Select, right click, Library Tools, Fill Track Number....
the track number display goes away in the tagging window
I just did it in mc 12.0.81
Not here
I can't even get Track # to show up in the 'Tag' window. It doesn't appear as an option under 'more tags'.
I don't see it in the tagging window. But it is there in the details pane. You can edit it there, both for single tracks & multiple tracks.
I Liked The Tagging Window In MC 11 Better, You Had More Control Over All The Fields.
I Liked The Tagging Window In MC 11 Better, You Had More Control Over All The Fields.
maybe if I understood what your trying to do with tags I could buy into this, but I would not want this for my use. sorry
I Liked The Tagging Window In MC 11 Better, You Had More Control Over All The Fields.
I Liked The Tagging Window In MC 11 Better, You Had More Control Over All The Fields./me nods in agreement
I Liked The Tagging Window In MC 11 Better, You Had More Control Over All The Fields.
Some of us (me and Modelmaker and others with more than one monitor) would really also like to be able to detach the Advanced (MC11.1) Style Tag Editor from the Action Window and place it on our second monitor in a regular resizable dialog window.
Keep in mind that in-place editing is very powerful. You can create a view scheme with whatever columns you want and tag essentially fullscreen.
Plus, even though it DOES work for multiple files, it certainly isn't easy to use or always intuitive.
It does?? That would save me a lot of trouble. How do you do that?
You mean multiple files using the grid (details), not tagging mode, right?
It doesn't. I was smoking crack or something.
In-place editing FULLY SUPPORTS multiple files at once. Select a bunch, right-click > Rename. (or F2)
Tab, Shift-Tab, Pg-Up, Pg-Down, etc. also work with multiple files selected.
Keep in mind that in-place editing is very powerful. You can create a view scheme with whatever columns you want and tag essentially fullscreen.Viewschemes and column view editing are fine for certain things - e.g., when you already know that you want to edit or view certain tags, or when you have a new batch of files and you have schemes set up for processing them, but in v12 you could end up having to navigate through several levels of the tree to get to a viewscheme which has the tags you want, or have to reset your columns in 'customize current view', only to then have to either navigate back or reset your columns in order to get back to where you were, when in 11.1, it's all there in the AW!
In-place editing FULLY SUPPORTS multiple files at once. Select a bunch, right-click > Rename. (or F2)
Tab, Shift-Tab, Pg-Up, Pg-Down, etc. also work with multiple files selected.
We will either change it so most people are happy with it, or we'll revert to the former tagging method. We're not proud.
But the Twins lost today and we're unable to cope with anything more at the moment.
a solution that makes everybody happy
You're an optimist.
Part of this is a subjective preference, but given the need to scroll in the track pane (at which point you may not be able to see both the name of the track AND the field you want to edit, which is disconcerting)
You're an optimist.
I actually have known about this capability the whole time, but I find that it's simply not as easy to use as the Tag Window. Part of this is a subjective preference, but given the need to scroll in the track pane (at which point you may not be able to see both the name of the track AND the field you want to edit, which is disconcerting), and given that not all the tags will be in View Scheme you're using, the track pane is not as conducive to the process of tag editing. I like the consistancy of using the Tag Window in this regard -- it's ONE place you go to in order to see ALL the tags regardless of the current View Scheme, and it makes sense to edit them here.
I'm never sure what I'm editing, and... good word, it's disconcerting. The MC11.1 way I could clearly and easily check to see what is selected before making a change to multiple files (and de-select some files and select some more quickly and easily).
It's also still definitely slower than the MC11.1 way... It seems like a small thing, but scrolling left and right is not as convenient as scrolling up and down. Maybe some day I'll get one of those swanky left-right scroll wheels, but until then... This is made worse by the fact that I can't typically see what I have selected when I'm editing a field that's placed "way over" to the right side (because the "name" and "artist" and other basic fields have scrolled off the screen). I have to scroll all the way back over, select something else (or often I find just verify that I have the right thing selected -- and fix it when I don't), then scroll back right and figure out where I was again. There's other stuff too... I still miss the MC11.1 editor's collapsible groupings for example..
The task:
Import subtitle files from the video file folder. The video files are already imported and partially tagged. Tag all files properly and rename the disk files.
