Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Dedcert on February 07, 2008, 07:35:38 am
I downloaded the "PLAYING NOW" plug-in , but on trying to use it was greeted by a pop-up saying the trial period had expired . As I really wanted to be able to use it , I sent the £3 to get a Registration Key so I could use the plug-in ad-infinitum . I also e-mailed the author/owner of the plug-in to let him know I had made the required payment , asking him to send me the Reg. Key , but have heard NOTHING . Can anyone HELP ??
RhinoBanga wrote the plug-in, and he's a great guy. I'd recommend being patient, and I'm sure he'll get back to you.
Check your spam folder. A lot of e-mail gets dumped.
? I've manged to get my reg. key , thanks to Jamie , But I don't know how to make the Plug-in work ! If I click on "PLAYING NOW" icon , I get the "ABOUT" screen . If I mouse-over any track , I still see the Media Centre POP-UP with the track info. Can anyone tell me how to get it working - PLEASE !!
Go to Plugin Manager inside MC and start it there.
Did you look for instructions?
Playing Now is primarilly configured using a configuration file.
Go to Start Menu -> All Programs -> James Dickson -> Playing Now -> Edit Main Configuration
After updating the configuration file restart MC.
If you need more help probably a good idea to say what you're trying to use it for.
I contacted the user last night explaining how it works.
I contacted the user last night explaining how it works.
I have the same problem. I sent money for the Album View and the Playing Now plugins but i guess ill have to wait longer than 24hrs.
I hate waiting when I have a great new program to play with :'(
I have the same problem. I sent money for the Album View and the Playing Now plugins but i guess ill have to wait longer than 24hrs.
I hate waiting when I have a great new program to play with :'(
lol don't forget Developers are real people with real lives and it's a Sunday.
I'm Sure Rhino will sort you out soon.
Yes I'm sure he will. Im not complaining about him. I am just impatiant. I have spent so much time looking for a program like media centre and I have done little else (including sleep) since I found it. It's not just the software. Its the vibrant community attached to it. I love all the activity with plugins and skins. It keeps things fresh. If you wish it had "x" facility or feature there is scope to create it. What more could you ask. Keep up the great work everyone. There isn't a program within a mile of media centre.
Both registrations were emailed to the PayPal address on Saturday at 11:35 GMT.
I have not received any failed delivery notifications so try checking your spam folder.
Hi Rhino.
I have been checking my email address associated with my paypal account all weekend and I have not received anything. Checked all boxes. Did you send it to as I requested in the paypal orders? Could you just send it to that email address please.
Thanks, Paul
Thanks. Received it now.