More => Old Versions => Media Center 12 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: Raphoune on October 06, 2006, 05:19:22 pm

Title: Playin Now split vertically
Post by: Raphoune on October 06, 2006, 05:19:22 pm
Hi all !
  First of all, thanks for allowing us to download MC12, I was really impatient to test it !!
  After a few minutes of use, I wonder where the "Image" window disappeared. In MC11, you could display it from the Action Window > File properties > Image.
  I've noticed that in MC12, the "Display" window is displayed at the same place when a file is being played, and the "Playing Now" is not in any view. It's certainly because when the "Playing Now" is in a view, the "Display" is on top of "Playing Now", and the "Display" cannot be displayed twice. This is not very convenient because it makes it difficult to display at the same time the album art, a short "Playing Now" list, and the library you're browsing...
  To solve this problem, wouldn't it be nice if the "Playing Now" view was split verticaly instead of horizontally ?

Thanks in advance for your answer !

Title: Re: Playin Now split vertically
Post by: dcwebman on October 07, 2006, 08:41:27 am
  After a few minutes of use, I wonder where the "Image" window disappeared. In MC11, you could display it from the Action Window > File properties > Image.

Go to Tag and you'll see a thumbnail of the cover art. Click on it for the Image window.
Title: Re: Playin Now split vertically
Post by: datdude on October 07, 2006, 12:55:39 pm
2 things that would make the 'edit playing now', a whole lot better.

1) When you add songs, it currently does not auto expand, you have to hit refresh.  Please make it auto expand.

2) Allow for this action window item to be open on startup of the program.  I hate having to alway open it, and that makes me not use it that much. :'(