Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Magic_Randy on July 01, 2006, 03:06:22 pm

Title: How to Display Long Lyrics?
Post by: Magic_Randy on July 01, 2006, 03:06:22 pm
I’m not sure if this is a skin question or an MC feature question, so I’ll start here.

I have many tracks with long lyrics.  I try to display the lyrics in MC but the bottom gets cut off and there does not appear to be any way to scroll the lyrics.

To display the lyrics I’m in the ‘Playing Now’ view with the display set to Track Information: DJ 2.

Are there skins that control this or am I limited to what is standard in MC?  Any suggestions? 

Title: Re: How to Display Long Lyrics?
Post by: dcwebman on July 01, 2006, 03:34:16 pm
Start playing a song, right-click on the Playing Now DJ 2 screen, and select Enable Scrollbars. Not sure if it will take place or not right away, and if it doesn't, close MC and start it again.
Title: Re: How to Display Long Lyrics?
Post by: Magic_Randy on July 01, 2006, 05:20:15 pm
Start playing a song, right-click on the Playing Now DJ 2 screen, and select Enable Scrollbars. Not sure if it will take place or not right away, and if it doesn't, close MC and start it again.

Thanks for the tip, but I tried that before.  It will scroll which helps if I'm not in full screen and have a view of the tracks below, but the lyrics themselves do not scroll.  So if the lyrics are longer than the space provided, they are still cut off.

Title: Re: How to Display Long Lyrics?
Post by: mesue on July 01, 2006, 05:32:20 pm
You might like to try my "All I Need" Track Info layout. It's primarily optimized for viewing lyrics (and cover art), though you do have to scroll the lyrics manually. You can find it here:
Read through the thread if you have trouble getting the scroll bars to stay.
Title: Re: How to Display Long Lyrics?
Post by: Magic_Randy on July 01, 2006, 06:11:40 pm
You might like to try my "All I Need" Track Info layout. It's primarily optimized for viewing lyrics (and cover art), though you do have to scroll the lyrics manually. You can find it here:
Read through the thread if you have trouble getting the scroll bars to stay.


Very nice. It looks like my long lyrics fit (at least the ones I checked).

It would be great if there could be scrolling just for the lyrics section, that way there would be no limits.  But I guess MC does not support that. 

Title: Re: How to Display Long Lyrics?
Post by: mesue on July 01, 2006, 06:37:28 pm
Track Info pages are just HTML, so if you can do it with HTML, JavaScript, etc… I'm sure it could be done in a Track Info layout. I made this track info for myself, and figuring out an auto-scrolling method was way beyond my capabilities. I don't care for the lyrics in a box with its own scroll bar style that some trackinfo pages have.

I've never seen long lyrics cut off with this one, though, and I have lyrics in about 11,000 songs of my collection. If you know a little HTML you can tinker with the files. I know some folks don't care for the type size I used, so I made that easily editable.
Title: Re: How to Display Long Lyrics?
Post by: Magic_Randy on July 01, 2006, 07:14:48 pm

So far no lyrics are cut off with your design, so I'm happy with the version you created.

Title: Re: How to Display Long Lyrics?
Post by: dcwebman on July 02, 2006, 08:04:14 pm
I agree. Sue's track info is the one I always use.