Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: KingSparta on January 28, 2007, 06:50:21 pm

Title: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on January 28, 2007, 06:50:21 pm
Ok I Did Some Work On Replace Master

You Will Be Able To Replace, Pre-pend, And Append All At The Same Time


Note You Can Change The Order Of The Options Incase You May Wish To Append Prior To A Replace Etc....


Here Is A Page Of Find And Replace Text Boxes, You Can Limit The Changes From All, Or 1 To 100


Copy, Move And Flip-Flop Have Combo Boxes With All Of The Media Center Fields And User Created Fields.


Something I Am Playing With (Date Finder)


Just A Log File

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on January 28, 2007, 06:55:15 pm
Comments, Complaints?
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on January 29, 2007, 05:13:40 am
But King, you used the same word!

No, Mine has an "s" If i drop the "s" it converts to person. It was also used in another way with another meaning. I actually checked to make sure it did not convert words.

Besides, I think My Moderator Days are almost over now that the forum has been modified, spamers are somewhat blocked, and the two new MC12 forums, and beta forum I am not a moderator in.

I Pruned some of the messages off
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: marko on January 29, 2007, 11:01:12 am
Super tool. Thanks for the effort. Need to uninstall previous version first, or over the top is OK?

D'loading now, report back later in week (hopefully) OK, shout when it's released, then I'll d'load !! :D

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on January 29, 2007, 12:26:10 pm
That was great fun!

Okay, one "comment" I would have:  on the "Replace master" page, the "conditional" fields have a drop-down modifier set to "if exists".  I'm assuming the drop-down also offers the option of "always"?

Will the "replace data" page allow you to fill an EMPTY field with data, including expressions?

The "Move field data" concept looks brilliant, King!  Thank You!

I'm assuming the "not in use" page will eventually be an optional uploader to the
Data Master.  I think that's a great idea.

It's looking really good, King.  Can't wait to try it out "person"ally
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on January 29, 2007, 02:01:25 pm
I Changed It

There Is Room For 16 Append, Pre-Pend Or Replace On One Page, And A Combo Box Will Determin What To Do And How Many Times To Do it.

So If You Had Append On There If The Condition Was Met (It Exists, Does Not Exists) Etc... Then You Had "A" In Find And It Found An "A" It Would Append The Other Box To It, And Do It 1 To 100 Times.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on January 29, 2007, 02:14:36 pm
I think the "replace, append and prepend" page needs to work with completely empty fields, in addition to all the other conditions.  It's not clear to me whether it will do this.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on January 29, 2007, 05:17:16 pm
I think the "replace, append and prepend" page needs to work with completely empty fields, in addition to all the other conditions.  It's not clear to me whether it will do this.

Please Explain
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on January 29, 2007, 05:49:34 pm
I mean, can I do a replace, an append, or a prepend without "finding" anything? Say i want to add "2007<space>" to the front of every instance of the "name" field for a certain group of tracks, no matter what the name is and even if the field is blank.  Will these operations work unconditionally?  Or say, I just want to fill a series of blank fields with some calsulated string.

Here's another feature request.  Can data be replaced, appended or prepended based on its position in a string?  This might be how your "bytes" thing works, I don't know.  But here's the example:

Say I have a set of strings of varying content but identical format.  "Date" would be a good example, where I have various dates of the format "mmddyyyy" and I want to replace, append or prepend ALL instances based on format, rather than "finding" any particular content, which would be inconsistent.  Can this be done based on, say "replace positions 3 and 4 ("dd") with "<something else>"? 

In previous versions you had an option to start the operation x places ahead or behind the found object.  But you still had to find an object, so if I wanted to insert something 3 places in, I had to "always" prepend a "-", and then later "find" the "-" and insert my new string 3 spaces behind it.  Otherwise the "prepend" operation could not be pushed 3 spaces into the string, I recall.   
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on January 29, 2007, 06:08:31 pm
I mean, can I do a replace, an append, or a prepend without "finding" anything?

