Devices => Androids and other portables => Topic started by: Jgoul on July 18, 2007, 07:33:47 am

Title: Can MC take the song off my ipod and put them into MC database
Post by: Jgoul on July 18, 2007, 07:33:47 am


this is probably a basic question.   I know how to put songs on my ipod using MC, However how do I get my existing songs from my iPOD onto my hard rive using MC.   Can that be done?   In the iPod device window, I tried dragging the songs from my ipod to my Audio DB.  They show up temporarliy but when I disconnect the ipod they disappear from the main database.

Any ideas?


Title: Re: Can MC take the song off my ipod and put them into MC database
Post by: dcwebman on July 18, 2007, 09:09:25 am
I haven't tried it but can you drag them to the Windows Explorer within MC and then re-import them after that? Of course the names will probably be all messed up and using the shortened iPod version.
Title: Re: Can MC take the song off my ipod and put them into MC database
Post by: Jgoul on July 18, 2007, 09:33:25 am
Thanks..  I will give that a shot and let you know