1. Select the files in Windows Explorer and drag them to Playing Now.
The screen looks like this at this stage:
2. Click the artist column (in the file area) > press Ctrl+A > press F2 > press Enter
=> Result: all files have the Artist field filled as "Keeping Up Appearances".
a) Click the Name field of the first file, press Shift (keep pressed) + Down Arrow two times, press F2, press Enter
=> Result: the first three files have the Name field filled as "S01E01 - Daddy's Accident".
b) Press Down Arrow once, press Shift (keep pressed) + Down Arrow two times, press F2, press Enter
=> Result: the next three files have the Name field filled as "S01E02 - The Christening".
c) Repeat the step 3.b) four times for fixing the rest of the names.
4. Click the album column, press Ctrl+A, press F2, write the album name (Series 1) and press enter
=> Result: all files have the Album field filled as "Series 1"
5. Click the Date column, press Ctrl+A, press F2, write the correct year (1990) and press Enter
=> Result: all files have the Date field filled as "1990"
6. Click the File Type column header to reorder the files. Click the first AVI file on the Genre column, press Shift (keep pressed) + Down Arrow five times, press F2, Write "Co" (MC suggests Comedy), press Enter, press Down Arrow once, press Shift+End, press F2, Write "Su" (MC suggests Subtitles), press Enter.
=> Result: all AVI files have the Genre field filled as "Comedy" and all IDX & RAR files have the Genre field filled as "Subtitles"
7. All subtitle files are still selected. Press Shift (keep pressed) + Up Arrow six times (to select only the IDX files), use the "Fill Track Numbers From List Order" tool, press Down Arrow once, press Shift+End (to select only the RAR files), use the "Fill Track Numbers From List Order" tool.
=> Result: all subtitle files have correct track numbers.
8. Press CTRL+A and right-click import.
9. Use the Rename Files From Properties tool.
The end result:
Despite of my usual tagging style, I agree that AW tagging should be at least as useful as it was in MC11.1. There are times when I need and use it.
We will either change it so most people are happy with it, or we'll revert to the former tagging method. We're not proud.
Don't be sorry because it is a bug/bad design. The track # in the past could always be edited in the tag window...
(And regarding all the rest of the Tagging stuff in the recent build thread.)
Not to be a pain at all to anyone, but regarding the Tag AW and everything...
I think they get it. We've all made our points abundantly clear, and Jim has stated that something will be done to make it work again for us (well, he said to make "everyone happy" but that seems a bit unrealistic ;) ). There's even been some hints that something will be coming soon.
I just think there's no further need to keep hammering away on it, now that they've committed to doing something about it. Let's all just try to be a little patient, and let Matt and everyone work their magic. (At least until we see the results of what they come up with!)
Ok Dad ;D
I just think there's no further need to keep hammering away on it, now that they've committed to doing something about it. Let's all just try to be a little patient, and let Matt and everyone work their magic. (At least until we see the results of what they come up with!)
I really don't want to disagree, but the past has shown the opposite. Posts gets entered with suggestions/problems with no comments from JRiver and sometimes no changes being made. How many months have we been complaining about the tag window now? Tagging files is a major part of the program in my opinion and one of the primary reasons I purchased MC years ago. We don't know their list of proposed changes/bugs/priorities/etc. and we shouldn't be privy to that information. Unfortunately then it seems that repeated posts eventually get attention.
We will either change it so most people are happy with it, or we'll revert to the former tagging method. We're not proud.
But the Twins lost today and we're unable to cope with anything more at the moment.
If anyone can post a nice looking mock-up of gridlines in the Tag window with the Noire skin, we'll consider implementing it.
From our experimentation, grid-lines looked out of place and cluttered.
I think that the MC12s tag window is visually a vast improvement over MC11.1. It's visually easier to see a summary of a file's info, rather than just being a table to input data into.
If anyone can post a nice looking mock-up of gridlines in the Tag window with the Noire skin, we'll consider implementing it.
From our experimentation, grid-lines looked out of place and cluttered.
the lack of grid lines makes the TW look cluttered since all the info gets crowded into one big mass rather than being clearly seperated into rows
( Number 1 (the old one) | ( Number 2 |
( Number 3 | ( Number 4 |
Here's all my mockups:
I like #1 the best, with #4 a close second. The others are too busy.
( Number 5 | ( Number 6 |
This is not a mockup.
This is not a mockup.