Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: KingSparta on October 28, 2006, 06:54:43 pm
New In This Version:
1. Users Can Upload Data About Them (Not Required)
For A Demo Look At "J" I Added A Jack&Jill User And "K" For KingSparta
2. Also You Can View A List Of Areas And Fields Uploaded In That Area
Aval At: ( or (
Looks good. I guess that the User List is only populated if the user enters information about themselves.
The Save All Settings on the Settings 1 tab doesn't seem to save the Field Data. In fact it seems to clear that data. Maybe it's only supposed to work on the riht side selections but the Field Data listbox scrolls like it does when Apply Changes is done. And if it is supposed to change the Field Data selections the popup that changes were saved doesn't appear.
Now a problem I have. I have been using/testing Data Master at home. Today I installed the latest version for the first time at work and I can't remember my password. :-[ I know what my User ID is supposed to be but I can't think of the password combination that gets it. As a result, I think I created some extra dcwebman users that need to be deleted too. The correct id starts with a8. If there was a way, I could enter the correct User ID without the other information or the other information could be recreated from the User ID. What should I do now?
The Save All Settings on the Settings 1 tab doesn't seem to save the Field Data.
I will look into it, it should not do what it is doing.
If there was a way, I could enter the correct User ID without the other information or the other information could be recreated from the User ID. What should I do now?
On the one at home, user settings tab, Press "Forgot Your ID?" Button It Should Pull Up All the Information You Need.
0.0.25 Should Fix The Clearing Of The Field Check Boxs
(Don't ask me what I was thinking, the code was a bit backwards)
Is anybody else having major speed problems? It seems to stop responding for minuets, or longer, not just thinking type of slow doown, but almost like crash slow-down. I'm getting that on both systems I've tried it on today. I am using Media center 12.102 if that matters.
I am using Media center 12.102 if that matters.
I have noticed today that a user, is having problems it is most likely due to a firewall.
I have noticed today that a user, is having problems it is most likely due to a firewall.
It's probally me then... yes, I've been having major problems with it. It's been super slow-down on both systems, I'll check the firewall issue... I know that causes other major problems. My PC came up and asked me if it could go out, the media system didn't ... Hmmm thanks for the idea.
I Do Know Norton's Internet Security Causes To Many Problems.
I Don't know if others do but sometimes they will allow outbound, but not inbound. With ftp that the plug-in uses it uses port 21, a standard FTP port.
But the ftp control will be in pasv mode. the server will try to communicate on a random port if those ports are firewalled then the ftp program or in this case ftp control in the plug-in.
you could test this by turning off your firewall (not closing it) to see if it improves. sometimes closing a firewall will actually block almost everything, and that is normally the case when it comes to Norton's firewall.
OK, I'll give that a shot, and open port 21. Most of the time my router does it for me, the very reason I went to this one :) and see what that gives me.
Unfortunantly NO :( I've turned off my firewall, I've tried opening port 21, which started making work faster, but that was short-lived. now it just crashes out Media Center, it also keeps deleting user info.
I Can't Duplicate Any Crashes I Do Know One Of The Last Versions Of MC Crashed On Me Without Any Plug-Ins Running More Than Once, Not Sure Why.
Now For My Next Trick
I Was Thinking About Getting Chart Data And Importing it Into Something DataMaster Can Share.
I was just thinking something like that would be nice.... <sigh> but then I've still not found what's going on with my system
I was just thinking something like that would be nice.... <sigh> but then I've still not found what's going on with my system
I've been using Data Master since it first entered beta and have none the of the problems you are describing. Some of the very early versions had some issues, but KingSparta resolved those before the beta was expanded.
That being said, I cannot make it work with Norton Firewall. To run the plug-in, I turn Norton Firewall off and turn on the Windows Firewall instead. You might want to try that to see if it helps. But even with my Firewall issue, the only issue is it does not communicate with the server (it goes fast, but does nothing).
I'm not sure what to do here, I'm sure it's the way our ISP here has built their network, Wireless, with Nat upon Nat etc, then my own Router / firewall. I did notice some things went faster when I turned off the firewalls, but no connections to the server.
I've not had only a hand full of problems with the way the networks are put together. I'm open to ideas here. I'd love something like this to work for me. But looking back I've had issues with some other similar plug-ins in the past. Most of the time things are great.
