Devices => Androids and other portables => Topic started by: rumba101 on September 17, 2007, 12:24:21 pm
Hi all.
Lately over the past few days, MC12 has been acting up. When I connect my ipod, MC will go into the analyze devices mode for several minutes and even crashes occassionally as it is going through this process. In some instances, it recognizes the ipod and then as I try to sync, MC goes into analyzing devices mode for a another few minutes. Obviously, when all is well, these two processes take next to no time. This has started to occur ever since I installed the last "update" of MC12. Am I the only person this is happening to?
FYI, my computer is running like a charm in every other function or aspect. The only conflict that arises is with MC12. Any ideas what it could be?
You could try Apple's suggestions ( for this type of problem.
Tried that suggestion above and ran through all the steps but it doesn't seem to be helping.
The problem seems to be with MC and not with the ipod.
What build are you using? 318 is available on the MC12 board.
Though I already had build 318 from the updates, I downloaded it again from the interact forum message board and reinstalled it again. Made no difference. Still taking an inordinate amount of time "analyzing devices" when I seek to sync my ipod. From time to time, I manage to get it to sync after this unusually long lead up. The actual act of syncing - after i click the sync button - takes the normal amount of time. I take it this is unusual.
It almost sounds like it could be a problem with the cable or the connection in some way. The fact that you said it suddenely starts analyzing again AFTER it's already recognized it could indicate that MC sees the iPod as disconnected and reconnected, which could be due to a less-than-solid cable connection. Is there any way you could clean the contacts on the ports (both iPod and computer) and try a new cable?
I had a similiar problem in .318... pretty much MC would crash at some point anytime the iPod was connected and it scanned/tried to start a sync. I reverted back to .301 and it syncs everytime perfectly. I reported this on the .318 release post with logs, but didn't see any mention of fixes in .329, so I'm just sticking with .301 for now on my server machine. I might try the latest if I get some free time.
I have tried installing older versions of MC. Doesn't make a difference.
Things have gotten worse. Now i click on Drives and Devices, it starts to analyze devices, and never stops now. At least before, it would list the drives and I could sync, if I waited long enough. Now, I am forced to shut MC down.
Wow, this is really frustrating.
I followed so much of the advice in this thread that I am not sure what worked but it appears that I may have resolved this issue. I'll given a true test run over the weekend to confirm.
In the meantime, thanks to all for their help.
I followed so much of the advice in this thread that I am not sure what worked but it appears that I may have resolved this issue. I'll given a true test run over the weekend to confirm.
In the meantime, thanks to all for their help.
It still seems like a bad connection is/was a strong possibility. This would explain some of your symptoms, such as the problem getting progressively worse, and then suddenly getting better. If a wire was broken in the cable, simply moving the cable a bit could cause it to stop or start working.