More => Old Versions => Media Center 12 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: ProblemChild on August 28, 2007, 11:36:53 pm

Title: Slow importing
Post by: ProblemChild on August 28, 2007, 11:36:53 pm
Sorry if this is covered somewhere - I've gone through everything I could find.
I'm trying the trial version 12.0.279. In reading in files via the Import fx it's taking 3-4 seconds
per file. I really like the software other than this so it's frustrating. I've completely disabled
all virus checking threads, turned off zone alarn, scanned for virii/adware/rooted virii/etc,..
All I can tell you is that for every single file it's spawning a new JRWorker instance with the
command line:

JRWorker.exe /AnalyzeQT myfile.mp3 mytempdir\####(XXX).xml

then it quits, then another one, then another....
every now and then it suddenly speeds up for say 50 files, then....
I can't locate any option/switch related to analyzing upon loading.
Any ideas??? Am I missing something obvious in the settings?
Actually as I'm writing this I think I'm realizing that it's just doing this for .m4a files.
I haven't seen any of my .mp3 files come up as arguments.
Thanks. It's taking hours to load 10k files.
Title: Re: Slow importing
Post by: timlacey on August 29, 2007, 03:35:19 am
The program seems to be slow using a wireless connection with Windows Vista.  I was having similar problems, but I switched to my wired ethernet and the library built up very fast.  I don't know whether this is a Vista networking problem or a MC problem, but I thought I'd point it out if it can be a solution for you.  You should be able to get about 1 second per track or better.

Title: Re: Slow importing
Post by: jmone on August 29, 2007, 06:07:08 am
To quote Matt "JRWorker is used to do video analysis (import) and thumbnailing.  It also enumerates handheld devices. We put tasks there that use third-party SDKs where stability is out of our control."

Normally during import you see JRWorker threads opening each Video File so it can grab a thumbnail for the database.  The odd thing is that .m4a files "should" be Audio only versions as according to "Files in .M4A format are actually the audio layer of (non-video) MPEG 4 movies....This format is also known as Apple Lossless, Apple Lossless Encoder, or ALE."

Title: Re: Slow importing
Post by: JimH on August 29, 2007, 06:37:28 am
The program seems to be slow using a wireless connection with Windows Vista.  I was having similar problems, but I switched to my wired ethernet and the library built up very fast.  I don't know whether this is a Vista networking problem or a MC problem, but I thought I'd point it out if it can be a solution for you. 
That's probably a Vista bug:

The wired connection is enough faster to mask the problem.

Title: Re: Slow importing
Post by: richard.e.morton on August 29, 2007, 06:39:47 am
Hi All,

I noticed a similar slowdown with 279. I was re-importing my 36000 items into a new library. after 10000 itesm each item took noticably longer to import, by the 20000th item it was taking sometimes a minute per item, sometimes 15-20 seconds. Now I put this down to the type of media it was importing. But eventually I got fed up, clicked cancel. closed MC then re-imported. It had remembered where it was up to and then completed the last 10000 or so items quickly (as quick as the first 10000 items).

Thankfully this isn't a show stopper as I don't tend to import my entire library often, it only gets slow on the import of the items, not when ignoring them, so import scans my entire library but onl finds a few extra files and adds them very quickly (90 or so seconds for 300GB and 36000 items)


Title: Re: Slow importing
Post by: ProblemChild on August 29, 2007, 10:36:07 am
Thanks for the notes about JRWorker, m4a and other help.
I should have said in my 1st post that I'm still using XP.
Anyways, it definitely is a problem with filetype.
I tried w/JUST .mp3s and it's fine.
I put a bunch of files into .M4a before I knew anything about it
and had just gotten an iPod - they are definitely the issue.
If I learn anything else I'll post it.