Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: scthom on May 26, 2007, 02:50:50 pm

Title: In_FLAC v2.2.1 decoder plugin released
Post by: scthom on May 26, 2007, 02:50:50 pm
Version 2.2.1 of the flac decoder plugin was posted on (

It changes the way images for cover art are handled on export (file location as well as name) in order to prevent duplicates.  It also now maintains the cover art block in memory correctly for changes in MC.
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.1 decoder plugin released
Post by: Rudy81 on May 27, 2007, 06:27:10 pm

I am using dbPoweramp to rip my cd collection and them am using the import feature to update MC12.  My rips are in .flac and the only problem I am having has to do with the cover art. The cover art is being embedded in each file, but it is not being saved in the MC12 "cover art" folder as set in the options dialog for cover art.  Is this a problem with mc12 or with the .flac file?

All my songs have the correct cover art, but the art is not being saved in either the separate folder or each individual folder as set by the options menu.
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.1 decoder plugin released
Post by: JimH on May 27, 2007, 06:30:46 pm
Maybe this post of scthom's will help:
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.1 decoder plugin released
Post by: Alex B on May 28, 2007, 12:58:05 am
The cover art is being embedded in each file, but it is not being saved in the MC12 "cover art" folder as set in the options dialog for cover art.  Is this a problem with mc12 or with the .flac file?

MC does this when you use MC's Cover Art tools for adding cover art. These tools are not used when an audio file is imported.

If an imported audio file already has embedded cover art MC can display it automatically, but this does not start the "add cover art" process.
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.1 decoder plugin released
Post by: Alex B on May 28, 2007, 01:08:00 am

thanks for the fixed plugin.

Seems like all previously reported cover art problems are fixed now. However, I may have found a new minor bug: I can't remove embedded cover art from the physical file tag. "Remove Cover Art" clears only the Image File library field value and removes the cached thumbnail.
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.1 decoder plugin released
Post by: Rudy81 on May 28, 2007, 08:05:16 am
Thank you for your help.
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.1 decoder plugin released
Post by: Rudy81 on May 28, 2007, 09:23:08 am
MC does this when you use MC's Cover Art tools for adding cover art. These tools are not used when an audio file is imported.

If an imported audio file already has embedded cover art MC can display it automatically, but this does not start the "add cover art" process.

I don't think my ripping program, dbpoweramp, is embedding the cover art in the .flac files.  However, after import, the majority of the songs end up with embedded art and a few use folder.jpg. So, I am not sure how the embedding is taking place...but thanks for at least clarifying one issue.
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.1 decoder plugin released
Post by: scthom on May 30, 2007, 04:05:05 pm
I may have found a new minor bug: I can't remove embedded cover art from the physical file tag. "Remove Cover Art" clears only the Image File library field value and removes the cached thumbnail.

Let me look into it -- I thought when I tested, it worked OK.  MC sends a blank "Image File" tag, upon which I then delete the cover art block.

"Remove all Images with Tags" works from the right click->"Remove All" menu.  If you have "remove all images" selected, then I'll delete all tags and all picture blocks and not just the cover art.
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.1 decoder plugin released
Post by: scthom on May 30, 2007, 09:51:07 pm
There was a bug in the string compare.  It's fixed.