I'm not sure what to do here, I'm sure it's the way our ISP here has built their network, Wireless, with Nat upon Nat etc, then my own Router / firewall. I did notice some things went faster when I turned off the firewalls, but no connections to the server.
I've not had only a hand full of problems with the way the networks are put together. I'm open to ideas here. I'd love something like this to work for me. But looking back I've had issues with some other similar plug-ins in the past. Most of the time things are great.
If I understand correctly, you have tried this on 2 PCs with the same results.
Is there a way to bypass your ISP? Example: if one of the PCs is a notebook, take it somewhere else and connect it there (wired connection or a wireless hot spot). Or use a dial up line. At least you could confirm that it is the ISP causing the problem. If it is the ISP and their strange configuration, maybe they can help.
Yes, I tried on both the HTPC and my PC, I've not tried on my laptop as of yet, but so far the results are similar. The only hotspot is from my ISP, this is a very small town. When I moved here the only broadband was setup via wireless nodes to a tower. It's quite nice since the phone company barely has DSL here. I've had similar problems with a few other software go buggy on me, I tried and tried to get setup to stream to the net.... The problem lies in each node is part of a NAT, there is only one or two actual IP's outside our network, not sure... may be much more than that, since I know they are doing upgrades and running it on a 5 ghz signal now, and it is faster, but the IP isn't and can't be exposed easily, according to their tech, who also lived in my apartment in town, and same after we bought our house. He told me the only way to get a streraming server set up was use a server in Eugene, at their server farm. Of course I'd have to buy the server, and bandwidth. I guess they co-locate here and Eugene, and have a fast network between the two.
The odd thing is I didn't expect to see this happen with a port of 21. I mean really, that's a common open port almost anywhere. I'll check a few other things and see if I can't get it working.
The odd thing is I didn't expect to see this happen with a port of 21.
that's only one port it uses, you should read up on FTP Active and FTP Passive modes
Also I can give you some log-in info so you can try a ftp log-in using a ftp program. if it does not work you can use the log-on log as a way to help figure all this out.
spartasoft @
Now For My Next Trick
I Was Thinking About Getting Chart Data And Importing it Into Something DataMaster Can Share.
That would be cool.
Today I Made A Program To Convert The Chart Data From ChartFinder To DataMaster
I Was Wondering How This Data For Charts Should Be Displayed
DataFiles (User Name):
Chart Finder - Chart Data.txt
Showen In A Field: Like Maybe User Created "ChartData"
Charted: 037 In Year: 1977 On Chart: Brazil Top 100
Charted: 001 In Year: 1976 On Chart: Top 40 Charts
Charted: 001 In Year: 1977 On Chart: Top Billboard
Charted: 001 In Year: 1976 On Chart: UK Top 40
Charted: 016 In Year: 1992 On Chart: UK Top 40
for a test create a User Created Text Field In MC12 Called "ChartData", Use "Large Value" this way the data is formatted correctly if you click on it to edit (Rename)
scan some artists that have hit the charts in the past (Prior to 2002)
Like ABBA, AC\DC, Beatles Etc...
You Should Find Some Hits.
and use DataMaster 0.0.26
With This System A User Can Add Chart Data If It Does Not Exist.
I However Am Going To Try To Get More Chart Data After 2002 That Currently May Not Exist In The DataMaster Data.
0.0.27 Adds Where You Can Turn Off All Uploading And Also Turn Off All Downloading
0.0.27 Adds Where You Can Turn Off All Uploading And Also Turn Off All Downloading
Nice enhancement.... Thanks ;D
BTW - the plug-in has really stabilized. I use it all the time and have virtually no issues to report. Sometimes no new is just "no news" - but in this case no news means it works great.
Thanks for making the effort to make this available.
I agree, everything is working great. Just need more people using it. :)
I do have a request. On the User Name Filter, can you add an All? Every once in awhile I like to go through and see if there are new people but I have to do it 26 times.
I do have a request. On the User Name Filter, can you add an All? Every once in awhile I like to go through and see if there are new people but I have to do it 26 times.
Maybe I can think of something
I agree, everything is working great. Just need more people using it. :)
I do have a request. On the User Name Filter, can you add an All? Every once in awhile I like to go through and see if there are new people but I have to do it 26 times.
