Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Marra on May 23, 2006, 03:24:30 am

Title: eYeMuSic Track Info plug-in released
Post by: Marra on May 23, 2006, 03:24:30 am
A new track info plug-in eYeMuSiC is now available here under most recent

As the title suggests, it combines music and images together in new displays.  Some images are included but can altered to suit your own taste.  Hopefully a new plug-in will be eventually written to collect artist images easier than the tedious copying process that exists at the moment.  Excerpt from the enclosed help file follows :
I have extensively used various java script, applets etc to achieve this end result.  It is by design heavy on images and CPU. On lesser hardware, it may struggle to perform and impact on the audio being played. Initial load can be slow but thereafter appears to settle down.  Best used in full screen display and background image dimensions are mostly 1024 X 768.
Menu system.
Apart from the main screen, the menu system may not be obvious. To activate the menu, click on the red ball in the top left hand corner of every screen. To change menu system, edit file "menu.txt".
Main screen.
Random background images are located in directory "Background". Images are named "bg (X).jpg" allowing mass name changes. To add backgrounds of your own,
delete one and replace one of your own named as the one just deleted. (remember space between bg and (X).)
The mini slide show displays a maximum of 55 different images. These images are located in directory "images/slideshow" named image.jpg , image (1).jpg, image (2).jpg etc.
Track, Artist and Album.
These reflect my personal use and tags gained using @tagger (no longer available). I am willing to modify to cater for other requests. Album art currently replaces artist image while I patiently wait for someone to write a plug-in to get artist images.
Displays lyrics in larger font size.
Use as an option for one-off tagging. Also willing to add other search options.
Use to access any website by editing "menu.txt".  Hopefully this is clear to follow. Let me know if you need assistance.
Just fun that I've picked up along the way.
Other eye candy options.
Source code should reflect all credits for script included. Some search options and rating stars have been adopted from the All I Need track info. Images are generally ones I have collected over the years (2,000+ images). Not ever thinking I would be doing something public like this, the sources can not be credited.
Known problems.
At the start of every new track, main screen recommences within and outside Media Center. Slide show occasionaly stalls - mouse over or ckick on stalled image to re-start.

This has been a huge learning experience for me so don't look closely at the script. All I know is that it works on my system and hopefully yours. Enjoy and looking forward to your feedback.

Title: Re: eYeMuSic Track Info plug-in released
Post by: Mr ChriZ on May 29, 2006, 02:18:46 pm
Anyone tried this yet?
I'd love to see some screenshots!
Oddly enough I can't get it to work on my machine at the moment as
IE's being a ** and won't run the javascript, and I really don't have
time to look into it at the moment!
Title: Re: eYeMuSic Track Info plug-in released
Post by: ferent on May 29, 2006, 02:40:08 pm
I like it, but the next problem make it unusable:

At the start of every new track, main screen recommences within and outside Media Center. Slide show occasionaly stalls - mouse over or ckick on stalled image to re-start.
Title: Re: eYeMuSic Track Info plug-in released
Post by: Marra on May 30, 2006, 09:24:42 pm
I am aware of this problem but have no idea how to fix it.
To explain what is happening further - with the start of each new track, the track info template pops up whether in  MC or using other programs.  I  would like it to not do this - it is annoying I know.  Can any coders out there give me any assistance with this. TIA

Title: Re: eYeMuSic Track Info plug-in released
Post by: schmoose on May 31, 2006, 01:58:48 am
edit: found it, under trackinfo templates
Title: Re: eYeMuSic Track Info plug-in released
Post by: Marra on June 03, 2006, 04:35:44 am
I have just tested this on another notebook and javascript is not running (like Mr Chriz's problem). However I have it working on main PC.
Both are using IE 6 sp2 - should I be adjusting certain settings within IE security?  Both systems' settings appear to be the same.
What should I be looking for ?  Are others having similar problems ?
Any help appreciated.
Title: Re: eYeMuSic Track Info plug-in released
Post by: Mr ChriZ on June 03, 2006, 09:03:27 am
It's weird I've just clean installed XP.  It's now working on my machine,
but the menu doesn't work!
Title: Re: eYeMuSic Track Info plug-in released
Post by: Mr ChriZ on June 03, 2006, 09:19:32 am
This seemed to resolve things

This is really quite cool Marra, as you say quite different from anything else  :)
Title: Re: eYeMuSic Track Info plug-in released
Post by: Mr ChriZ on June 03, 2006, 03:10:49 pm
Quick question..
Is there any quick way of changing the resoloution on this?
Title: Re: eYeMuSic Track Info plug-in released
Post by: Marra on June 08, 2006, 01:45:24 am
Mr Chriz

Sorry, there is no easy way to change dimensions of images.  Basically I've left this up to the end user to  incorporate own images as backgrounds and slideshows.  I'm sure my taste in images (and music) is not appealing to everyone.  And monitor sizes vary so much these days.