Yes, It Is Selectable
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 04, 2007, 03:37:15 pm
Today I Worked On This Project About 6 Hours

I Also Updated The Images Above.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 06, 2007, 03:31:20 pm
Worked On De-Scrunch ToDay




Craig David - Born To Do It - Rendezvous.mp3

It Will Work On All Fields If You Wish, You Can Also Use A Button For Manual De-Scrunch
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on February 06, 2007, 06:49:35 pm

This looks really cool.  I saw you slip that DeCruncher in the previous pix, but I didn't want to lay any pressure on the "development team" by asking about it.  That ought to be a great feature.

Hope things are going well in the Real World.  I laughed so hard at that hood/trunk bit that my dentures popped out and landed in Old Ma's soup. 
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 06, 2007, 06:58:22 pm
Actually the De-Scrunch Is User Configurable

If you look at the new Updated Image 2

You will see a List Of "ABC..." and any other chr you want to add, it simply goes into a loop from 1 to len(string) seeing if the current chr exists in the user defined mask if so add a space then add the current chr until end of string.

You can also use it manually by just pressing the De-Scrunch Button.

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 08, 2007, 04:31:31 pm
I am planing on working on it a bit more this weekend, I hope, i think i am sick however (muscles hurt, flue maybe? I did have my flue shot a few months ago so not sure).

Not sure what else i need to add to it.

Any Ideas?
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on February 08, 2007, 07:49:36 pm
It all sounds good, King.  Hope you get well soon. 

One thing I might ask, and I'm sure you answered this before, but is there a simple way to:

#1.  Clear a library field that may have some fields populated and others blank.

#2.  Insert a string into a library field where some may be blank and others would have various text.  In either case the inserted string would completely replace the previous blank and/or populated fields.

Both these requests are easily done within MC, of course.  But my point in asking is that now that every other concievable append/prepend/replace action is possible within Replace Master, these two simple actions ought to be there also.

So get well soon, King.  And thanks again for working on it.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 08, 2007, 07:57:04 pm
Actually I think you can do 1, and 2 now.

I am running a small temp 100.2, goggle search of muscle aches, coughing, sneezing, flem, temp came up basically flu.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 13, 2007, 12:03:32 pm
Breaking News!

I am sick, I Have the Flu And Bronchitis

Now I wonder why I paid for a flu shot a few months ago

I fill like a Train Ran Over Me And Backed Up And Ran Over Me Again Just To Make Sure.

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: JimH on February 13, 2007, 12:07:28 pm
Maybe you can get a refund.

Sorry to hear the news.  But now I'm glad I didn't get a flu shot.  Maybe when I get old....
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 13, 2007, 12:22:47 pm
Maybe you can get a refund
I doubt it, they have a no return policy

it must be the bird flu

someone gave me "the finger" a week ago


I did accomplish something, I did get my dr. to write me a new script for LUNESTA, and the Cough syrup is the good kind (a narcotic). Where is my incense.

i'm taking the rest of the day off to meditate.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 18, 2007, 12:51:34 pm
Ok There Is A Beta Up, Batch Is Disabled. (
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on February 18, 2007, 01:43:28 pm
This looks fantastic, King!  There are a LOT of features here, so I'm just going to dribble out the comments as I go along.  For starters:

--On startup, I went to settings and cleared all fields and then selected a field.  Returning to the main page, there was no data visible.  Only when I pressed "next field" did the data appear.

--"back one field" doesn't seem to work.  i can cycle through selected fields by pressing "next field", but "back one field" doesn't have any effect.

King, all this new stuff is really great looking.  The layout for the operation tabs, "Replace . . ." and "Move . . ."  seems very clear and powerful.  Thanks, and congrats!
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 18, 2007, 02:18:57 pm
--On startup, I went to settings and cleared all fields and then selected a field.  Returning to the main page, there was no data visible.  Only when I pressed "next field" did the data appear.

when the program starts it just starts, it does not read any data

if you select next field or file it will get the file data.

