More => Old Versions => Media Center 12 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: Matt on January 16, 2007, 06:46:37 pm
To try MyGal, look in:
Pick Images > Right-Click > Send To > Email / Web > Create Web Gallery
Here's a quick sample I made just picking some car pictures from my library:
To try MyGal, look in:
Pick Images > Right-Click > Send To > Email / Web > Create Web Gallery
Here's a quick sample I made just picking some Mullet car pictures from my library:
That's pretty nice! Easy.
Here's my test:
To try MyGal, look in:
Pick Images > Right-Click > Send To > Email / Web > Create Web Gallery
Here's a quick sample I made just picking some car pictures from my library:
email and password are:
- created on first use?
- same as forum?
- same as 'buybutton' page?
Cant control click to multiply select files.
I can. Reboot and/or reinstall perhaps?
email and password are:
created on first use?
-,_SpartaOTR_Com/ (,_SpartaOTR_Com/)
Limit 60 Images, so i uploaded 60 using like 2.6 megs
it took sometime to create the upload, with no status \ Progress bar
Images of WWII, Pearl Harbor, Hitler, The Atomic Bomb, VJ Day etc....
I noticed If You Click On The Main Image, I Get A Image Not Found, When Maybe I Should Get A Larger Image. Like I Do On Matt's Images.
Image OK,_SpartaOTR_Com/slide0.html
Image Missing,_SpartaOTR_Com/bigslide0.html
Seems like a bug. Nice pictures. Who's der Fuehrer's friend?
Points for historical value and courage.
Listening to: 'Luiz Bonfa / Manha De Carnaval' from 'Bossa Nova Brasil' by 'Various Artists' on Media Center 12
Since King started the WWII photos, I felt obligated to give the MyGal a try with some of the photos from a website I maintain.
And of course I had to include a couple in there of my dad. ;)
No Clue, But They Look Like They Are Having Fun....
Still It Will Be A Nice Addition To MC12\13
Background Music?
Button\Image Click Sounds?
Expand Image Sound?
Image Shrink Sound?
Mouse Over Sound?
A MyGal Landing Page\Index?
I looked for about 10 seconds and it brought tears to my eyes. I'll take another look.
Both galleries make me think of my Dad, who taught weather to pilots in WWII and of an old pal of his (and mine) who was in a fleet of forty ships on a supply run in WWII and his was only one of three to survive. Both gave me a lot and that's probably part of what makes these pictures so powerful.
that's probably part of what makes these pictures so powerful.
This Weekend I Was Doing Some Reading About The Roman Empire, And The The Religious Crusades.
Freedom Has Never Been Nor Will It Ever Be Free, Sad But True.
When I Was In Germany I Ate Lunch And Dinner With A Elderly Lady At Her Home Who Was Telling Me Of WWII, And At The Time She Was A Young Girl. The Russians Found Her Friend Raped Her, And Then Killed Her. She Started To Cry, 40 or So Years After The Fact. I Cried Too And I Did Not Even Know Her.
Many People Died In Past Wars So We Can Enjoy The Freedoms We Now Have. Some Seem To Be More Tragic Than Others, But Live Is A Value That Can't Be Counted On A Abacus.
Who's der Fuehrer's friend?
That would be Mussolini
That would be Mussolini
I think you're right. And this is Rommel? Somewhere in North Africa, I think.,_SpartaOTR_Com/slide45.html
That would be Rommel.
As an aside there are a ton of public domain images (and a ton of non public domain images) at the Library of Congress. Here is a Dorothea Lange page at the LOC ...
Are the images that are not showing bigger or smaller than 1280x1024?
I've just checked out a couple of your sample galleries. This is a great new feature.
One thing that I would like to see though would be galleries that dont load each picture in a new html page. That way, people would be able to hit back and forward to more easily navigate between galleries. Kind of like the bbc news photo galleries.
Like this alot :D
Only thing I'd say is could the URLs be somewhat nicer?
One thing that I would like to see though would be galleries that don't load each picture in a new html page. That way, people would be able to hit back and forward to more easily navigate between galleries.
