Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: grahamk on May 31, 2007, 11:38:39 am
I tried doing this again and I still have the same problem:
Failed to install package:
More Info: Destination file is in use:
C:|Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Plugins\Enc_FLAC.dll
It's impossible for that file to be in use - because it has never been installed and does not exist in that directory..
I have rebooted - COMPLETELY uninstalled all Media Center software, rebooted again, re-installed MC12 and I still get the same error. Totally confusing?
I've had this problem too. I'm not 100% certain, but I think it might have something to do with iexplorer 7.0
At least, my experience was that with 6 installed the plugin installed without a hitch, but with 7 in place, the plugin would not install.
I'm on IE explorer 6, so that might not apply here.
Thanks for the suggestion though - I'm dead in the water on a lot of flac files until I can solve this...
You don't need to install through IE. Just download the zip file, extract it, and use the local_install.mjp file to install it. If you still get that error, you might try copying the dll into your plugin directory and using MC's "add plugin" functionality.
something on my old pc was preventing the plugin from installing.
I installed it exactly as you described: extract all files to a single directory and double click on the mjp file. The error message was exactly as described by grahamk.
If I copied the .dll directly to the plugin folder, replacing the already installed file, then opened MC's plugin manager, selected the flac encoder, MC produced its "cannot create plugin" error message.
I've just built me a new system, and one of the first things installed, even before all the windows updates, was MC and the flac plugins. They both installed without a hitch.
I have absolutely no idea what was preventing the installation previously, but depends.exe flagged up several files relating to iexplorer 7.0. I then googled a bit on those files and depends.exe and discovered that the results were extremely common, and none of the results I visited offered anything useful.
I extracted Enc_Flac to a new directory on my desktop and it installed. YES!.
So - figuring I had stumbled upon some magic I extracted In_Flac to the same directory.
Media Center say's it's about to install a new plugin - do I want to Continue: YES!
A dialog pops up saying it's doing a download - not sure why it would do that.
Then I get "Cannot load plug-in" error - followe by "Failed to install package" Error.
I tried manually installing the plug in from the plugin manager - same error.
Halfway there....