Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: dlone on July 16, 2006, 10:36:03 am

Title: Wanted - html guy to bug fix a track info template i've been playing with
Post by: dlone on July 16, 2006, 10:36:03 am
I've been playing about with the dreamstate track info template
I've managed to get dynamic button for lyrics, bios, comment that appear/disappear depending on whether the data is available, and a dynamic positioning of cover art

Trouble is, I'm useless at web design (this is my first attempt) and it's kinda stuck with a minimum size (I've got 2 1280*1024 screens, so it's not so good at 800 by 600)

If anyone could have a look at it I'd be grateful

Basically it needs the 3 main overlapping layers to be resized as the window size changes
For example the lyrics view should resize to fit the window etc

You can download it at either of the 2 following places, it's only 48k (works fine at 1280*1024, and probably 1024*768 1D.rar
If you've never used rapidshare, click the free button and type in the password given

Ta in advance

Oh yeah - PM's and email's fine
