More => Old Versions => Media Center 12 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: thomaspf on December 12, 2006, 06:43:44 pm

Title: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: thomaspf on December 12, 2006, 06:43:44 pm

the title says it all.

Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: GHammer on December 13, 2006, 10:17:10 am
Yes it does. I reported the same awhile back.

Without that support I'm not wanting to run MC under Vista.
MC has a greater priority here, so I'm back to XP waiting on word about this.
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: thomaspf on April 17, 2007, 12:14:16 am
Just upgraded to 12.0.198 and found that this is still the case. This is blocking me from switching my main machine over since I rely on the convolver plugin for precise equalization.

Is anyone else having success with this?


Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: DarkPenguin on April 18, 2007, 11:37:03 am
I think it is fixed.  Try the latest plugin.  (
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: GHammer on April 19, 2007, 08:43:55 am
The plug-ins page says 9-30-2004
Unless you aren't referring to the DirectX host.
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: GHammer on April 19, 2007, 09:06:07 am
Ahhhh, I see.
I deleted the dsp_DirectX.dll from the plugins directory and then it updated to
Installing the package without deleting the file first did not change the file date or the version though the package did download and 'install'.
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: DarkPenguin on April 19, 2007, 09:20:17 am
Did it work?
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: GHammer on April 20, 2007, 03:32:53 am
Did it work?
That would need Vista installed. Now that there is a possible fix for DirectX, I will give Vista a go over the weekend and report my luck.

Personally, this is the first 'new' Windows I have not run since 3.11 for Workgroups. The main reason is MC doesn't run well for me. But, new updates for Vista, new stuff for MC, let's see what happens.
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: Matt on April 21, 2007, 01:23:14 am
For what it's worth, we've been developing on Vista for quite some time.  MC works well with it, UAC and all.

While I have my share of problems with Vista at home, very few of the problems are Media Center issues. (mostly hardware / networking / UAC problems)
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: GHammer on April 22, 2007, 02:49:00 am
For what it's worth, we've been developing on Vista for quite some time.  MC works well with it, UAC and all.

Yep, that's why I'm interested in giving it another try. Without my MC there will be no Vista here!

Unfortunately, life gets in the way sometime. We are traveling across China tomorrow to have a visa interview for Hanhan. She is just a WEE BIT nervous and reassuring her takes priority this weekend.
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: GHammer on April 28, 2007, 12:10:08 pm
I installed Vista tonight.
Did the updates, installed the Application Compatibility (March 2007) update.
Installed .222, FLAC and Wavpack input plugins.
Installed the DirectX plugin.
Installed Ozone 3

It all works fine.

Thanks! Now I can keep Vista on my machine long enough to see if I like it.
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: thomaspf on May 01, 2007, 07:21:01 pm
Encouraged by this report I just reinstalled JRiver 12.0.222 on my Vista machine and downloaded the DirectX host from the WEB site. I checked the version of the DLL in the Plugin directory and it is

When I select the check mark for the DirectX plugin in the DSP options it crashes MC. I don't think this works quite yet?


Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: GHammer on May 01, 2007, 09:52:18 pm
Hmmm, that's odd as I had foolishly used Easy Transfer to go from my XP install to Vista.
That took settings that I did not want to Vista, so I did a format and reinstall yesterday.

Same thing.

Install Vista
Updated my NVidia driver.
Ran the March Compatibility update
Took all updates from MS
Installed MC 12.0.223 (I had older builds run fine)
Install various plugins including the DirectX host
Opened the DSP panel just to see it had the host listed
Installed Ozone 3
Run MC
Open the DSP panel
Choose DirectX host
Add Ozone 3 and enable it

Listen to music.

I'm not running anything as Administrator, I have not disabled UAC.

Don't know what could be different for you.
Did you upgrade to Vista or was it a clean install?
Likewise for MC and the DirectX host?
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: thomaspf on May 01, 2007, 11:47:41 pm
Okay. I have a clean install of Vista Premium joined to a domain. I am logged on under my domain account which has local Administrator privileges.

Before I tried this again I uninstalled MC including the library and then manually removed the remaining directory. Then I started with installing 12.0.222 after which I downloaded and installed the DirectX host. On the attempt to select the checkbox for the DirectX host in the DSP options MC crashes. At this point it crashes if I even try to open the DSP options.

Any recommendations?

Instead of fixing this an even better solution would be if someone would integrate the open source convolver as a standard MC DSP plugin. There are a bunch off oddities with the DiretcX Host when used in combination with the Convolver plugin so making the work directly in MC would be great. I use an Accourate generated impluse response with the convolver for room correction and can't upgrade to MC12 on my main system because of this problem. I can reproduce this on two machines.


Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: GHammer on May 02, 2007, 08:55:36 am
Does the domain have any Group Policies in place that restrict things?

