More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: michaeljc70 on July 03, 2007, 11:22:05 am

Title: Playback based on times played over time
Post by: michaeljc70 on July 03, 2007, 11:22:05 am
I would love a field that basically rates tracks based on how often they are played, but weighted toward current play rather than older plays.  I go through phases of listen to different things, and often use smartlists based on number of plays. Unfortunately, I have tracks with thousands of plays and the ones I am playing a lot currently, don't make it into the SmartList. Here's what I am envisioning:

-It would only need 1 numeric field, called maybe "weighted plays"
-There would be a starting date, say 1/1/1950 and that would be given a value of 1. Every day after that would increase by say .1 (or whatever). 
-When you play a track, it would add whatever todays value is to this field. Therefore, more current plays receive more weight and plays in the past are discounted.
-It would be nice if you could set the factor that affects how much more the current plays are favored over older plays. 
Title: Re: Playback based on times played over time
Post by: gappie on July 04, 2007, 10:17:05 am
i love this idea. really nice.
i made my plugin that calculates number plays for albums. i really need to incorperate something like that.
thanks.  :)
Title: Re: Playback based on times played over time
Post by: gappie on July 05, 2007, 05:00:56 am
took a while to find something that satifies and is not to complex.

but that made me think what could work for you more or less.
make  a smart list where you order the last played decending, take 5 % of that and expand to full album.

something like this: [Media Type]=[Audio] ~sort=[last played]-d,[number plays]-d ~%=5 ~a

in the view order them in number plays decending.

when you want to make one for a second period you can make something the same with for instance 25% and then tell him to not use what is already in the first list.

far from ideal, but just an idea.
Title: Re: Playback based on times played over time
Post by: marko on July 06, 2007, 06:55:41 pm
Tanoshimi might have something for us to test soon (

I think the question I raised in reply #6 touches on this very area.
