Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: scthom on May 30, 2007, 09:53:22 pm

Title: In_FLAC v2.2.2 Released
Post by: scthom on May 30, 2007, 09:53:22 pm
I posted version 2.2.2 of the FLAC decoder plugin.  It fixes the remove cover art bug and also fixes some memory leaks.

Sourceforge has changed the way their downloads/mirrors work so I'm experimenting with package files again.  I've also updated the downloads page on the web site to link to the latest versions directly.
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.2 Released
Post by: jeffdoo on May 30, 2007, 10:15:25 pm
Sorry, it was a holiday weekend and I've been busy since returning....

I installed the new In_FLAC plugin v2.2.2 and it has indeed corrected the thumbnail creation error I mentioned in the prior En_FLAC thread.

    Thank you!
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.2 Released
Post by: GHammer on May 31, 2007, 11:39:54 pm
I had no luck with the downloaded mjp from the URL in your signature.
It downloaded then during install, failed with an 'in use' error.
MC was not playing anything at the time.
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.2 Released
Post by: marko on June 01, 2007, 02:00:33 am
I couldn't connect to this morning. :(

I found an alternative site with links ( :D

Thanks again scthom.
Is there anything we can do to help troubleshoot if the plugins won't install?

Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.2 Released
Post by: scthom on June 01, 2007, 08:28:09 am
Unfortunately, the installation is very much a black box operation.  As you can see from the package file, all it does is copy the dll into the plugin directory and tell MC to register it.  MC loads the dll, tests a few parameters to make sure it's compatible, and calls the dll's registration function.

Any of those operations could cause a failure under certain circumstances, and I've been unable to determine what the various error messages mean.  "Failed to Install" is particularly helpful ;)
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.2 Released
Post by: grahamk on June 04, 2007, 05:12:37 pm

Yeah - I'm still getting "failed to install" on the In_Flac package. It installed on one of my computers flawlessly, but I cannot install it on two other systems that I use a lot. I've looked for similarities of those two systems that might be causeing this and have come up empty - they don't even run the same OS (XP on one and W2K on the other). The one that did install correctly is an XP machine.

Is anyone from MC able to help troubleshoot this? I'm thinking that maybe it's time to revert to MC 11 not being able to play flac files is not an option...

Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.2 Released
Post by: scthom on June 05, 2007, 09:28:13 am
Before you revert back, try one more thing.  Use depends.exe ( ( to make sure there's not something missing.  As I noted in the readme, you need gdiplus.dll in the system path, and some people have been missing it.  Especially with the older OS's.
Title: Re: In_FLAC v2.2.2 Released
Post by: grahamk on June 05, 2007, 09:20:30 pm

<bows head in embarrassment>

Yes, that was it.

THANKS!!!!!  :-)
