Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: randym on February 09, 2007, 07:11:38 pm

Title: Importing flac files
Post by: randym on February 09, 2007, 07:11:38 pm
I am just getting started.  I attempted to import my music folder into MC but only the MP3 files are entered despite the fact that I loaded the flac incoder and encoder plugins and checkmarked the flac file association.  (I also shut down and restarted MC after loading the plugins.)  The folder I attempted to import is the format "music\artist\album\flac files." 

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Title: Re: newbie question
Post by: dcwebman on February 09, 2007, 07:26:29 pm
Please see these topics to see if they help:
Title: Re: Importing flac files
Post by: Osho on February 09, 2007, 08:20:42 pm
I am just getting started.  I attempted to import my music folder into MC but only the MP3 files are entered despite the fact that I loaded the flac incoder and encoder plugins and checkmarked the flac file association.  (I also shut down and restarted MC after loading the plugins.)  The folder I attempted to import is the format "music\artist\album\flac files." 

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance for your help.


When you import a folder, you can specify which file types inside that folder MC should import. This can be changed by clicking on the advanced button in the Import Folder dialog. Most likely, you did not have the FLAC files checked.

Title: Re: Importing flac files
Post by: randym on February 10, 2007, 11:45:32 am
Thanks to both of you for your quick resonses.  OSHO was on target and the page links from dcwebman included that information.  I find the WIKI a bit difficult to navigate.  The Import page is down several layers deep but seems like such a basic operation.  Perhaps there should be a page giving the entire structure of the WiKI.
Title: Re: Importing flac files
Post by: dcwebman on February 10, 2007, 09:46:58 pm
Perhaps there should be a page giving the entire structure of the WiKI.

This is the best there is as far as a manual goes:

An entire site map would definitely be a bigger page. Search helps too which is how I found your answers.
Title: Re: Importing flac files
Post by: Pelo on February 11, 2007, 08:11:03 am
When you import a folder, you can specify which file types inside that folder MC should import. This can be changed by clicking on the advanced button in the Import Folder dialog. Most likely, you did not have the FLAC files checked.


The problem may persist in MC12, Flac files are not recognized as audio, but as documents. Try this workaround: In the "Audio" View, rightclick on audio, edit viewscheme. Under Step 4 you find Mediatype. Just add "data" to "Audio", then it will work.
Have fun, Pelo
Title: Re: Importing flac files
Post by: Osho on February 11, 2007, 10:45:09 am
The problem may persist in MC12, Flac files are not recognized as audio, but as documents.

Flac files are automatically recognized as audio in my case. Are you sure you have FLAC input plugin installed?

Title: Re: Importing flac files
Post by: jkrzok on September 17, 2007, 07:06:20 am
I'm also having issues importing FLAC files. I added FLAC to the list of files types MC should import. Nada. In case FLAC was imported as a data file I tried adding [data] to the audio view but when I did this I ended up with a blank view; no files at all showed up. I looked through dcweb's links; they didn't help.

I saw elsewhere that there was a way to change FLAC from data files to music files in MC but I can't figure out how. Any help?

The decoder is installed; MC will play the files if I drag and drop them to the player. I'm using the newest build.

This is especially frustrating. I'm reinstalling MC after some PC stupidity on my part. It worked fine before. Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Importing flac files
Post by: AoXoMoXoA on September 17, 2007, 10:19:01 am
Flac is a major audio codec and growing in popularity.
As such I strongly feel it should be made native to MC and no longer be the "orphan child".

The issues with plugin installation and flac being seen as other than audio, etc has gone on long enough.

Not to play down the efforts of Scott in maintaining the flac plugins, he's done a great job, but I really think this should be something MC developers deal with as I would then expect it to be totally seamless.
Title: Re: Importing flac files
Post by: Osho on September 17, 2007, 10:44:16 am
Flac is a major audio codec and growing in popularity.
As such I strongly feel it should be made native to MC and no longer be the "orphan child".

The issues with plugin installation and flac being seen as other than audio, etc has gone on long enough.

Not to play down the efforts of Scott in maintaining the flac plugins, he's done a great job, but I really think this should be something MC developers deal with as I would then expect it to be totally seamless.

Yes, I agree with this. Can we combine FLAC codecs (encoder/decoder both) with the default MC12 distribution?

Title: Re: Importing flac files
Post by: richard.e.morton on September 17, 2007, 11:46:04 am
yep, and I was just going to say the samething.
I know it would increase the distribution size, but it would be good if MC could include all codecs that they recommend (approve) even as far as the CCCP, or include it as an extra distributable?

Title: Re: Importing flac files
Post by: jkrzok on September 17, 2007, 01:27:50 pm
yep, and I was just going to say the samething.
I know it would increase the distribution size, but it would be good if MC could include all codecs that they recommend (approve) even as far as the CCCP, or include it as an extra distributable?

I can see adding an option to download and install some sort of codec pack like CCCP as part of the MC install procedure.

The problem is that that would make the people at J River responsible for CCCP support, at least in the eyes of the users.
Title: Re: Importing flac files
Post by: richard.e.morton on September 17, 2007, 01:38:38 pm
true, but the codecs I would live to see more the common / hi-fi codecs to be installed. I am thinking in terms of being a newby and installing a program that says it supports FLAC and then you install it and it doesn't out of the box is I guess frustrating.

I understand the issues around quicktime and realmedia (it's a shame though), although I tend to annoy these closed standards. I would like to see MP4 included as it should be the new mp3 and is in the same licensing area as mp3, unless jrmc uses windows media for mp3 playback, in which case we're waiting on MS to include it.

Title: Re: Importing flac files
Post by: scthom on September 18, 2007, 08:14:20 pm
I can understand your frustration with flac integration with MC.  The whole reason I started the project was because JRiver didn't want to support flac (they already had Ape).  But you never know.  And while I appreciate the support, rather than bugging them about it, a better use of your time might be to volunteer patches or help figure out the bugs.  A commitment to open source projects sometimes means you have to pitch in to get what you want.