Good suggestion...
I Installed A New FTP Server Today "Gene6 FTP Server"
I Have Been Playing With It For About A Week, They Made BulletProof FTP And Then Sold It Some Years Back To Digital Candle Who Can't Put Out A Non Crashing Build, And Have Not Done Anything With It In Over 2-3 Years.
Gene6 FTP Server Is Very Nice.
I think this would be a plugin which could really benefit from
the wiki stuff. It looks fantastic but the interface is quite terrifying at first glance!
I'm trying to get Track Numbers for some tracks I lost it on some time ago.
I've added the tracks to playing now.
Inserted my User Settings stuff.
and here I got lost...
and I think I've just unstuck myself.... :)
but the interface is quite terrifying at first glance!
how would you change it?
what is confusing?
will you create a UI that looks better? and send me a image of it.
I think i need to spend a bit more time with it first,
since I'm still getting to grips with it.
It's obviously a very powerful plugin,
and the more powerful something is the more difficult it is to keep the UI simple.
However if I can come up with some suggestions I'll let you know =)
I am having, or I should say, had the same problem. I uninstalled it yesterday and the response and jerkyness of MC12.0139 went away.
Is anybody else having major speed problems? It seems to stop responding for minuets, or longer, not just thinking type of slow doown, but almost like crash slow-down. I'm getting that on both systems I've tried it on today. I am using Media center 12.102 if that matters.
thats because mc is running the plug-in when your using MC
if you simply turn plug-in mode to off on the settings 1 tab this will turn the plug-in off when your playing your music or doing other things.
the "jerkyness" may be because the plug-in is attempting to open an ftp instance.
I don't think the problem you had has anything to do with what Mr ChriZ said in his post.
a few Dmaster qs:
1. Set to "normal" download, will DM write-over my existing data (say I have existing bios name, will it over-write that)?
2. Can Dmaster update Album art...
-- if so what do I check?
-- if not are there any good plugins for this?
3. Do I have to add friends to get it to work?
1. should not with that setting, use a test file to check...
2. no
3. no, that is just a way to Prioritize who's data you trust first, and you can order the list. if you do not select a friend, and there is data present, the plug-in will select the first data file in the list.
Hey King,
As you know - I have previously raved to you about the chart finder info - I know you have added that information to your database - Here is a link to a website that has some additional chart data - that may be more current (or extend to a more current year) then your current data - there are billboard charts from 1954 to 2004 (these are all .txt docs) and also Joel Whitburn's billboard chart information from 1890 to 2004 (in an excell spreadsheet - this contains a large amount of data that could be utilized in certain fields - number of weeks on chart, peak postion, BPM, genre, written by, tag information, etc) - Joel Whitburn is a billboard expert and has put out many books based on the subject.
Maybe there is someway you can add this data to your database.
Yes I Have It, In Excel And .txt
I Have Other Projects, Some Of Them Mandated By Work & Mrs Overlord.
thanks for your help earlier KS.
1. Is there a way to track which files have been processed (atagger had you add a status field which would be marked done, once done). I just have 16k songs, and can only send a few thousand through at a time
2. Is their styles, moods, and those kinds of data.
3. it is taking me about15 seconds a song to process (having it check about 15 fields though). Is that normal speed?
Thanks again.
15 Seconds! That is fast - it is taking me about 45+ per song and that is only one field. Are there certain settings that can make this faster? any suggestions would be great.
It is probably longer than 15 seconds, probably does two songs a min. It does about 500-800 overnight. But with 16,000 to do, and figuring a way to track what is done and not done is hard. But it's a great program, and it's getting my songs the data they need, so its worth the wait. Just wonder if i can do anything better.
Also, King, is there a way for fields that already have data, to have DM ask me whether to accept the new data or keep the old data? (I want to download and use other people's genre and sub-genre fields, but I dont want to just swap it without evaluating the data coming in).
Can this be done, after the batch has processed since the processing takes a while?
thanks again
Some Users Have Problems I think it is because of the type of connection, anti-Virus Program running, Anti-Spy Programs running And The Firewall.
It could be many things including how many hops to and from your IP to MY IP
I have some users who can get about 60 tags a min.
Note That I don't have this on a t1 connection, I could not afford it.
