Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: nickharambee on May 13, 2006, 07:12:28 am
could someone please tell me if it is possible to use user fields from MC when editing the index html file for the CSS Dream plugin. Fields are entered in the format 'trackinfo_insert_[field]' but when i enter this text in the html file i just get the text 'trackinfo_insert_[field]' rather than the info for that field.
What exactly did you want to change?
i have changed quite a lot in the index and main files so that this plugin works as i would like it to. all has gone fine, except that i would like to be able to display custom fields. e.g. the country of the album, along with standard info such as album, artist, etc.
what is the CSS Dream plugin?
it is a track info plugin
From the Track Info SDK ( Info.html):
TrackInfo_Insert(field name)
where, field name - predefined (click here to see complete list of predefined fields) or user defined name of the field
TrackInfo_Insert(Artist) will result in the whole string being replaced by artist name.
TrackInfo_Insert(Cool New Field) will result in the whole string being replaced by contents of the user created field called Cool New Field.
thanks doof