I may change this

--"back one field" doesn't seem to work.  i can cycle through selected fields by pressing "next field", but "back one field" doesn't have any effect.

I just fixed this, new version is up
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on February 18, 2007, 02:23:56 pm

--Actions in the "Move . . ." tab do not seem to require the "enable" button to be checked.  They will to it anayway.  Actions in the "Replace . . ." tab DO require this.

--"Enable" button is too small, IMO.  Not clear that this is required for operations to work.

--Pressing "do it"  in the "move" tab completes the action, at least on a single file.  pressing "do it"  in the "replace" tab does nothing.  Only going to the main tab and pressing "save preview data"  seems to complete a "replace" tab action.  For consistency's sake, can it be one or the other?

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 18, 2007, 02:56:17 pm
"enable" button

It is called a "Check Box"

The Way It Should Work, Is In Manual Mode Or Batch It Will Not Do Any Of The Operations If It Is Not Enabled.

Pressing On The Buttons Should Allow The Operation No Matter If It Is Enabled (Since Your Forcing It)

Enable" button is too small

Not Sure What Your Talking About, There Is No "Enable Buttons"

I Will Work On It More Next Weekend, Or When I Find The Time.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 18, 2007, 03:49:00 pm
--Pressing "do it"  in the "move" tab completes the action, at least on a single file.  pressing "do it"  in the "replace" tab does nothing.  Only going to the main tab and pressing "save preview data"  seems to complete a "replace" tab action.  For consistency's sake, can it be one or the other?

Note that in manual mode, the Preview Changes, the Orginal data does not change unless you press the save button for the preview data.

at that point, The preview data is saved to that file for that field.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 20, 2007, 12:55:02 pm
2.0.4 Is Up For Download.

Sometimes The Plug-In Would Not Change The Data In The Preview Window.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: gappie on February 21, 2007, 05:14:57 pm
i changed a bunch of tags that are otherwise unchangeable,. like complete album and numbers playd. and it did that very nicely. but all manually, as far as i could see putting things in the replace etc tab made that only easier, but i could not find out how to do the whole list.

thanks, it looks prommising, and the albums that mc found incomplete for some reason are at least at this moment complete again.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 21, 2007, 06:10:13 pm
I have Batch Disabled....

It works for me  ;D

I want more feedback before I enable the batch command to work.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: gappie on February 21, 2007, 06:25:53 pm
oh, that explains it. well, then it works great, can not give more feedback then that. or it should be that having shortcuts to operate the buttons would be nice, there is a lot of mousing involved when doin about 90 songs.

btw, the changing of complete album only lasted till the next start of mc, as expected, was just curious what would happen.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 21, 2007, 07:12:49 pm
btw, the changing of complete album only lasted till the next start of mc, as expected

I Guess MC Updates That On The Fly Or Every so Often.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: dcwebman on February 22, 2007, 07:45:02 am
King, just to let you know that I came across a need for this tool and tried it out. The podcasts I get coming in have Names that have a prefix of the date like "2007-02-16 Episode 1". When I sync to my iPod, that's just wasted space for seeing what episode/chapter I'm on. I was trimming each name manually and then thought about trying your plug-in.

You certainly throw a lot of options in there so there may be an easier way to do this but I selected the Name field in the Settings tab, and in the Replace, Append, Pre-Pend, and Cut tab put a space in the Find and Do strings, Condition If Exists, Cut-Before, and # To Do of 1. Of course I enabled that. Back at the Main screen I clicked De-Scrunch Preview and was surprised that it appeared to work.

Is there an easier way to do this trimming?
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 22, 2007, 01:29:01 pm
Is there an easier way to do this trimming?

Well The original Was: 2007-02-16 Episode 1

and you want it to be changed to what?

how do you think the UI should be changed to make it easy-er?

