Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: scthom on April 21, 2007, 09:55:02 pm

Title: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: scthom on April 21, 2007, 09:55:02 pm
I posted version 2.0.1 of the EQdb plugin at the mcplugins SourceForge site (  Since it relies on events in 12.0.217+ it won't work correctly with the public version (hang on, I'm sure the advanced version will be made public soon).

If you get errors about installation, make sure you have gdiplus.dll installed in your system (see the readme for a link if you don't have it).
Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: Alex B on April 22, 2007, 01:48:54 am
I have tried to install this and the previous version, but no joy yet. The error messages are the same as before. ( (

I have XP SP2 and the gdiplus.dll file is available in the windows\system32\ folder. Actually a search returned about ten gdiplus.dll files in various program folders, but I assume that the default location is system32, because it is the first directory in the search path. The gdiplus.dll file version in the system32 folder was from the year 2001, but I downloaded the newer file from the link you provided and replaced the file.

Edit, forgot to mention: MC12.0.218
Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: jgreen on April 22, 2007, 11:13:55 am
No workie.
Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: KingSparta on April 22, 2007, 07:37:45 pm
If you get errors about installation, make sure you have gdiplus.dll installed in your system (see the readme for a link if you don't have it).

Is there a reason your not including in in the Install?

I also could not get it to install

Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: scthom on April 23, 2007, 12:40:06 am
Hmmm.  Working fine here.

Anyone got DependencyWalker (depends.exe) handy? (

There's got to be a link that's busted.  I'm still learning how to trim all those requirements.

Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: Alex B on April 23, 2007, 03:32:53 am
When I ran Dependency Walker directly on the egdb.dll file it reported these missing files:


When I profiled the file I got this report:

depwalk_regserv32_eqdb_report.htm (
Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: scthom on April 24, 2007, 09:32:59 am
Microsoft Visual C++ Run-Time version 8.0.

I'm starting to write it out, but in the mean time, I posted the redistributable on my SourceForge site.  Just install them into your system32 folder.
Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: jgreen on April 24, 2007, 10:07:52 am
umm, where?  What?
Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: scthom on April 24, 2007, 11:22:15 pm
Files, download, unzip, copy, paste, enjoy  ;D

There's a package called MSVCRT on the ( dodwnloads page.
Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: jgreen on April 25, 2007, 12:07:08 am
Sorry, scthom, it ain't happening here yet.

I downloaded your msv* stuff, unzipped it, and copied it into my C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory.  I rebooted, restarted MC and tried installing the dll through plugin manager, and tried opening the mjp file.  Each attempt seemed to return the same error messages as prior to pasting in the msv*'s.  I also checked my sys32 dir for the gdiplus.dll, which is sitting there pretty as could be.

Running winXP sp2, all updates.
Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: scthom on April 25, 2007, 09:20:05 am

OK, well, I'm working on it.  Probably something this weekend.
Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: NoCodeUK on April 27, 2007, 07:46:40 am

I saw something similar to this with a plugin written for another program, Notepad++.  Its something to do with the compilation within VC++.  There is a setting you have to change.  I'm just checking the website for you for details.

Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: NoCodeUK on April 27, 2007, 07:49:20 am
This was the solution.  Hope it makes sense!!

Configuration properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime library : Multi-threaded Dll(/MD)
The value *Multi-Threaded Dll(/MD)* makes the binary use the share dll's routing on the runtime instead of the static link.
Use *Multi-threaded (/MT)* instead (so static link) should solve this problem.
Title: Re: EQdb v2.0.1 released
Post by: scthom on April 27, 2007, 09:31:09 am
Unfortunately, I'm already doing that, so I couldn't figure out why it was required.  I try to build the plugins with minimal requirements (I try to use all static links) so that they install on the widest variety of platforms.

I've already changed the logging routines to use C files instead of C++ files, that part seems OK (it no longer relies on MSVCRT, but now something else is wrong and I won't have time to fix it until tomorrow.