More => Old Versions => Media Center 12 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: JimH on October 05, 2006, 06:06:29 pm
We've opened this board for public access now. I just wanted to say "thanks" to all of you for your help in finding problems and your persistence in keeping us looking for a better way sometimes.
Over this weekend, there may be more to do that we can keep up with, so your help would be appreciated (as always).
It hasn't always been pretty, but it has always been interesting and provocative.
Thanks (on behalf of JRiver),
And we always try to give a little special recognition to those who carried the heavy load of beta farthest or with the most special enthusiasm.
And this year's awards go to.....
glynor, Alex B, lalittle, marko (as always)
(If anyone else on the JRiver team wants to chime in, please do.)
Thanks to everyone for making this version the BEST!
Thank you so much for letting me be part of the process, and especially for truly understanding that it is in fact "enthusiasm" for the product that leads us to post here, even if it's sometimes to voice dislike for certain changes. The bottom like is that this is a FANTASTIC product, and we all want to help it continue to be the best program of it's type out there.
Thanks for the kind words of recognition,
Thank you so much for letting me be part of the process, and especially for truly understanding that it is in fact "enthusiasm" for the product that leads us to post here, even if it's sometimes to voice dislike for certain changes. The bottom like is that this is a FANTASTIC product, and we all want to help it continue to be the best program of it's type out there.
Doubly so here. And thank you to everyone here who participated, discussed, and (even) argued passionately.
Here's to the best version of Media Center yet!
( (
That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for a pan flute.
ouch, missed one...
glynor, Alex B, lalittle, marko
Yes, I think they really deserve it :D
Sometimes I simply wonder where they take all the time needed to follow a forum with such intensity. Do they have a life besides MC?
Maybe they work in some huge corporate software development firm... ;)
On behalf of us bug hunters I would like to thank JRiver for giving us wonderful bugs to hunt.
Thanks. ;)
I do video editing work at the office, and soooooo often I have to wait for my Mac to finish rendering or compressing or encoding or something...
I have a dual-processor G5 2.5GHz (I really, really want a Mac Pro) but it still takes a lot of time throughout the day. So, while I wait, I pull up Interact.
You'll notice that I'm not around as much from May through mid-August, because work gets crazy then (and I play outside more).
It's about the same for me. Usually I work with computers all day long so I can keep an Interact session open and post a reply from time to time. Actual testing and bug hunting is of course time consuming and needs concentration. I cannot do that while working.
Alex B
You Always Have Something Informative To Add To Any Subject
I am glad you are lingering around
Busch beer. Nice!
I remember back when buying beer was more about quantity than quality for me too. When attributes I used to describe my beer of choice included "cold", "cheap" and "plentiful". Ahh, the good ol' days... I haven't had one of those since, oh, Wednesday.
Many thanks to all the testers. We are fully aware of how crappie our efforts would be without your input!
By the way the other day this was in the bug fix
6. Fixed: Some sloppy TV code that could lead to crashes on computers that do not have digital TV devices.
Maybe it could have been worded differently
6. Fixed: Improved Some TV code that could lead to crashes on computers that do not have digital TV devices.
Busch beer. Nice!
I remember back when buying beer was more about quantity than quality for me too. When attributes I used to describe my beer of choice included "cold", "cheap" and "plentiful". Ahh, the good ol' days... I haven't had one of those since, oh, Wednesday.
I'm usually partial to wine or liquor myself (Ogden Nash said it best I think (, but every once in a while... ;)
I'm usually partial to wine or liquor myself
Soda Water, With No Salt, Over Ice
6. Fixed: Some TV code exposed a limitation in the OS to continue execution of MC on computers that do not have digital TV devices. MC has been modified to avoid this limitation.
6. Fixed: Some TV code exposed a limitation in the OS to continue execution of MC on computers that do not have digital TV devices. MC has been modified to avoid this limitation.
Well it just sounded bad
May have hurt someone feelings (Yaobing) (Or Who Ever Wrote The Orginal Code).