Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: jmone on April 25, 2007, 02:42:26 am
I'm using Audioscrobbler to generate my sig file below but I have a couple of Q's:
1) Can I confirm I am using the right plug in for MC?
- I'm currently using the "olde schoole and unsupported" J River Media Center plug in at ( as
- the for Microsoft Windows Version: 1.1.3 does not appear to support MC
2) Using the "olde schoole and unsupported" J River Media Center plug in drops the config file "audioscrobbler.ini file" on my desktop - can I some how config Audioscrobbler to look instead into say the Media Center directory as having an INI file on your desktop is just odd
you really don't want to be using that plugin. It's got a few bugs in it, the most annoying being that every so often, it fails to log itself in, and the only clue you have about this is that when your track reaches 50% played, MC will promptly crash!!
Try the plugin available from the MC 11.1 board. It's very stable and does exactly what it is supposed to do without ever giving you any gip :)
(it doesn't place it's config file on your desktop either :) )
Thanks - trying it now - and yes I'd had the problem of the other plugin not loggin in (and even a random crash I had no idea what causes) ;D
Do you know if the author is going to make it MC12 friendly (path names etc)?
Hi Nathan,
Thought I would check out.. You seem to be the only person really using it..
Need some help here.
Installed software. Installed that plug-in for JRMC11.
The plug-in shows up in JRMC12. What do I do with it? There's no interaction between software and MC (nothing is shown in Playing Now when JRMC12 is playing).
How it all supposed to work?
Thanks - trying it now - and yes I'd had the problem of the other plugin not loggin in (and even a random crash I had no idea what causes) ;D
Do you know if the author is going to make it MC12 friendly (path names etc)?
figured it out.. didn't need that software after all..
and that "unsupported" Audioscrobbler plug-in is really not good..
Hi Nathan,
Thought I would check out.. You seem to be the only person really using it..
Need some help here.
Installed software. Installed that plug-in for JRMC11.
The plug-in shows up in JRMC12. What do I do with it? There's no interaction between software and MC (nothing is shown in Playing Now when JRMC12 is playing).
How it all supposed to work?
Hey Max, I see there are a few users on these forums by the looks of their sigs so I also thought it worth a go! FYI - Last FM have some 100 odd registed in the MC group at (
EDIT - Out of interest does the following links work (they do from my account but and they it says they are published but I'm not so sure...)
For those with accounts, I've published a couple of simple MC "Chart Styles" (as you will see in my sig block):
1) Playing Now (
2) Top 5 (can be artist or artist/track either weekly or all up) (
Interesting. Once I make this thing working I might join the group.
Sill a question: I installed that plugin. I can see it submitting played titles to some server and those submissions get accepted. However, nothing shows up in my statistics. And where is that statistics supposed to be anyway - I checked "Charts" - my chart is empty after 8 hours.
Er links do not work for me - show my info ("No recent tracks to show") with er template..
If I logout, then it shows the default example Chart.
Hey Max, I see there are a few users on these forums by the looks of their sigs so I also thought it worth a go! FYI - Last FM have some 100 odd registed in the MC group at (
EDIT - Out of interest does the following links work (they do from my account but and they it says they are published but I'm not so sure...)
For those with accounts, I've published a couple of simple MC "Chart Styles" (as you will see in my sig block):
1) Playing Now (
2) Top 5 (can be artist or artist/track either weekly or all up) (
Yeah it is not the best laid out and I found that you will not get any of the "Top" charts for a week - I read on the site somewhere it builds them Sunday night but you should get the "Playing Now" ones pretty much straight away though I see there can still be a delay of serveral minutes sometime in showing the latest songs. - Here is a pic of what I see when logged in:
Once on this page you can select different "style to suit your site" which selects the Graphic then drop down box under "Choose a chart style" determins what info is shown in the Graphic, then you can cut and past the links to the right to use on a web site.....
Yeah.. I was watching that page since I started that plugin.. There was no info for quite a while. Checked about an hour ago - none. Checked back just 5 min ago and there's some..
After 19 hours..
Well, at least I configured it right..
Yeah it is not the best laid out and I found that you will not get any of the "Top" charts for a week - I read on the site somewhere it builds them Sunday night but you should get the "Playing Now" ones pretty much straight away though I see there can still be a delay of serveral minutes sometime in showing the latest songs. - Here is a pic of what I see when logged in:
Once on this page you can select different "style to suit your site" which selects the Graphic then drop down box under "Choose a chart style" determins what info is shown in the Graphic, then you can cut and past the links to the right to use on a web site.....
Hey Nathan,
It's tricky to put that html into this forum's sig.. Interact Forum only allows 120 characters there. Your username is 2 characters shorter, mine doesn't fit.. OK, I'll invent a shorter name and make a template with a short name
I see you even got the sig working (I had to cut the signature BBC code to the following...replace the ( with [ and ) with ]....
"(img)[/img)" and it takes up 119 of the allowable 120 chars!).
Also I'm note sure of the "value" in the MC group at LastFM....
PS - the above BBC code just puts in the PICs at the expense of removing the clickable link...
That's exactly what i did...
One more thing though. I selected a template - 3 recent tracks showed up after 19 hours. New ones never appeared.. I changed the template and there were more tracks. Changed back to the previous template and there wre still those first 3 tracks.. Why it's statick? Should I create my own templates?
PS - the above BBC code just puts in the PICs at the expense of removing the clickable link...
They are dynamically generated for "Playing Now" but I imagine their server has a queue that its works through. The others are only generated weekly (I think). I noticed that when you change template you may need to change it back to Playing Now and/or refresh the page to see the change on their site. The link to the pics seem to update ok (given the varible delay). Eg I've just started playing "Wolfmother" so I'll see when it starts to appear.
OK it looks like at the moment the delay for me from playing a song is:
- 2ish mins into playing a song the MC Plug In sends the info to Last FM
- This seems to be shown immediatly if you change style etc on their site (just refreshing the page does not seem to work)
- 5ish mins later the sig pic is updated....
Mmmm a watched kettle never boils, but in this case a watched LAST FM sig block just took 30min to refresh...
Hey Max - guess what...from their FAQ:
Why doesn't everything update immediately?
We have a layer of caching which prevents the website from accessing our database too frequently. Various bits of data shown on the site are cached for periods of time. Data that is more difficult to calculate is cached longer.
oh my.. this thing is buggy..
Yup especially the creation of your own tempates - very frustrating! JRiver could do a better job with a combo of YADB and PIX01!
oh my.. this thing is buggy..
Are you using RhinoBanga's plug-in? The one on their site used to be have issues.
Search for his posts here.
Yup, his plug in is fine - the Last.FM web site however is flaky....I was thinking that a plug in that not only updated YADB with all the meda data on music being played but also kept the stats and with PIX01 for the generation and storage of the Chart Styles could be interesting to many MC users.
Yes. The plug-in is perfectly fine! image generation, however, is far from perfect..
FYI - The Interact Signature space has been increased to 240chars so you can now fit in both the clickable link and the graphic.
Thanks for the info! (did you notice that changed their stuff too to "Widgets" now the sig (new one) takes a million characters..
I'm not sure a million chars would be enough - how on earth are they expecting them to be used in signature blocks!
As of yesterday (31 May), I see that submissions are going out OK, but LastFM shows no new items.
all ok here..
all ok here..
Very odd. My info has not updated since Wednesday.
Ahhhh, I saved the config again and all is well.
The plugin reported successful submissions before, but nothing showed up before I did this.