It is cable however and maxes out about 150Kbps (Download From The FTP Server) 5 To 7 MegaBit Download For Me, And your not the only one using it so it depends also on the ftp server load.
I Attempted To Use A T3 Connection Once (That Provides Some Of My Web-Space), But I Ran Into Problems With The Provider And How The Plug-In Was Working. Maybe I Will Attempt It With Another Provider Some Day (This Year).
It Is However Free....
oh - that is about the same speed as mine - you are correct - about 800 overnight - I feel your pain - plodding through 20+k - If you are batching the playing now - I don't think you can selectively choose which data to use - which is a bummer - because I don't want to import a bunch of garbage - so you will probably have to manually update specific files or do what I am doing - is taking a completey empty field - and populating it - that way I can do the batch without monitoring it.
The other problem is that with a large library - it still takes a tremendous amount of time to populate as it has to check each file against the server DB and if there is no data - mine remains unfilled. I wonder how long it would take for King's database to get enough data to make this more practical to use?
As I was typing this an idea popped into my empty head.... :) I wonder if there is anyway to export my data so that King can enter it in his server without me having to have my computer connected - my collection is about 47K songs. If a few of us with large collections were able to send this information directly to him then that probably would help populate his DB and may expedite things.
King - anyway to do this?
King - anyway to do this?
The Short Version
Yes, But Don't Hold Your Breath.
King - anyway to do this?
The Long Version
I Am Not Sure How Old You Are Or If You Live In The USA, But Back In The 60's There Was A TV SHow On (For Kids) It Was Called "Diver Dan" And They Showed Cartoons And Such (
Another Good Show Back In The 50's And 60's Was
Sea Hunt (
When Ever You Dive, And You Go Too Deep With Out The Right Mixture You May See Things That Really Is Not There (Hallucinate).
So It May Be Possible To Create Such A Program, Right Now I Think Your Mixture Might Be Too Lean.
I Can't Even Get My Car Clean
thanks for your help earlier KS.
1. Is there a way to track which files have been processed (atagger had you add a status field which would be marked done, once done). I just have 16k songs, and can only send a few thousand through at a time
2. Is their styles, moods, and those kinds of data.
KSparta - any answers to 1/2 above?
Also, King, is there a way for fields that already have data, to have DM ask me whether to accept the new data or keep the old data? (I want to download and use other people's genre and sub-genre fields, but I dont want to just swap it without evaluating the data coming in).
Can this be done, after the batch has processed since the processing takes a while?
any help on this one too?
thanks for telling us about your server, I dont mind if it takes a while, it's free and its great.
KSparta - any answers to 1/2 above?
1. Well There Is A Events List, But That Is Limited...
I Could Add Something So You Could Tag A User Field.
2. Settings 2 Tab, Click On The Button "Get Fields List" This Will List All The Fields On The Server. Note That All Spaces Have Been Removed, And All Are In Lowercase, But Nether Matter.
So Field: "My Sample Field Name" Is The Same As "mysamplefieldname"
The Fields In This List Will Be A Current List Of What Users Have Uploaded.
Sometimes I Wonder Why People Have Uploaded Some Fields Since They Change, Or Make No Sence To Upload.
You Know What Would Have Helped This Out Is If I Would Have Saved Most Of The Information In A XML Type Formated File, So You Could Upload All Data For Each File At Once, And Then Allow The User To Decide What Data To Use Within That File.
Hind Site Is 20\20
If you could add a field, that would be great.
Just something that once ran through DM it would put either the 'date' or 'done' or 'error' in this field, so that if it takes me a month to run all my files, i know what is done already and dont strain your server running the same files over and over.
I think 'DATE' would be better than 'done' because the nature of DM is a year from now there will be better data, so users in the future will probably say "i want to rerun files that were done two years ago' etc.
Well I Could Do This Each Would Have 3 User Imput Boxes (What Ever You Want, For Set And Not Set, In This Sample I Used "Yes" And "No"). The Other Is What The Name Of The Field Is You Wish To Set. Like Maybe "Data Uploaded" And "Data DownLoaded" Field.
Uploaded: Field[FieldName] Set Key Word:[Yes] Not Set Key Word:[No]
Downloaded: Field[FieldName] Set Key Word:[Yes] Not Set Key Word:[No]
Well I Could Do This Each Would Have 3 User Imput Boxes (What Ever You Want, For Set And Not Set, In This Sample I Used "Yes" And "No"). The Other Is What The Name Of The Field Is You Wish To Set. Like Maybe "Data Uploaded" And "Data DownLoaded" Field.