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on February 22, 2007, 01:47:08 pm

If I understand what your goal was, you just wanted it shorter, any kind of shorter, so you changed
"2007-02-16 Episode 1" to "Episode 1".  And your comment, AFAICT, is, "well, simple truncations ought to be easier."

Granted, and maybe King can finesse this.  And yet, it wouldn't have been any more comlicated using Replace Master to change "2007-02-16 Episode 1" to "07-E 1", or some such, all in one swoop.  And I think this is the real power of it.  I don't know of any file-name changer as powerful as this, let alone that will work with all tags and MC-specific fields.

Quoting dcwebman:
"Of course I enabled that."

Fairly diplomatically put, DC.  You don't really say whether you feel it was a checkbox or a button. 
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 22, 2007, 01:58:43 pm
Back at the Main screen I clicked De-Scrunch Preview and was surprised that it appeared to work.

After you make some settings, the next button will update also, you must manually save since batch is disabled right now.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 22, 2007, 02:25:31 pm
Now both me And Sue Have Bronchitis, I think this house is making us sick (mold maybe).

I contacted a chemical company today to have him come to give a lecture monday about products from his company. when talking to him he stated he would bring me a new chemical foam product (free, thats the best kind) so i could foam the walls of my house, and this chemical will\should kill mold.

in case anyone has been asleep in the past 5 years Mold is the new #1 destroyer of homes and high on the home health issues list now days. the company I work for does not want to get into the business of mold, due to all the mega million dollar lawsuits running around now days.

Mark Is Now Stepping down from His soap box, and current events speech.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on February 22, 2007, 05:07:48 pm

Make sure none of this loose talk about mold gets back to your insurance company.  No matter how steep the bill for dealing with this stuff that looks so much like mold, once your insurance company declares it "mold" you can just forget it. 

Also:  don't you think we might be ready for a version of Replace Master that supports batch? 
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 22, 2007, 05:32:45 pm
don't you think we might be ready for a version of Replace Master that supports batch?

I'm not really impressed with the feedback
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on February 22, 2007, 05:38:43 pm
That's easy to fix.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 22, 2007, 06:57:55 pm
I still need to have more time to work on it...

Right now My work place is like "Paton Place" Much Turmoil

Tonight maybe 5mg night of Lunesta (max is 3mg) because I have some disturbing workplace grape vine news (It's faster than CNN or FoxNews).
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: dcwebman on February 23, 2007, 09:22:59 am
I guess I wasn't clear in my post. Sorry. I wasn't complaining about anything. I got Replace Master to change the filenames like I wanted, just like jgreen said, and to do it the first time I thought was pretty good. I just was wondering if there was a quicker way to do it. If I was using VB it would simply be a call like:
name = mid(name, instr(name, " ")+1)

I was just trying to find the same type of thing. I guess from the responses, I did. I'm happy but just was wondering if I was understanding how to do everything since there are a lot of options present. Good job King!
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 26, 2007, 06:31:14 pm
I actually found some issues where if you use a rule in a find and replace

It does not work

when i get some time i will work on it.

today I gave a class to termite techs and managers that came throughout North Carolina, it went well.

Glad it is over, been working on that for like two weeks, I am tired...
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on March 04, 2007, 12:00:24 pm
worked on it for a few mins

2.0.5 Fixed The Problem With Rules In The Find Box

Now Avail
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on March 21, 2007, 06:04:29 pm
Added Tab 5

I Am Playing With A User Configured Date Finder

I was looking thru All The Way Other Countries Enter Dates, And Added All The Ways To The Default Formats. My Plan Is To Scan For Dates In The File Name And Or Tags And Then Maybe Saving Them Into A User Defined Field.

