Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: escaflo on April 13, 2007, 07:41:17 am
I've just updated the track info template. Attached is the screenshot.
Download from here: (
Comments are always welcome. Thanks!
I've fix some bugs and updated a little bit of design.
If you downloaded it, please download it again.
I really like the original Simply Black Track Info, so I will continue to use that one. I'll also provide some feedback on V2.
1) I prefer the simple cover art in this version better (without the reflection effect)
2) It looks more dark gray, not black. I prefer the black. Back goes well with the Intention skin (my default).
3) The click to expand is nice to turn off the things you don't want, or toggle them on or off.
4) I prefer the old layout better (Lyrics in 1 area, track info to the right). It looks more balanced and better utilizes the real estate.
While I prefer V1, they are both great skins.
Hi Randy,
Thanks for the comments. I've updated the template a bit. Please download it and let me know how it is.
Download here: (
I installed v2.1. I think this is a good improvement over v2.
1) I think the middle section (the part with lyrics) is too narrow. I find some of my lyrics wrapping in this version. I never had problems with V1. I do think lyrics in V1 looked a little too wide. So somewhere in between the current size and V1 would be perfect.
2) I would prefer bios in the third column. Maybe above comments. In part this is because the bios in column 2 reduces the vertical space allocated to lyrics.
3) Currently when you expand bios, it hides lyrics. For me I never want to hide lyrics. This toggling of a pair would be OK if it were in column 3, but not for lyrics.
Part of the reason for my comments is I very heavily use lyrics. Therefore I never want them turned off and I would like like to devote as much vertical space to them as possible.
Thanks for listening...
Hi Randy,
I've updated it again based on your comments. This version has lyrics on its own column. Test it out and let me know if you need further customization.
Cheers, (
Almost perfect. I would like to make 1 small request.
Could you make the Lyrics section a little longer? There is a little space available from when you moved the bios to column 3. Lyrics should line up with the bottom of the cover art.
Thanks again...
Done. Download again from the same link above.
Perfect ;D