More => Old Versions => Media Center 12 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: m1abrams on December 04, 2007, 07:04:26 pm
I use dbpoweramp to rip my CDs. One nice feature is it gets the metadata from AMG. It adds a custom tag Style. I have MC setup with a user defined tag call Style.
The Style tag would appear with values like this:
College Rock; Pop/Rock; Club/Dance; Album Rock; Rock & Roll; New Wave; Alternative Pop/Rock; Dance-Rock
Problem is MC only grabs the first style, in the above example it would only get "College Rock".
Am I doing something wrong? I tried setting the field as a string or a list with the same result.
1st of all, to import them all, the tag needs to be of the semi-colon delimited list variety.
Secondly, what file type are you ripping to?
I just tried this using a flac file. I set the tag contents using mp3tag and the entire tag imported correctly.
When doing the same thing using an mp3 file, nothing was imported. I'm guessing this is because mp3Tag wrote the tag as TXXX ([field]) [field contents] while MC would write it out, (and therefore look for) a MEDIA JUKEBOX COMM field...
Alex is much more knowledgeable about these things than I am, he may be able to shed more light on the matter once we know which file type we're dealing with.
Ripping to FLAC, and the data is ";" delimited.
How did you defined your user defined field?
I wonder how the tag is formatted. It would be useful to have a sample FLAC file with this tag.
Have you tried to check what MC's "tag dump" can see in the files? This display comes directly from the file:
Select the file and go to: Action Window > Tag > Format (click the field name to open a tag dump) -- you may need to add the Format field to "AW > Tag" or select the show all fields option.
I searched the DBPA forums and found this thread: from last February. I don't know if DBPA has changed since then.
I have not used MC's tag dump, actually did not know it exists. I have been using the tag editor that comes with dbpoweramp. However I just did a metaflac --show-tag=Style, this is the output:
Style=Psychedelic Soul
Here is a dump of the metadata using metaflac --list
METADATA block #0
type: 0 (STREAMINFO)
is last: false
length: 34
minimum blocksize: 4608 samples
maximum blocksize: 4608 samples
minimum framesize: 14 bytes
maximum framesize: 15215 bytes
sample_rate: 44100 Hz
channels: 2
bits-per-sample: 16
total samples: 13736856
MD5 signature: 39d74110584c265ac39e06f04daf91c2
METADATA block #1
is last: false
length: 769
vendor string: reference libFLAC 1.2.0 20070715
comments: 28
comment[0]: replaygain_album_gain=-8 dB
comment[1]: replaygain_album_peak=1
comment[2]: AccurateRipResult=AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [0E631FA2]
comment[3]: AccurateRipDiscID=014-0025bc05-0195ef10-b711990e-1
comment[4]: Title=Up for the Down Stroke
comment[5]: Artist=Parliament
comment[6]: Album=Gold
comment[7]: Genre=R&B
comment[8]: Date=2005/01/01
comment[9]: Composer=George Clinton
comment[10]: Composer=Bootsy Collins
comment[11]: Composer=Clarence "Fuzzy" Haskins
comment[12]: Composer=Bernie Worrell
comment[13]: DISCNUMBER=1/2
comment[14]: Organization=Mercury
comment[15]: UPC=602498801550
comment[16]: Style=Funk
comment[17]: Style=Soul
comment[18]: Style=R&B
comment[19]: Style=Psychedelic Soul
comment[20]: TRACKNUMBER=1
comment[21]: Source=CD (Lossless)
comment[22]: CDDB Disc ID=B711990E
comment[23]: replaygain_track_gain=-6.37 dB
comment[24]: replaygain_track_peak=1
comment[25]: TOOL NAME=Media Center
comment[26]: TOOL VERSION=12.0.380
comment[27]: DISC #=1
So it looks like dbpoweramp stores multiple tags of the same name. Can MC handle this type of data? Or should I see if I can tweak dbpoweramp to store it differently?
P.S. did not use MC dump because I am at work and only have access to my music via ssh so only can do things from my linux box.
I don't think MC can handle multiple separate tags with the same name.
You would need to move the values to a single tag. Here is how MC's tag dump and Mp3tag ( display a "semicolon delimited list" tag created by MC:
Style = Funk;Soul;R&B;Psychedelic Soul
If you find a way to do that, you may want to create a new tag for the composers too (you seem to have have multiple Composer fields).
In MC the Composer field is one of the default fields and cannot be changed to a list field, but you can create e.g. a "Composers" library field.
That is a shame if MC can not handle multiple tags with the same name. After doing some more research on this, vorbis comment standard is to use multiple tags of the same name.
That is a shame if MC can not handle multiple tags with the same name. After doing some more research on this, vorbis comment standard is to use multiple tags of the same name.
I don't think this has been requested often (maybe never). I wonder which player & database programs actually support this Vorbis standard.
Possibly Mp3tag would be able to create a list tag from the separate tags. It has a very clever scripting system called "Actions". (That's why I added the link).
Well I think I can make DMC produce the tags as a single tag. DMC has some pretty nice tag editing features builtin. However maybe MC can look into added better tag support so that one does not have to do this action. Multiple tags provide a much more reliable method of storing the data.