More => Old Versions => Media Center 12 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: robydago on March 02, 2008, 02:25:44 pm

Title: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: robydago on March 02, 2008, 02:25:44 pm
Is this release stable?
Just installed it and MC keeps going in "Not responding" status after a while.
I don't have any third party or even JR plugins running.
I can't find a specific reason for it; I killed and rerun the program many times but even doing completely different things seem to lead to a not responding status.

Right now I was just tagging some photos and for the Media Ceneter 12.exe process Mem Usage jumped to >600MB, CPU is at 0% and the MC interface is dead
Title: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: Lasse_Lus on March 02, 2008, 05:02:32 pm

Right now I was just tagging some photos and for the Media Ceneter 12.exe process Mem Usage jumped to >600MB, CPU is at 0% and the MC interface is dead

happens to me to  >:(   (started some builds ago)

for no reason MC just go to 0 CPU and has to be killed..."example" today i had MC running all day w.o the evening
i imported some pictures from a memory card...just stopped and down to nill
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: JimH on March 02, 2008, 05:12:56 pm
This problem ( may be related.
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: rockpool on March 02, 2008, 05:19:56 pm
yup. I've had it going non-responsive doing nothing at all. Interesting, there's nothing suspicious in the log, and you can't kill the task either. Reboot is your only solution.

I'll post a log tail.
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: rockpool on March 02, 2008, 05:21:46 pm
Burn-Rights might be the issue here? Is there any way of turning that off?

0131770: 2376: General: CMainUIWnd::Resize: Finish (40 ms)
0131810: 2376: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\MegaSkins\Noire\Progress_Back.bmp
0131820: 2376: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\MegaSkins\Noire\Progress_Back.bmp
0131830: 2376: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\MegaSkins\Noire\Progress_Front.png
0131830: 2376: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\MegaSkins\Noire\Progress_Front.png
0132150: 3740: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: S:\Library\field (service_ name).jmd
0132210: 2376: Handheld: CHHUploadWorker::NotifyWaitForStatusFinished: Start
0132230: 2376: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::InternalVerifyTransferContinue: Start
0132230: 2376: Playback: CTransferStatusChecker::FinalSubmit: Start
0132230: 2376: Playback: CTransferStatusChecker::FinalSubmit: running old style burn-rights check
0132230: 2376: Playback: CTransferStatusChecker::FinalSubmit: Block until finished...
0132260: 2376: Playback: CTransferStatusChecker::FinalSubmit: checking the need for upgrading v9 to v10, bFirstPass=1
0132260: 2376: Playback: CTransferStatusChecker::FinalSubmit: upgrade didn't work or was not needed
0132260: 2376: Playback: CTransferStatusChecker::FinalSubmit: Finish (30 ms)

Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: Lasse_Lus on March 02, 2008, 05:28:03 pm
for me its like roby says "different things seem to lead to a not responding status."

log says nothing
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: JimH on March 02, 2008, 05:45:36 pm
When Windows says "Not Responding", it may just mean that the program is completely busy.  You will occasionally see that even with activity of Windows components.  It doesn't mean "hung".

But if you've killed the process many times, it's not clear that the library is still OK.

If burn rights are the problem, it could be related to Windows licensing, which is sometime slow.
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: JimH on March 02, 2008, 05:50:03 pm
yup. I've had it going non-responsive doing nothing at all. Interesting, there's nothing suspicious in the log, and you can't kill the task either. Reboot is your only solution.
A virus checker can sometimes cause problems.

And if a network drive is involved, that's another possibility.
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: rockpool on March 02, 2008, 05:52:23 pm
closed all AV. Drive was local. All files were MP3 - no WMA (already thought of that).

playlist works fine, only sending to a device is bad for me.
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: Lasse_Lus on March 02, 2008, 06:00:13 pm
non responding here is for me...a "Media Center 12.exe" that has gone down to 0 CPU...i have tried to wait...but nothing happens and if i click mc does not respond

no new apps installed recently, no virus checker running running, same plugins as the last 2 years, not many new files...have had little time lately so haven't bothered...but when roby mentioned it...

this started 5 builds ago or something..

Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: JimH on March 02, 2008, 06:01:45 pm
Thanks.  Try turning off podcasts if you haven't.
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: Mr ChriZ on March 02, 2008, 06:04:42 pm
I've definitley been seeing this too, over 5 builds or so.
Only (I think?) on Vista however.
I'm not smart enough for Smartlists.
I've got one podcast, I'm not sure how to turn it off?
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: JimH on March 02, 2008, 06:09:44 pm
Anyone else on Vista?
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: Lasse_Lus on March 02, 2008, 06:16:06 pm
xp here..
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: fitbrit on March 02, 2008, 11:36:13 pm
XP here too. It happens often when launching videos. Quitting MC in Task Manager and then restarting MC fixes this.
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: craft on March 03, 2008, 09:53:34 am
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: StFeder on March 03, 2008, 11:36:25 am
This has been frequently happening to me since a few weeks/builds back also

I've got the same with Vista. I thougt it could be caused to my system. Happy to see I'm not alone :) I don't use MC with XP as much as I do with Vista, but the time I'm using it with XP even with the last couple of builds I never had any problems. Just one crash the last half year! With Vista I have nearly one crash per day (most the time right after starting MC).
Title: Re: MC 12.0.450 unresponsive
Post by: StFeder on March 03, 2008, 11:42:55 am
I've got one podcast, I'm not sure how to turn it off?

You may temporaly rename the "podcast.xml" to "podcast.xml.test" in your library folder. All your podcasts are gone if you start MC the next time. After your tests you have to delete the "podcast.xml" recreated by MC and than rename your "podcast.xml.test" back to "podcast.xml".

You may also turn of auto downloading for some testing. Therefor rightclick the podcast entry in the tree and select "Disable Auto Download".