More => Old Versions => Media Center 12 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: HTPC4ME on February 07, 2007, 09:30:18 am
can someone please explain to me why JRiver is the coolest most functioning stable media player. but can't get the thumbnailfunction to work properly?
ive used this for years now.
and have made many posts in regards to thumbnails.
why does j river sometimes after a restart of computer or program just decide... ok im going to go back to default and list EVERYTHING all views back to details??? all my playlists\playing now\libraries all go back to defaults\details. meaning details\text. NOT THUMBNAILS.
in earlier versions 10 for example there was a Really cool function which i never got explained why it was removed?
where you could reset all views to the one you wanted. (rightclick,customize current view) so i would choose thumbnails then choose reset all views to thumbnails. and everything libraries, playing now playlists would all show thumbnails
this hasnt been possible since 10!? why not?
and why does it just reset itself to details. is there a work around here? a script someone can take out so the program NEVER EVER has the ability to choose details. that it will always choose thumbnails?
this gets to be alot of work and wasted time. especially for those of us. (well i will only speak for myself cause maybe i'm doing something wrong.) but it becomes alot of work changing all playlists(30 of them) playing now, libraries etc back to thumbnails
thanks for any advice. or enlightenment on this inquiry.
What version and build are you using?
The views should remain as you leave them, even after computer restart.
CTRL-U cycles through different views.
using version 12.0.151. but like i said jim this has been an issue since 10. and im on 12 now.
also cntrl U again only works for the view you are in. and also it does not reset your thumbnails size to the slider postion you have had chosen.
believe me i've tried everything... i even have a thumbnails view button on titlebar\toolbar because it happens so often. and i put that thumbnails icon there so as to speed up process of changing all the views. i just click playlist\library\playing now recent playing now etc.. then click on thumbnails icon on toolbar, then for each view i put mouse on slider and move it all the way down.
this whole process usually takes me 15 minutes every time it happens. which scares me for when i add more playlists then that time will be more. just a pain is all (especially when ya come n need to work sit down and all your views are defaulted and your use to looking @ album art (which is AGAIN faster then reading)
like i wrote previously awesome program and I WON'T get rid of it. but this seems like an issue that can be resolved not to mention when i found JRiver they had a function for reseting the view to thumbnails for all views. (version 10) so i know it is possible. they just took it out and wont implement it again. and i know in some of my earlier posts people have agreed that that was a great function especially for when jriver reset yer views on you to default.
So it sounds like you're losing your settings for the views.
Does anyone else see this? Or not see it?
I don't see it, for reference though
I believe a Library Restore will also restore views and view settings....
However... It does loose all the thumbnails which will
require rebuilding...
jimH i think its a media center problem... i have posted this before and 3-4 people mentioned they wish jriver still offered the reset all views to thumbnails option.
i have tried reinstalling program unintalling i have acustom built machine which has been up and trunning for 2-3 years straight and has happened on it since version 10 when i first bought JRiver. and on my laptop i use to have external drive hooked up to it and same issues. no i just use laptop for connecting wirelessly to server and that as well also looses its views. again ive uninstalled have both j rivers setup to check for updates, and come to forum often to update in hopes someday that customize all views will be implemnted again. so when it does happen only takes me 10 seconds to be back up and running and i'm good for afew weeks.
So it sounds like you're losing your settings for the views.
Does anyone else see this? Or not see it?
I did occasionally way back when (v10), but I haven't for a long, long time. I'm suspicious that I used to have the issue because of storing my library on a network drive. Ever since I moved my library storage (the database files not the media) to all local drives I have not seen it again.
Other than when you guys reset them occasionally with new builds (like 16x) of course...
have not done library restore in along time. was just editing vids last night. went to bed at 3am. woke up @ 7 to take son to school, open media center @ 9 when i got home all views were back to details. so the DanceMix playlist that i wanted to listen to i made thumbnails moved slider down and rest of playlist i havent touched yet, caus ei need to get editing. but thought id send this issue to you guys again in hopes there was a fix or at least an answer :)
Where is your library stored?
Go to File --> Library --> Library Manager. What is the "Location" for the one listed as the current (the one with the arrow)?
have not done library restore in along time.
I'm not suggesting it was the cause of the problems but a potential time saver
if it happens again..
glynor my media(music vids Pics are all on external drive) the program JRiver all settings are on local drive(internal drive) operating system drive
300 gig internal 50 gigs for operating system all programs. ONLY programs 15 gigs left.
remainder 250 gigs is for editing
other internal 300 gig is for mirroring first drive.
external drive with media(just media) is 300 gigs all full and dedicated to only jriver) that is backed up as well onto another external which is in a safe.
maybe that helps?
or maybe i didnt understand your post? database files means jriver program files correct? meaning c\program files jriver\ or cdocs settings application data jriver?
or maybe i didnt understand your post? database files means jriver program files correct? meaning c\program files jriver\ or cdocs settings application data jriver?
No. The database files are separate from the program files. If you're on the computer that has MC, just go where I told you and tell me what it lists under Location for the library with the arrow...
c:\ docsandsettings\owner\application data\jriver\media center12\library
Okay. That's the default, so that's probably not it. If you move those files to the external drive, or to a network drive, it can cause issues.
yea i been trying to get this working for long time now. not sure what it could be?? in regards to the feature jriver use to offer.. reset all vies or save all views as thumbnails. is this not possible to have again? or did it cause issues i wasnt aware of that jriver removed it? it really sped up redoing your views. ive had parties before or been on a job. and i get there open JRiver and all views are defaulted.
and it takes me 15 minutes to get rockin. just saying was a quick fix if and when it did happen.
yea i been trying to get this working for long time now. not sure what it could be?? in regards to the feature jriver use to offer.. reset all vies or save all views as thumbnails. is this not possible to have again? or did it cause issues i wasnt aware of that jriver removed it? it really sped up redoing your views. ive had parties before or been on a job. and i get there open JRiver and all views are defaulted.
and it takes me 15 minutes to get rockin. just saying was a quick fix if and when it did happen.
There are new features in current builds relating to this. It's now possible to reset child views to match the current parent view.
Updating to a 12.0.16x build will reset your views back to the defaults though so be aware!
what version you on glynor? i dont see apply this layout to child views.
see another issue. lol i goto top left side where your library icons are. audio images video well all 3 of them i've always had set to genre.. and the slider on top has always been all the way to left. well because all views are back to default now 3 of them audio images video are panes.
here i've included picture to show you the work this entails. first pic shows default(pane) second shows switching it to genre (all large thumbnails hen moved slider down), 3rd shows after moving slider down the thumbs are small way i like them, bottom of screen( i missed taking that picture but i had to click on little arrow to bring up what you see in 3rd pic which again there all details, 4th shows me choosing genres, 5 th shows me moving slider down and how i like it to be.
now.. thats just for audio\media library.. i have to do that now with images, videos, and also playing now, and also playlists.
ok... wrote all that and forgot how to add pictures. guidance please glynor i have to upload them to photobucket right? then i can insert my pictures? can you guide me please. so you guys can get a visual of what happens
what version you on glynor? i dont see apply this layout to child views.
12.0.164, which is available at the top of this board. It is a very new feature, and 164 is the first public build that offered it.
ok upgraded to newest view. getting better.. but not as it was in 10. each playlist group you change the child which means the folders under that playlist will change.(not al playlists\all views playing now, libraries etc..) so i still have to chnage all playlist views and also for media library buttons audio images video same thing have to change each one of them seperatelly.
getting closer to way it was though(should speed it up a tad. ....YEAAAAA