sync... which has already been requested, or manually figure out which have not been updated with lyrics on the ipod so I can delete them.

Oh well...  thanks anyway.

Please see about being able to overwrite the existing files.

The lyrics are finally working fine..  Thanks.   ::)
Title: Re: help: Cant' see album or lyrics when playing tunes from the Ipod in MC!
Post by: Matt on April 07, 2006, 10:28:59 am
Overwrite on sync should be the same as Initialize (remove all) followed by a Sync.
Title: Re: help: Cant' see album or lyrics when playing tunes from the Ipod in MC!
Post by: micahmj11 on April 07, 2006, 12:32:43 pm
So does that mean there are no plans to have MC to force a sync of a file once there has been a change in album art or lyrics?  Is there something about the way that the iPod works that makes this undoable, where as it is standard procedure for other tag changes like name, artist, or album?

Title: Re: help: Cant' see album or lyrics when playing tunes from the Ipod in MC!
Post by: olarte on April 07, 2006, 01:57:06 pm
Overwrite on sync should be the same as Initialize (remove all) followed by a Sync.

THat would not make sense at least for me... that is to wipe out say 5000+ tracks just to update 100 or so of tunes that now have lyrics.

All I want is to be able to overwrite file that already exist in the Ipod with fresh copies as I modify them and drag them onto the Ipod window.

Surely that can be done...   ;D
Title: Re: help: Cant' see album or lyrics when playing tunes from the Ipod in MC!
Post by: Jakester on April 14, 2006, 03:03:00 pm
Dito on ^^^ this request