If it was in a frame it would be better.
If you have 60 images, you must always slide bar back to the right if you wish to use the images to click on and not the "Next" and "Back" button.
at the Library of Congress.
Thats where some of the ones i uploaded came from i got them about 4 years ago
Are the images that are not showing bigger or smaller than 1280x1024?
I think you could be right on that one that they're bigger than 1280x1024. I can't verify for sure now since I'm at work but the smaller images do show in the detail view.
Fixed next build.
Only thing I'd say is could the URLs be somewhat nicer?
They're designed to be hard to guess. That way only people you share the URL with can find your galleries.
They're designed to be hard to guess. That way only people you share the URL with can find your galleries.
If that's true, there may be problems with sending that long link in emails to people since it may wrap and depending on the editor they may not get the full link, and the people I would send it to are too much of a novice to ever have heard of cut and paste. Looks like will get some use.
tinyurlification of the nasty url in the next build. (Might not stay.)
Just for fun:
Another set with build 151.
Looks like Jan 1984 (
I think that's about exactly correct. Before most our customers were born.
Both girls in all the pictures are mine. There were times they wouldn't admit that.
Every New Build Firewall Blocks MC
After MC tells you it is building the pages, if many images many mins pass, then MC Pops up the "Information" window that has no information in it.
Two Cute Pictures Of Animals (
I'm loving this feature!
I'd like to request a feature, such that you could log in
with your email address, and see all gallerys that you've
created, and manage them in some form or another.
With the tiny URL's.
It's too easy to loose gallerys at the moment.
I'd guess you've thought of that already,
but it's looking good anyhow :)
VERY nice feature, easy to use, intuitive. :)
The dates on the thumbnails are incorrect, I think these were taken 2-3 years earlier in 1992 by my then 10 year old son and me on a trip to the Bull Run/Manassas battlefield. Apart from playing around with the camera at home I think these were the first digital photos I ever took. :)
Nice feature and developing nicely.
This is probably going to be my biggest incentive for me to start using MC properly for my Photos.
Few small suggestions for this upcoming hugely encouraging feature:
1. 'Preview' always spawns a new browser to preview each template for me - theres no quick way to see what the skin roughly looks like. How about having an image preview with each template folder able to contain a 'preview.jpg' image that is a screen shot that gets loaded on the actual 'Web Gallery Creator' page so as I'm flicking down the list I can get an instant preview of roughly what it looks like.
2. The html code for some of the templates could be improved (done better) - eg noire - why does it have a seperate page for each image when it could just use some simple JavaScript to change the main image viewed and any text to go with it. This would: A) save having hundreds of html pages. B) make it a lot more dynamic pages so you dont always just end up in a reset page with no idea of state or where in the list of thumbnails you were browsing.
3. An option to crop all thumbnails so they get shown as squares instead of their actual shape = prettier preview pages.
4. Maybe have a small little options page that goes with it that allows some basic config of the gallery you are about to create (just changing some CSS values) - ie: background colour, text color, font, a frame to use for the thumbnails, etc.
This is a really great feature and I hope you're planning to work on it and continue to improve it :)
Here are some snaps from a walk near JRiver a few months back:
2. The html code for some of the templates could be improved (done better) - eg noire - why does it have a seperate page for each image when it could just use some simple JavaScript to change the main image viewed and any text to go with it. This would: A) save having hundreds of html pages. B) make it a lot more dynamic pages so you dont always just end up in a reset page with no idea of state or where in the list of thumbnails you were browsing.
When they first introduced the web gallery I believe they were looking for example templates. Perhaps if you came up with a good one, like what your idea sounds like, it just may be included?
A new template can be placed alongside existing templates in program files\j river\media center 12\data \web gallery\ and will be picked up by the program. So feel free to modify away.
Here are some snaps from a walk near JRiver a few months back:
Who Is Marissa?
Who Is Marissa?
I don't know, but she "twas here" :)
can't upload more than 5 pics with the noire skin...worked yesterday ?
