Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Magic_Randy on April 22, 2006, 01:29:45 am
I used KingSparta's Lyrics Finder and was able to get lyrics for 6000+ songs the first time I ran a batch.
I've since added lyrics for about 2000 songs using EvilLyrics and other sources. All this is much more time consuming than using the batch capabilities of KingSparta's Lyrics Finder.
I've uploaded the additional lyrics I found to KingSparta. Please do the same and we can all benefit.
thank you...
Eeeh. This might be a dumb question.
How do I upload the additional lyrics I have found?
Can I make the plugin go through my collection and upload the ones that it can't find in it's own collection or something?
I do not have a system wich tells me what is found with wich tools...
Can I make the plugin go through my collection and upload the ones that it can't find in it's own collection or something?
Just put all your files in and press batch, it checks all files, if you have lyrics it checks the server to see if it has it if it does not it uploads it if it does it just continues to the next file.
also sometimes running the batch may miss a few files if there is a comunications problem so sometimes running it twice may get a bit more lyrics.
Ok. That's what I thought.
But I think my short lyrics will not get uped. I try to wright Instrumental on tracks with no lyrics. The lyrics had to be over 150 bytes right?
Is there anything you can do with that? Make a lyrics filter for upload and download of lyrics witch contains "Instrumental" or "contains no lyrics" etc?
Just a thought...
Thanks for a great plugin. Far superior of the others I have tried!
2000 more lyrics or so coming up after some quality control
I will be updating it when MC12 comes out, I already started working on it
It will have a slidebar so you can adjust the amount of bytes
Ok. That's good. Looking forward to it.
But it would also mean there are a much bigger chance for spam right? If you can't filter out all, except for this and that.
Bah. What the hell do I know...
I will be updating it when MC12 comes out, I already started working on it
It will have a slidebar so you can adjust the amount of bytes
King, do you have an approximate ETA for this? Once I get my files updated, I am almost scared to update your database beacause I may lose the work I did because of that 150 character limit.
King, do you have an approximate ETA for this?
not sure when MC12 will be out in beta
as for the plug-in when i get around to it, i sort of put it on hold since i got lazy.
you still will not be able to upload anything less than 150 bytes.
you can not upload anything that already exists
i was thinking about adding a delete option to delete lyrics already on the site, not sure.