Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: datdude on January 04, 2008, 11:47:52 pm
I just tried this really cool purely Web based program ( with my ipod touch and itunes. It works surprisingly well. Currently it is only compatible with itunes, wmp, and winamp. Send them an e-mail that you want it for MC at:
feedback at
any news on this?
just sent my email. I'd get a touch just to control MC (I was thinking of a squeezebox duet but a touch+MC will do almost the same plus I get a portable player kind of free)
any news on this?
just sent my email. I'd get a touch just to control MC (I was thinking of a squeezebox duet but a touch+MC will do almost the same plus I get a portable player kind of free)
Similarly, I'd be even more interested in a touch if it could do this. I'm in the (painful) throes of getting a new PMP, and this could tip the balance in favour of the touch.
Have you guys checked out the xptunes app being discussed in this forum? It works quite well with the iTouch.
I got the following answer from alloysoft about MC12 support for SIGNAL:
"It's something that's being considered. There hasn't been a lot of demand for it, but I'm considering a plug-in system that would support opening up Signal for other media players and JRiver could potentially be supported through this."
So it's up to you (us) to show your interest.
heh - word for word the same reply I received
makes sense :D
Seems like a great app so I have sendt my mail today. I have checked out the xp tunes and it looks GREAT but no more beta testers are accepted and M has not given a release date yet...
Seems like a great app so I have sendt my mail today. I have checked out the xp tunes and it looks GREAT but no more beta testers are accepted and M has not given a release date yet...
Yeah, I really don't know what he's waiting for. It works beautifully.
now there's this too:
looks interesting
Woaw this looks good!
An absolute must for me to use it would be the ability to browse by Album Artist - Album or to leave comilations out of the artist list.
I have several top 1000s etc and if all those artists show up in the artist list, it practically becomes unusable.
Any chance you can integrate this?
Woaw this looks good!
An absolute must for me to use it would be the ability to browse by Album Artist - Album or to leave comilations out of the artist list.
I have several top 1000s etc and if all those artists show up in the artist list, it practically becomes unusable.
Any chance you can integrate this?
Version 1.0 will not having browsing by Artist-Album. You have to be really carefuly about how much data you push to and from the iPhone as obviously it doesn't have unlimited RAM or bandwith. So I have 1600 artists, 6500 albums and 70,000 songs total. I have to write a really smart query engine on the PC side that will only send your limited search results back to the phone. That is what ITunes does with Apple REmote. It just makes it way more complicated and I would rather get a really tight working version 1.0 onto the AppStore before I load it up with every bell and whistle. Sound good?
It looks good but I wonder: Does what you say mean that it will only be possible to play predefined playlists since there is no (at least initialy) possibility to browse artists and/or albums and I asume this is also the case for genres. I think that a feature of adding files to the playing now list would be very nice. Such files can be from listing of albums, entire albums or listing from genres etc.
It looks good but I wonder: Does what you say mean that it will only be possible to play predefined playlists since there is no (at least initialy) possibility to browse artists and/or albums and I asume this is also the case for genres. I think that a feature of adding files to the playing now list would be very nice. Such files can be from listing of albums, entire albums or listing from genres etc.
That is exactly what i am saying. Only predefined playlists. This is not meant to completely replace JRiver interface, just a cool way for you to control it from anywhere in or out of your house during parties. Create a 6 hour playlist and then load it up and control it from your phone. the only thing you won't be able to do in version 1.0 is queue up Ad Hoc songs to the playlist.
Ok. A feature that would be nice and useful would be to have the possibility of certain playback actions/control. I am specificaly thinking about turning shuffle on/off, doing re-shuffle and to view the playback que which should involve a limited data transfere need.
Ok. A feature that would be nice and useful would be to have the possibility of certain playback actions/control. I am specificaly thinking about turning shuffle on/off, doing re-shuffle and to view the playback que which should involve a limited data transfere need.
You can view and select from the playback queue in screenshot 2 above.
As for Shuffle, I have tried to implement it but i think their might be a bug in the API. I am calling the Shuffle method yet the playlist is not shuffling. So I have removed that for now until I can contact JRiver developers support or check the forums.
I have implemented control of shuffle and re.shuffle thourg the COMS interface and the "SDK". That is iplemented as LUA scirpt in Girder. I do hovewer have no competence on the way you are interfacing so I am afraid I can not be of much help...
I am calling MCAutomation.GetCurrentPlaylist.Shuffle = 1 for TRUE and nothing seems to happen. Same with .Continuous = 1. Nothing appears to happen.
Just thought you guys would like an update and more screenshots...
Hi M
I have implemnted remote control through Logitech Harmony -> Girder -> Luascript -> MC12. I am using a COMS object to pass data and coms to MC12. The only troubl i have is with the remote but that has nothing to do with the code. I gues to fdor you to see the code would not help you even though I think you have to pass the exact same parameters and use the same function calls. I am able to toggløe shuffle and re shuffel. Mathias is doing this in XPTunes and it works.
Hi M
I have implemnted remote control through Logitech Harmony -> Girder -> Luascript -> MC12. I am using a COMS object to pass data and coms to MC12. The only troubl i have is with the remote but that has nothing to do with the code. I gues to fdor you to see the code would not help you even though I think you have to pass the exact same parameters and use the same function calls. I am able to toggløe shuffle and re shuffel. Mathias is doing this in XPTunes and it works.
I guess I will look at it more but I get no visual feedback in MC12 or MC13 when I set those values to true. I would expect to see the Shuffle Icon or the Continuous Icon in the UI change?
I do not think you get visible feedback as far as I remember. If you apply reshuffle you should be able to see it in the playing now list. I will check at home this evening how it works and report back to you.
I do not think you get visible feedback as far as I remember. If you apply reshuffle you should be able to see it in the playing now list. I will check at home this evening how it works and report back to you.
OH ok great. then maybe it was working....I just didn't see any visual indicator so I assumed it wasn't. Let me know what you find out.
Hi M
How are u doing with the development? I have been to the far east for some time. Is the version on your web site the latest one? I will instal it and give it a try..
Hi M
How are u doing with the development? I have been to the far east for some time. Is the version on your web site the latest one? I will instal it and give it a try..
yes the version on the website is the latest version. I have added a bunch of tweaks to the server side EXE to improve performance so make sure you grab the EXE again even if you had grabbed it before. I have about 60 users using RiverMote so far and no one is reporting any bugs so I take that as a good sign.
I will add the Shuffle and Repeat in the next version of the iPhone/iPod app. Apparently if you set MCAutomation.GetCurrentPlaylist.Shuffle = 1 it gives you no visual indicator is just sets the Shuffle. So I guess I will just toggle between 0 and 1 when you press the Shuffle or repeat buttons.
Version 1.0 will not having browsing by Artist-Album. You have to be really carefuly about how much data you push to and from the iPhone as obviously it doesn't have unlimited RAM or bandwith. So I have 1600 artists, 6500 albums and 70,000 songs total. I have to write a really smart query engine on the PC side that will only send your limited search results back to the phone. That is what ITunes does with Apple REmote. It just makes it way more complicated and I would rather get a really tight working version 1.0 onto the AppStore before I load it up with every bell and whistle. Sound good?
In order to cut down on the data, Album Artist (auto) should be used rather than the Artist field which very often contains multiples, variants, and misspellings (on purpose). Then the Artist field called be called and displayed once a track is being played.