Really This Would Be Handy For Me To Find Old Time Radio Broadcast Dates Within Normal Fields And File Name And Then Saving Them In A Coherent Format.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on March 21, 2007, 11:45:24 pm
Glad to see you're still kickin' it around.  I'll repeat what I said, Replace Master is the most advanced renaming tool (with batch processing) available inside or outside of MC or any other media player, or any thing.  It would be a shame to hide your light under a bushel, King.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on March 23, 2007, 06:34:33 pm
I will be working on it more soon since i am on vacation starting on Wen (wife going in the hosp).

The Good News For This Past Week Is ServiceMaster Who Owns Terminix, and Is 1.02 Billion (With A "B") In Dept Is being Sold. Maybe the new owners will turn the company around (Starting With treating Customers Homes Correctly) or Will close Terminix.

The Bad News Was I had To Pay Back Part Of My Manager Bonus Today -$4464.39, Dang-it (They made A Mistake). I Was going to use it to help buy a new computer.

I hate it when that happens.

I was really hoping to get more feedback\Ideas from users for the program.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: Griff on March 23, 2007, 10:21:33 pm
(wife going in the hosp).

Hope everything turns out good for Sue.

The Good News For This Past Week Is ServiceMaster Who Owns Terminix, and Is 1.02 Billion (With A "B") In Dept Is being Sold. Maybe the new owners will turn the company around (Starting With treating Customers Homes Correctly) or Will close Terminix.

There will always be BUGs, especially down here.

Never knew there was so many varieties, untill I move here.


Especially those chiggers, they eat me alive.

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on March 24, 2007, 08:20:00 am
Hope everything turns out good for Sue.

She was crying last night, I asked her why and she said she was scared Something Would Go Wrong.

I had a Operation in 1988, all they did was cut my skin, and my heart stopped for like 55 seconds. They Put Me In The CCU after the operation for 6 or so hours to make sure i was OK in case i coded on them. some of the nurses asked if i seen a bright light and all that. I told them no, but I felt hot, and the sign on the door said closed for lunch. Being A Impatient guy i just came back to my body.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on April 15, 2007, 07:40:27 pm
I did play with this a bit today....

01. When You Press Manual Save The Plug-In Will Advance To The Next File
02. Turned On the Batch Button
If You Used A Leading Space Or Trailing Space In A Search For Or Replace, The Plug-in Was Trimming This Space When It Should Not.
03. Added A Prompt For Save In Batch Mode.

Note Batch Mode Is Not Fully Tested, Any Reports You Have Will Help.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on April 15, 2007, 09:20:10 pm
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: marko on April 16, 2007, 01:07:25 am
02. Turned On the Batch Button

My sentiments exactly :D

Kingsparta, thanks for the continued work on this plugin.
I don't use many MC plugins, but the one's I do use really are right out of the top drawer. For me, MC would not be the same without them.
Best wishes from everyone in our house go out to yourself and Sue. I trust everything's going as well as it can do?

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on April 16, 2007, 05:28:50 pm
Sue is doing well...

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: Griff on April 16, 2007, 06:47:08 pm
Sue is doing well...

Glad to hear that.

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: PushiTooL on April 18, 2007, 09:30:57 pm
Replacing Filename (path) doesn't seem to work as expected.  The backslashes in the path are replaced with spaces and the colon deleted.  I can't see that I've set it to do that and can't figure out a workaround.  For example, replace "Albums\Z" with "Albums\T-Z\Z" gives current field data of "D:\Media\Mp3\Albums\Z-Trip-Shifting_Gears-(Advance)-2005-RNS\" but a preview of "D Media Mp3 Albums T-Z Z-Trip-Shifting_Gears-(Advance)-2005-RNS ".
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on April 19, 2007, 04:59:55 am
Replacing Filename (path) doesn't seem to work as expected.  The backslashes in the path are replaced with spaces and the colon deleted.  I can't see that I've set it to do that and can't figure out a workaround.  For example, replace "Albums\Z" with "Albums\T-Z\Z" gives current field data of "D:\Media\Mp3\Albums\Z-Trip-Shifting_Gears-(Advance)-2005-RNS\" but a preview of "D Media Mp3 Albums T-Z Z-Trip-Shifting_Gears-(Advance)-2005-RNS ".

