Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: EpF on April 10, 2006, 12:19:48 am

Title: New Skin idea - feedback wanted: Updated
Post by: EpF on April 10, 2006, 12:19:48 am
Here's a mock-up of an idea I have for a new skin (it's a link to a full-size):

( (

I'd like to know what people think of it. I'd really like some critiques and suggestions, and some idea of whether people would use it if completed.

If I do finish it, it'll be a couple of months before it's done, but if there seems to be interest, I'll do it, so let me know.

Thanks in advance..

(P.S. If you don't like the trackinfo display, try to ignore it! It's just a quick adaptation of one I use all the time.)
Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted
Post by: johnnyboy on April 10, 2006, 03:37:07 am
Looks cool except I personally would prefer slightly clearer buttons :)
Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted
Post by: EpF on April 10, 2006, 03:40:12 am
Looks cool except I personally would prefer slightly clearer buttons :)
Thanks! Do you mean you'd prefer discrete 'button-shaped' buttons - an outline that tells you where to click inside of?
Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted
Post by: ferent on April 10, 2006, 04:21:01 am
Dark Text with dark background itīs no easy to read
Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted
Post by: EpF on April 10, 2006, 04:41:12 am
Dark Text with dark background itīs no easy to read
I'm guessing you mean the top part of the tree... As the gradient gets lighter, at what point do you think it's acceptably legible?
Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted
Post by: ferent on April 10, 2006, 04:52:56 am
Have you tried to use light colors for text, like:


why black text?
Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted
Post by: EpF on April 10, 2006, 11:28:51 am
why black text?
I'm going for something a bit moodier - but I'll check out a light colour and see what I think..
Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted: Updated
Post by: EpF on April 10, 2006, 02:41:03 pm
After 70 views and few replies  :(, I've added a small screenshot to the first post to create a bit of incentive to check it out...
Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted: Updated
Post by: ferent on April 10, 2006, 02:52:23 pm
I would like to see an skin like Nvidia art, see this image:

The black, gray and green are excellent, clear and professional!!

Maybe too difficult to do  ?
Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted: Updated
Post by: EpF on April 10, 2006, 04:03:49 pm
I would like to see an skin like Nvidia art, see this image:

The black, gray and green are excellent, clear and professional!!

Maybe too difficult to do  ?
Ferent, I appreciate your replies! The style in the Pixstudio link wouldn't be too hard to do, but it wouldn't be my cup of tea!

I was messing around with photoshop to see what I could do for a skin, and I came up with the mock-up in this post, which is the kind of thing I like. For examle, I use the Thunderstorm skin at the moment - I like the darker, moodier themes. If I wanted a bright skin, I'd probably just use an XP imitator, or PixOS.

I made the mock-up available cause I thought it'd be fun to develop it as a mock-up first, with the input of potential users to help refine it; but if it's not what people want, that's cool - I might follow it up or not at my leisure...

Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted: Updated
Post by: Mr ChriZ on April 10, 2006, 05:29:18 pm
I love it  ;D
It's kinda like
"Black and Decker Media Center" Get's the Job done!
Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted: Updated
Post by: EpF on April 10, 2006, 11:23:48 pm
It's kinda like
"Black and Decker Media Center" Get's the Job done!
I guess that's a reference to the buttons - I'm not sure about them... If you check out the full screenshot, they're different, and I prefer that look. The B&D look could be reserved for mouse-over or pressed states...

Thanks for the feedback!

Hi EpF,

I also prefer the dark skins, and am looking forward to your first version ;)
and, Thanks
Thanks LisaRCT! Hopefully I'll get it done soon...
Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted: Updated
Post by: Tab on April 13, 2006, 09:51:20 pm
Cool. Do it.

People vary in ability to read low contrast text, so it might be worth making a bundle of 2 or even 3 almost identical skins, one as is, one medium contrast and one high. That way, with nothing more than a few lines edited, everyone can have whichever version they like and can read.

Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted: Updated
Post by: datdude on April 13, 2006, 11:34:11 pm
It looks different from other MC skins so that is good.

No matter what you do though, make sure to maximize the MC library browsing space.  I use aruba with high contrast skin effect, not because its the greatest looking skin, but because it has the smallest top display area of all the skins!
Title: Re: New Skin idea - feedback wanted: Updated
Post by: EpF on May 23, 2006, 09:57:37 am
Thanks for the suggestions, Tab and Datdude! I've been too busy to do anything on this for a while, but I'm looking forward to having some more time very soon; I'll keep this post updated as I go..