Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: sdcoochie8 on December 11, 2006, 02:27:46 pm
I had the data master plug in insalled and used it a number of times with MC12 but one day I went to use it and it was no longer a part of the services and plug-ins. Do I have to re-install it again and why would this happen? Does this have to be done with each new build of MC12 because that can be the only reason it's not there as far as I can tell.
Do I have to re-install it again and why would this happen?
No Clue
You May Have Had MC Crash, And When MC Crashes For Any Reason, It Will Ask If You Wish To Disable Plug-Ins, If You Select Yes, Guess What, It Turns All Of The Plug-Ins Off.
I Think Someone Said If You Say, No And You Also Tell MC To Not Ask You Again. What Actually Happens Is MC From Then On Will Turn Off The Plug-Ins And Not Ask You. A Small Bug I Guess With Logic. But I Never Have Tested It So I Can't Say For Sure.
Now If You Go Into "Plug-In Manager, It Maybe There, And All you Would Need To Do Is Select "Show" Once You Find It. And It Should Work Again.
Does this have to be done with each new build
No, I have it installed And So Do others And Have Been Upgrading MC with Each New Version.
Thanks King you are correct about the crash thing. Now I know and I found everything ok.
I had the same thing happen with regard to loosing data master after an MC12 crash. I could not find a way to "show" data master within the plugin manager, so I tried reinstalling the program. I go through the install process, but Data Master does not show up in my list of availabe plugins.
I had the same thing happen with regard to loosing data master after an MC12 crash. I could not find a way to "show" data master within the plugin manager, so I tried reinstalling the program. I go through the install process, but Data Master does not show up in my list of availabe plugins.
All you should need to do is go to plugin manager (Tools ->Options -> Plugin Manager),
then Interfaces, then select the plugin.
Once selected each plugin shows two buttons Hide and Show.
Click Show and the plugin should show under the tree.
Plug In manager does not show up in the "Options" section. It does however show up just above the "Options" in the Tools drop down menu. Selecting this gives me a Plug-In Manager screen. Selecting "Interface" on this screen only gives me an explanation of what Interface Plugins are. If I select the "Add Plugin" button, it takes me to the Media Center 12 folder. I looked through the Pugins folder, but could not find a Data Master file.
Plug In manager does not show up in the "Options" section. It does however show up just above the "Options" in the Tools drop down menu.
Oops, sorry that was a mistake, you're quite correct it's Tools -> Plugin Manager
Selecting this gives me a Plug-In Manager screen. Selecting "Interface" on this screen only gives me an explanation of what Interface Plugins are. If I select the "Add Plugin" button, it takes me to the Media Center 12 folder. I looked through the Pugins folder, but could not find a Data Master file.
You need to press on the little triangle next to 'Interface'.
This will expand it showing all the interface plugins.
You will find this same notation in other areas of Media Center.
This Is Not Just Datamaster This Is For Any 3rd Party Plug-In. Users Are Asked When MC12 Crashes If You Wish To Turn Off 3rd Pary Plug-ins. If You Select Yes, And Don't Show This In The Future Than, You Will Need To Re-Activate It.
(There Was A Bug Here And May Still Be In MC)
If You Select No, And No Don't Show This Dialog Again. The Next Time MC Crashes MC Will Continue To Turn Off The Plug-In And No Ask You.
Here Is A Few Pictures:
Very shiney arrows you have there =)
Very shiney arrows you have there =)
Snag-It 8.2.0