Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: MrC on May 23, 2006, 02:28:04 pm
I just discovered last night that if there is a semicolon ( ; ) in a track name, or complex characters, MC will not import such tracks, and generates no indication of failures. There are just lots of incomplete albums.
Scott, would you be able to take a look at this?
[ edit. It appears this problem occurs w/a semicolon anywhere in the path name. ]
I reported the problem with semicolons in Flac file names in a thread on the MC 11 forum on May 1.
The problem seems to be specific to Flac files.
Scott told me he would look into the problem then. I haven't heard anything since.
Bill Hunt
I'm sure Scott has been busy, and will update when he gets a chance.
I looked at the code to see what the problem is. The code is assuming any file with a semicolon is a cuesheet file. The algorithm for determining cuesheets needs to be tightened up. I would post an update myself, but I don't have the development tools handy.
Until then, we'll wait patiently.
Sorry for the delay, was on vacation for the past week.
In fact, I've already fixed the problem, but perhaps it hasn't been posted to the site yet (I was waiting to fix another problem).
I'll post the current version as-is sometime later today.
Thanks, much appreciated!
I appreciate your effort in looking into the problem and deviing a fix.
Thanks, folks. Sorry for the hold-up but the week off did me a world of good :)