Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: jojo1967 on September 01, 2006, 03:12:29 pm

Title: Chart Finder
Post by: jojo1967 on September 01, 2006, 03:12:29 pm
I finally decided to work on my media system and finish up some things I'd been putting off, especiallyl with my most recent move and buying a house.  Well, ....

I was playing with the chart finder, I've run it in batches, and appears to work, but does nothing.  It runs for a while, then tells me, batch complete.  Nothing was changed, I look in the events list and it has a long string of filenames.txt does not exist ??

I thought it was suposed to get some information from the net.  Did I misunderstand the docs?  Perhaps I didn't RTFM the right thing.  Iv'e tried search and not had any luck
Title: Re: Chart Finder
Post by: KingSparta on September 01, 2006, 04:15:42 pm
not sure anymore, it may not work

i have not played with it for over a year.

i may make a new one but get the data from one place on the net that has up to date info.
Title: Re: Chart Finder
Post by: jojo1967 on September 01, 2006, 04:25:18 pm
I see, well thanks for the reply then.... Guess I'll try to find something else now.  Any sugestions?

I was also trying to find your 'Bios' plugins, but couldn't find it in links on your site. 
Title: Re: Chart Finder
Post by: KingSparta on September 01, 2006, 04:55:44 pm
I was also trying to find your 'Bios' plugins, but couldn't find it in links on your site.

maybe one day something will be there to replace it.

the week of sep 20th my wife is going in the hosp, and be laid up for a few days so maybe i will play with it then, since i will also be on vacation.
Title: Re: Chart Finder
Post by: dlone on September 01, 2006, 05:12:33 pm
<grin> you sound like "tim-the toolman"
Title: Re: Chart Finder
Post by: KingSparta on September 04, 2006, 04:41:52 pm
place songs in playing now

if the songs are new there is no data for them but older songs should work, as long as your artist and song name fields are ok.

the program should download all the dat for that artist, for all there songs.

then it should pull that dat up on the list and see if any of the songs on that list match the current song.