Uploaded: Field[FieldName] Set Key Word:[Yes] Not Set Key Word:[No]
Downloaded: Field[FieldName] Set Key Word:[Yes] Not Set Key Word:[No]
im not sure im following you, are you replying to the idea of a field that gives 'date processed in dm' or the idea of accepting and rejecting other people's tags after then batch is done.
How About This
In Brackets Below "[?]" Is A Text Box
1. Did DM Upload
Field To Use: [InsertFieldNameHere]
If Yes (DM Did Uploaded Data) Use This Key Word: [InsertYourKeyWordHere]
Yes, A Key Word Could Be A Date
If No (DM Did Not Uploaded Data) Use This Key Word: [InsertYourKeyWordHere]
Yes, A Key Word Could Be A Date
2. Did Dm Download Data
Field To Use: [InsertFieldNameHere]
If Yes (DM Did Download Data) Use This Key Word: [InsertYourKeyWordHere]
Yes, A Key Word Could Be A Date
If No (DM Did Not Download Data) Use This Key Word: [InsertYourKeyWordHere]
Yes, A Key Word Could Be A Date
The Only Problem With This Is Lets Say It Is A MP3, And There Is A Major Change MC Will Re-Save The MP3 When It Makes Changes To The ID3 Tag.
The Other Option Is Just To Write Out A Text File Of All Files Processed..
I just tried it on one of my website providers..
No luck
I must be doing something wrong...
maybe i can create something easy and find out where i am making my mistake. the only thing it does now is dump the file on the main folder, and not where it should be.
It maybe my ftp server is correcting for my mistake (maybe) becuse it works here fine.
This looks great! thanks for translating to my level ;)
How About This
In Brackets Below "[?]" Is A Text Box
1. Did DM Upload
Field To Use: [InsertFieldNameHere]
If Yes (DM Did Uploaded Data) Use This Key Word: [InsertYourKeyWordHere]
Yes, A Key Word Could Be A Date
If No (DM Did Not Uploaded Data) Use This Key Word: [InsertYourKeyWordHere]
Yes, A Key Word Could Be A Date
2. Did Dm Download Data
Field To Use: [InsertFieldNameHere]
If Yes (DM Did Download Data) Use This Key Word: [InsertYourKeyWordHere]
Yes, A Key Word Could Be A Date
If No (DM Did Not Download Data) Use This Key Word: [InsertYourKeyWordHere]
Yes, A Key Word Could Be A Date
If i've got an album where I've got the Track #, Artist Name, and Album name
can I use Datamaster to determine the Track Name?
There doesn't appear to be a Track Name or Name field?
Because data is saved using the major fields, if they are missing the program does not know where the data is.
My FTP Server Is A Bit Faster Now...
Max Was 120 KBytes Download, Today, I Signed A New Agreement With Road Runner For 5 X 1.5 So It Should Be About 240 KBytes Download.
New version out this is due to i had the IP Address hard wired to see if it would help some users connect slightly faster.
IP address changed.
Rainbow Connection Charted At 25 in 1979
Listening to: 'Rainbow Connection, the' by 'Kermit The Frog' on Media Center 12
King, I tried installing the latest version but got:
Unable to register the DLL/OCX: DllRegisterServer failed; code 0x80004005.
Unspecified error.
Click Retry to try again, Ignore to proceed anyway (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation."
I first tried installing it while MC was open, closed MC and tried again, but got the same message. Any recommendation?
It maynot be needed
not sure what file that is right now
I will look into it
King, I tried installing the latest version but got:
Unable to register the DLL/OCX: DllRegisterServer failed; code 0x80004005.
Unspecified error.
Click Retry to try again, Ignore to proceed anyway (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation."
I first tried installing it while MC was open, closed MC and tried again, but got the same message. Any recommendation?
This won't help, but I was able to successfully install the new version (.29). I'm running a windows XP sp2 PC with MC 12.0.179.
I installed .29 on another machine and didn't have the error. I don't know. On the one that gave me the error, I selected to ignore and Data Master did seem to work.