Humm, i will look at it.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on April 19, 2007, 05:19:47 am
It is fixed, 2.0.10 is up for download.

I was trying to make sure file names did not contain chrs that should not be there, I was a bit too aggressive.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: PushiTooL on April 19, 2007, 08:29:22 am
You're a beautiful man  :)
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: PushiTooL on April 19, 2007, 09:07:48 am
Hmm.. is Auto Batch working, or is it disabled?  It looks like it may be working, but at the end the files are unchanged, whereas Save Preview Data works a treat.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on April 19, 2007, 10:05:10 am
Well I Left A Line Out, That Would Save the Data If You Did Not Have Ask To Save Prompt Checked, Actually by Mistake.

2.0.11 Fixes It
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: PushiTooL on April 21, 2007, 07:07:51 am
Sorry to continue being a pain Sparta but it seems to me that as the batch size is increased, Auto Batch takes exponentially more time to complete. For example, batching 10 files may take say a second per file, whereas 100 files seems to take perhaps 10 seconds per file and 1000 files maybe a minute a file.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: PushiTooL on April 21, 2007, 08:21:07 am
I should've also mentioned that after a decent sized Auto Batch, Media Center can continue taking up a fair chunk of CPU power after the batch has finished (until MC is closed down). On my system it's constantly around 50% (of 3.0GHz).
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on April 21, 2007, 08:42:09 am
I should've also mentioned that after a decent sized Auto Batch, Media Center can continue taking up a fair chunk of CPU power after the batch has finished (until MC is closed down).

MC May Store The Changed Tags, Until It Feeds All the Changes To There tagging system and then change it in the file.

Sparta but it seems to me that as the batch size is increased, Auto Batch takes exponentially more time to complete.

Try 2.0.12, I found a problem
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: PushiTooL on April 21, 2007, 10:45:44 am
You're the man! Just batched 3000 tracks in 10 mins with 2.0.12.

Thanks very much Sparta, great work.  :)
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on April 21, 2007, 12:40:35 pm
You're the man!

If that was true I would not have made that mistake, believe me it was dumb
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on April 24, 2007, 12:17:58 pm
Just tried to load 2.0.12.  When I hit "show" in plugin mgr I get an error msg  "Specified plugin 'Replace Master' could not be found or created."
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on April 24, 2007, 01:27:05 pm
Uninstall, download it again and re-install since it is working for others.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: marko on May 11, 2007, 03:36:08 am
I know you have a lot on your plate atm over there in Real Life™. Are you still taking calls on replace master?

I have an empty 'other' tab.
any ideas?
what kind of info might be helpful to you?

The previous version gave us a 'find all' option, along with a 'search from rear' option and defaulted to 'search from front'.
As far as I can see, v2.012 does a 'find all', replacing every instance of the search string, despite '#' being set to just 1.

With the previous version, we could turn off replace all, enable search from rear, then have it replace the first instance of the search string it found with the replace text and move on to the next file. Is this currently possible with v2.0.12? If it is possible, could you please chuck a pointer in my direction as I'm just not seeing it atm.

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on May 11, 2007, 06:37:57 pm
I need to get back to it sometime.

my Real Life™ is a bit full

Employees I can't figure them out sometimes.

I have been thinking about being a Wal-Mart greeter (I may need to be a bit older), the most stress i would have is what row I should get the next cart from.

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: JimH on May 11, 2007, 06:41:33 pm
I'd like to have a used car lot, with some pennants, just for the effect.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on May 11, 2007, 07:16:50 pm
I Will Give You The Light Blue & Rusted Yugo Back That You Gave Me A Few Years Ago, Just To Get You Started.