( dont go away
I've been working on the server side. If it still gives you trouble, PM me with the IP address you are uploading from.
I think that's about exactly correct. Before most our customers were born.
Both girls in all the pictures are mine. There were times they wouldn't admit that.
Nice pics, Jim.
I definitely was around at that time, being born in 1952. I assume King Sparta was around too.
In 1984 I had already been in your country for 10 or 12 times! Unfortunately never made it to Minnesota. :(
I mucked around a bit with the css and html using just this standard layout for this and have uploaded the results here:
(password is 1234)
it's done using css and really simple html so as you can see is very easy to customise. Also, I've cleaned up the dir structure alot as putting all the files into one folder is 'bad form' :)
Also, MC could easily create the alternate images I've used for the thumbnails to give a roll over effect in an automated fashion (give an option to auto create roll over effects with a drop down of effects to use for it: B&W, Sepia, Lighter, Darker, etc and also let the user choose whether this effect happens as standard with the roll over being the normal image or that this effect is what is shown as the roll over image).
The wizard could also give the user a choice of basic colour schemes to use that get written into the css automatically.
This area of MC is the biggest improvement towards photo management in v12 and I really hope your planning to keep developing it.
You could even create template auto installers that could be downloaded from the site like you do with plugins, skins etc as this would REALLY encourage users to share their templates and so help develop this feature ALOT.
Are you looking to keep developing this area (and if so do you want suggestions for it) or is this around as far as you plan to go with this specific feature?
This looks nice!! I had to try it too and took the pictures I used for my personal calendar I made for the Grandmas and some other relatives. They are all taken in the USA. This year I will be back to spend a 4 week vacation in august which gives me oppertunities to shoot some more of the beautiful landscape.
is the link.
Are you looking to keep developing this area (and if so do you want suggestions for it) or is this around as far as you plan to go with this specific feature?
Yes and yes. Thanks.
I mucked around a bit with the css and html using just this standard layout for this and have uploaded the results here:
(password is 1234)
I can't access this.
Uploaded it again.
Here's the link:
I really like this new feature but more so I have really enjoyed viewing other users galleries!
Are there any plans to maybe have an index page of MC user galleries?
I'm not looking for another, just some place to view and share galleries between MC users other than a forum thread.
Just a thought.
Some Misc. Stuff. ;) (
A few basic ideas/suggestions then for this:
Split up the screen
Split the screen for creating a website into a wizard so each screen can give more config options without the one screen becoming overwhelming and confusing for beginners.
One screen for configuring how the gallery looked before then showing another one with the output details and options.
Split up templates and style
Make the config screen have options not just for templates but for themes for that template (the theme is basically just different css files that can be applied to it while the template is the whole html code for each new layout). No need to have to have 20 copies of a template just to apply different colours and positioning to it.
Templates should have a preview icon in the folder like skins do so that u can quickly flick thru the list of templates and have it display live to the side of it to show you what that template looks like.
More config options
Possibly also have some basic config options in the GUI that customise the css slightly - give option to choose default font, text colour, background colour, hyperlink colour, etc.
If they choose a theme that has these then it displays the ones set but lets them change these settings in the GUI.
Make it super easy to be creative
You guys already have package installers for skins etc, create a similar setup for templates for websites but also as a seperate thing, styles for templates so one template layout could have 5-10 or possibly even 100 different styles that it could use to make it look differently. Its the reason firefox took off so fast - user contributed extra's - it could do the same for myGal. Maybe just have a button on the wizard called 'share this layout' that uploaded both the theme and the template to jRivers servers automatically.
File Structure
Important to keep the file structure neat and clean when producing websites producing a structure something like this is more or less the norm:
- images
- thumbs
- orig
- pics
- html
- pics
- thumbs
with the index page and the css then in the root too.
just uploaded my first mygal gallary. just wondered if it is allowed to link to the page from other places and what to use (the long adress to the page or the small one from the email). and if it is allowed to link to individual pics.
nice feature.
Yes, please do link to it. Either link will work.