Just for fun, I did the same this afternoon on my wife's machine.
Again, I had no problem with the DirectX host.
It's as plain vanilla as I can get, no tweaks, no odd settings, etc.
Install Vista, patch it, update drivers, install MC, install plugins.

Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: GHammer on May 02, 2007, 08:56:12 am
Are you running an Intel or an AMD machine?
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: thomaspf on May 02, 2007, 11:28:58 am
This is on one Intel machine and one AMD machine. The Domain has very many Group Policies but the same thing works under MC11 just fine.


Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: GHammer on May 03, 2007, 07:01:57 am
Group Policy, UAC, even user directories are much different under Vista.
On a domain, I'd have to guess what to look for as I do not have access to a domain with AD here.

The only difference I see is that I have installed MC on 3 fresh Vista machines to test this and have had no problems now that the DirectX host has been updated. I do not run in a domain. The domain overrides local policy and can prevent many things.

If you have a non domain machine, try it and see what you get.

Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: datdude on July 18, 2007, 10:17:15 pm
Running into the same problem here.  Clean install of Vista and the dll is updated
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: GHammer on July 19, 2007, 12:24:11 am
UAC was disabled at first run of Vista Business.
I turn off adaptive network function.

Otherwise, nothing is tweaked OS-wise.
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: datdude on July 19, 2007, 12:33:35 am
UAC was disabled at first run of Vista Business.
I turn off adaptive network function.

Otherwise, nothing is tweaked OS-wise.

I have Vista Biz as well.  What is the adaptive network function?
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: thomaspf on July 19, 2007, 06:59:13 pm
Just got a brand new laptop and installed latest version of Vista Ultimate on it.

Installed relased version of MC12 and it works great.

I downloaded and installed the Direct-X host and by even selecting the check mark for the Direct-X host in DSP Studio the application crashed. At this point I can't even get into DSP studio, When I try the application immediately crashes.

This is still not working, at least on none of the 5 machines that I tried. Any chances that you guys could look at that? I will be happy to help. Any thought on integrating the convolver into MC directly? Room correction becomes more popular these days.



P.S.: After removing the Direct-X host via the plugin manager, everything is back to normal.
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: DarkPenguin on July 20, 2007, 10:48:47 am
Do you have any logs?  Cause this is still working fine for me.
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: datdude on July 20, 2007, 08:59:58 pm
Do you have any logs?  Cause this is still working fine for me.

Yes.  Where should I send them to?

Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: thomaspf on July 22, 2007, 12:04:43 am
Where would I find these logs? I am happy to send whatever you might need.


Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: JimH on July 22, 2007, 06:57:47 am
MC Help / Logging.  Select mail to and send to tom at jriver . com.  Include a link to this thread.
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: thomaspf on July 23, 2007, 03:05:09 pm
I see. It looks like by default logging is turned off, so I assume I turn it on make it crash and send you the result. I will do that later tonight.

I very much appreciate your help!


Title: Pledge for Help!
Post by: thomaspf on July 25, 2007, 05:16:47 pm
I submitted the logs and tested this on more configurations. I also installed the new DLL that Tom send me which does not seem to make a difference. This crash is completely reproducable on all of my machines running Vista Ultimate, domain joined or not, UAC enabled or not.

The only feedback I have received so far is that it seems to work on the machine that the JRiver engineer is using.

If anyone running Vista is reading this and has 5 minutes to spare, I would appreciate if they could download and install the Direct-X host via the plug-in manager go to DSP studio to select it and report the experience onto this thread. This might help raising the awareness.

I am also open to what I could try on my machines to make this work. This is the only issue that blocks me from upgrading my main media machine to MC12.


Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: datdude on September 09, 2007, 06:58:42 pm

Since all I want to get to work is the RGC audio enhancer, what other options are there for boosting the sounds of mp3s?
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: datdude on September 23, 2007, 06:09:56 pm
The latest version of MC now works with Direct X.  Sweet.  Problem is now UAC prevents me from seeing the RGC high frequency plugin.
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: datdude on April 26, 2008, 07:07:17 pm
Having the same problem with Vista home premium now on a new machine.  MC just instantly crashes as soon as I try to access DSP with the directx host installed. :'(
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: datdude on June 07, 2008, 03:15:47 am
Bump.  Would a log help?
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: StFeder on June 07, 2008, 05:05:10 am
Just installed the plugin from the plugin page. I can use it with vista HP... no crashing here.

(I just downloaded and installed it for testing; I never used this)
Title: Re: DirectX host crashes MC12 on Vista
Post by: elo on August 28, 2008, 03:33:44 pm
Just finished upgrading a XP machine to Vista Ultimate.

Got the same problem as Thomas. Instaling Directx Host and when activating MC crash.

Anyone who did got to the bottom of this? Any advice?
