Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: dcwebman on March 04, 2007, 01:10:45 pm

Title: How to set Name in Replace Master
Post by: dcwebman on March 04, 2007, 01:10:45 pm
I have a bunch of files related to an audiobook that I'll be synching to my iPod. I want the Name to be short so that it displays easily in the iPod, something like Part 3 of 24, Part 4 of 24, etc. I'm betting Replace Master can do this but I'm not sure the different settings I need to do in order to accomplish this. It looks like the Counter (Use Rule) option might be able to help but I just can't figure out what to do there.

Anybody know the steps in order to accomplish my preferred naming?
Title: Re: How to set Name in Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on March 04, 2007, 01:19:10 pm
well How About

Blaa Blaa Blaa - Part 3 of 24.mp3

Using "Cut Before" Find "Part"

Edit: Maybe Not, I Will Look Into It
Title: Re: How to set Name in Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on March 04, 2007, 01:38:24 pm
Fixed In 2.0.6 (I think)
Title: Re: How to set Name in Replace Master
Post by: jgreen on March 04, 2007, 01:40:08 pm

It would help considerably if you could post one or two examples of how the files are named currently.  If in fact they are of the scheme "Blaa Blaa Blaa - Part <X> of 24.mp3", where "x" is an ascending sequence but everything else is static, then I would use "replace" and:

1.  Replace "Blaa Blaa Blaa - Part " with <nothing>.  Note the included space after "Part".  I'm not sure if RM will pick that up, but it's worth a try.

2.  Replace " of 24" with "-24".

I'm not sure if you want to lose all of the "Blaa Blaa Blaa".  Maybe you want to keep "Blaa" and just lose "Blaa Blaa".  I would use the same steps again.  This is assuming they are currently numbered in sequence.  If they are not numbered, then yes, you would use the counter to do this.  Could you show use a current file?

Note:  You're still going to have to press the button manually. 
Title: Re: How to set Name in Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on March 04, 2007, 01:59:14 pm
2.0.8 Move Cut-Before And Cut-After To The Condition Combo, This Way Append, Replace And Pre-Pend Can Be Used In The Same Action

I changed A Var In 2.0.6 And Should Not Have (Thru Out The Program)

2.0.7 Allows Find Boxs To Be Enabled

Title: Re: How to set Name in Replace Master
Post by: dcwebman on March 05, 2007, 08:38:39 am
Sorry I wasn't clear. The point is I don't care what the existing Name is. I want to wipe it out and create my own Name that is in the format of Part 3 of 24, Part 4 of 24, etc.

What I did do so far (and I know there must be an easier way) is to use MC's Copy fields to copy the Track # to Name. Then I used a Pre-Pend and an Append to do the other parts.

It eventually got there but it was multiple steps instead of perhaps one run through Replace Master.
Title: Re: How to set Name in Replace Master
Post by: KingSparta on March 05, 2007, 10:26:00 am
well you can use track # in the plug-in it will pull it from mc