The Lighter Still Works (I Am A Non-Smoker), I Just Use it On Sundays To Warm The Car Up in The Winter.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on May 11, 2007, 07:22:46 pm

I Actually Have Been Tinkering With Some Ideas

And Another Project I Started 4 Years Or So Ago, "Image Hasher 1.0.0" Just To Figure Out Exact matches To Images With Different Names.

I have over a 2 million Images.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: JimH on May 11, 2007, 07:44:17 pm
I Will Give You The Light Blue & Rusted Yugo Back That You Gave Me A Few Years Ago, Just To Get You Started.

The Lighter Still Works (I Am A Non-Smoker), I Just Use it On Sundays To Warm The Car Up in The Winter.
Thanks for the laugh!

We're sending a new Yugo.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: lepa on July 02, 2007, 12:42:24 pm
Just tried to load 2.0.12.  When I hit "show" in plugin mgr I get an error msg  "Specified plugin 'Replace Master' could not be found or created."
Same here. Do I need to install some Microsoft Runtime dlls?
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on July 02, 2007, 03:26:42 pm
Same here. Do I need to install some Microsoft Runtime dlls?

No Clue What Would Be Wrong For You.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: lepa on July 02, 2007, 04:36:32 pm
I did install fresh Windows recently so I'm probably missing some runtime dll. Just don't know what.
Do you still use VB6 (although I already tried to install vb6 runtimes)?
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on July 02, 2007, 06:38:15 pm
Do you still use VB6

What Is The Error Message?

What Version Is It?

Here Is The VB6 Sp6 Run-Time Files, Older VB6 Runtime Files May Give You that Error (
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: dcwebman on July 03, 2007, 04:58:56 am
King, I tried using Replace Master to replace the Removable tag's value of 0 to 1 but couldn't get it to work. Did I do something wrong?
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on July 04, 2007, 06:55:27 am
I don't think all fields are editable.

Not Sure About That One.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: lepa on July 06, 2007, 03:04:09 pm
What Is The Error Message?
What Version Is It?
Interface plug-in 'Replace Master' could not be found or created
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: gappie on July 08, 2007, 03:37:44 pm
Interface plug-in 'Replace Master' could not be found or created

had the same when i tried to reinstall this version a few days ago (had an older version in the past). thought i post about it when im sure there is not something wrong on my side. not sure about that yet though.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on July 08, 2007, 04:01:02 pm
I never got too much feed back so I stoped playing with it.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: gappie on July 08, 2007, 04:43:38 pm
I never got too much feed back so I stoped playing with it.

that is a pity. thanks for the effort. i understand that you are a bit disappointed. i wish i kept the older version though.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on July 10, 2007, 04:57:02 pm
I am wondering if you installed DataMaster And If It Works For You.

I think i am off this weekend, i may take a peek at it.
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: gappie on July 10, 2007, 05:10:41 pm
I am wondering if you installed DataMaster And If It Works For You.

I think i am off this weekend, i may take a peek at it.

yes, i did indeed.  :) and it works. will take spend some more time with it next week. im to busy at this moment to really look into it. but it looks very promissing.

Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: Lasse_Lus on August 15, 2007, 03:22:01 pm
sparta, error here to  :'(  ...can you please fix  :)


DataMaster works like a charm
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on August 15, 2007, 05:15:58 pm
not sure why it is doing that for you..
Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: marko on August 20, 2007, 02:58:46 pm
I never got too much feed back so I stoped playing with it.

One of my primary uses for this truly wonderful plugin is to batch rename actual files. I found that with the 2.xx series, this was either not possible, or was very difficult to achieve, so I stuck with the primary release, v0.0.24 which makes the task particularly easy to do.

Start from rear, find ., replace everything after found item with string_[######], job done.

Can this be done with v2? and if so, how? and if no, has development of replace master been permanently shelved, meaning that I should stick with v0.0.24?


Title: Re: Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on August 20, 2007, 03:04:54 pm
I May At Some Point Investigate It More....

Not Sure What Condition The Code Was Left In...