Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: LonWar on January 13, 2008, 04:14:04 pm

Title: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: LonWar on January 13, 2008, 04:14:04 pm
Hi All, Long time no type... I hope all is well with everybody..

At work I just got a new Laptop with Vista Ultimate... I have no problems running MC and PN but, I cannot register PN...

I click on register, and click on the lic file, it says that it has to close to validate the lic, but when I re-open mc, it's still not regitstered.

I have no problems registering it on my Vista Home Premium system, but am having problems with the 64bit version...


(I have also posted this on Jamie's site.)
Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 16, 2008, 02:08:55 am
That definately sounds like a security issue.   Are you sure you are running as a user with local administrator privileges when registering?
Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: LonWar on January 16, 2008, 04:07:04 pm
Hi Jamie,

Yep, I'm logged in as the admin, I have disabled all Anti virus and such, but still will not register.... Any ideas?


ps, My Vista Home system had no problems.... Just this ultimate thing....

Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 18, 2008, 03:58:43 pm
Email my home address, jamie_at_jdnet_dot_co_dot_uk, and I'll tell you a few things to try.
Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: LonWar on January 23, 2008, 08:25:07 am
Hi Jamie, I sent the email Sat, can you let me know if you received it?

If it got caught in your spam filter, please feel free to use this email:

imjustagamer at

Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 25, 2008, 07:27:28 am
I never got any email ... I will send the debugging file to that address tonight.
Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: LonWar on January 28, 2008, 08:08:30 am
Hi Jamie, I just responded to your email, but in case you didn't get it...

Hi Jamie,
I uninstalled PN, reinstalled PN, and overwrote the dll... I then tried to install my license and it still doesn't recognize it...

Is there anybody else that is using PN, with Vista Ultimate?

Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: DarkPenguin on January 28, 2008, 09:25:38 am
Do you have UAC enabled or disabled?
Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 28, 2008, 12:09:31 pm
We are in the process of trying to debug this and I'm convinced it's a security issue.

Hopefully the build I just emailed will prove this however your question is interesting.   Can UAC prevent access to certain registry paths even when running with admin privileges?
Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: LonWar on January 29, 2008, 08:29:34 am
Hi Jamie, I guess the answer to your question is Yes it can.

I had no idea what UAC was, but I googled it and figured out how to turn it off.... I was then able to register the plugin...

Thanks so much for your's and DarkPenguin's help....

I like the Vista gui, but there are other parts of it that is a pain in the ***
Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: JimH on January 29, 2008, 08:38:26 am
I like the Vista gui, but there are other parts of it that is a pain in the ***
"A Safe Secure World has its price."
Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: Mr ChriZ on February 03, 2008, 12:46:59 pm
I've got a feeling Playing Now isn't reading the ini file in Vista.
I've given full security to the file, but Playing Now seems to be ignoring it..

Anyone else seeing this?
Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: marko on February 04, 2008, 12:53:18 am
no, but I use a settings.ini file at: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\PlayingNow\settings.ini

perhaps you could try that and see if it helps?

Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: Mr ChriZ on February 04, 2008, 02:13:00 am
Cheers Marko.
I tried copying my PlayingNow.ini over there but still no go?
Is settings.ini a different file?
Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: marko on February 04, 2008, 04:01:57 am
after copying PlayingNow.ini over to the appdata folder, rename it to settings.ini

playingnow will then always use the settings.ini file. settings.ini won't be replaced if you need to reinstall or update the plugin, meaning that things like custom paste settings, ftp details etc. won't get lost.

Title: Re: Cannot Register the Playing Now Plugin with Vista Ultimate
Post by: Mr ChriZ on February 04, 2008, 05:53:59 am
Sorry did mean I'd renamed it Settings.ini
but it still isn't picking up the settings.
Will have another play with it later.