More => Old Versions => Media Center 12 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: AoXoMoXoA on April 18, 2008, 01:50:07 pm
Task Manager is showing I have 90%+ free CPU and plenty of free ram, yet MC stalls often. I could understand this if I had little or no free CPU or RAM. This occurs changing views, browsing the tree, and tagging files.
Browsing the hard drive folders in the tree causes an extreme amount of lag, yet if I navagate the same paths in Windows Explorer it is very 'snappy' and instant to respond.Had I encountered the same lack of performance in Windows Explorer I could understand MC behaving the same, but this makes no sense to me.
Could it be the size of my database? Could I do something to streamline it?
(my main library folder is 476mb, a backup of that library is 41.3mb, total files about 175,000 - mp3, flac, jpg)
- Everything is located on local drives
- I just switched to my system drive another drive with a frsh/clean WinXP-64 install (no significant increase in performance) Former istall was WinXP Pro.
- Tried importing into a new, empty library (no significant increase in performance)
- A/V is AVG Free, which I have used for years without such issues, so unlikely as the culprit (also many others here use it without issue)
- Media Jukebox seems to suffer less from these ailments, but is not immune
Sys info:
Media Center 12.0.476C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\
5.2 Service Pack 2 (Build 3790)
AMD 64+ 2012 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1047 MB, Free - 492 MB
Internet Explorer: 6.0.3790.1830 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.3790 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.3790 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.3790 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping / Drive D: Mode:ModeSecure Type:Auto Speed:Max
Digital playback: Yes / Get cover art: Yes / Calc replay gain: Yes / Copy volume: 32767
Eject after ripping: Yes / Play sound after ripping: No
Burning / Drive D: LITE-ON DVDRW SHM-165H6S Addr: 1:2:0 Speed:48 MaxSpeed:48 BurnProof:Yes
Test mode: No / Eject after writing: Yes / Direct decoding: Yes / Write CD-Text: Yes
Use playback settings: No /
Interface Plugins:
Library Server (Active/Enabled)
TiVo Server
UPnP Server
- A/V is AVG Free, which I have used for years without such issues, so unlikely as the culprit (also many others here use it without issue)
Prove it. Uninstall and reboot.
DirectShow filters?
If you think it's the library, start a new library.
You're going to have to narrow the problem down.
Did you edit your sys info?
Sys info:
Media Center 12.0.476C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\
no I did not edit the system properties
I am running an install of Windows x64, which places non-64-bit programs in a seperate Program Files folder than x64 software. (XP 64 has one "Program Files" and one for "Program Files x32" by design, it does this automatically)
Be back after uninstalling AVG :P
This line is not complete:
Media Center 12.0.476C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\
x64? Good gurl!
Mine says:
Media Center 12.0.476 Registered -- d:\MC12\
Workstation 5.2 Service Pack 2 (Build 3790)
Intel Pentium III 2956 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 4122 MB, Free - 3298 MB
Internet Explorer: 6.0.3790.1830 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.3790 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.3790 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.3790 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping / Drive W: Mode:Normal Type:Auto Speed:Max
Digital playback: Yes / Get cover art: Yes / Calc replay gain: No / Copy volume: 32767
Eject after ripping: Yes / Play sound after ripping: No
Burning / Drive W: TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S203N Addr: 2:0:0 Speed:48 MaxSpeed:48 BurnProof:Yes
Test mode: No / Eject after writing: Yes / Direct decoding: Yes / Write CD-Text: Yes
Use playback settings: No /
Portable Device Info
Removed devices:
Interface Plugins: (Active)
Library Server (Active)
TiVo Server (Active)
UPnP Server (Active)
... with a library of ~ 12,500 tracks of mp3, ogg, and mpc's only.
How's the Ubuntu install going?
This line is not complete:
Well then there must be a bug because this is exactly what MC output, I just checked again
Well then there must be a bug because this is exactly what MC output, I just checked again
There is probably a problem somewhere on your PC if the system info doesn't print correctly.
I just did system info again:
Media Center 12.0.476C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\
5.2 Service Pack 2 (Build 3790)
AMD Unknown 2009 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1047 MB, Free - 272 MB
and here is what I copied from the install folder's address bar in Explorer:
C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12
next folder down is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\Data
Oh, and here is where Media Jukebox installed itself as well (I did nothing to affect the install location):
C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Jukebox 12
and here is it's System Info:
Media Jukebox 12.0.38C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Jukebox 12\
5.2 Service Pack 2 (Build 3790)
AMD Unknown 1990 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1047 MB, Free - 220 MB
So what is incorrect or incomplete?
If there is an OS problem then I need to look into that first, but I am unsure what type of system problem you might be thinking of. Perhaps you have a handle on where I should be looking based on your comment. Any additional info?
You did install the NetFramework v1, v1.1, and v2 packages ... correct? Not saying it's the culprit as most software that relies on .net won't install in the 1st place without it's presence.
MC doesn't need dot net.
MC doesn't need dot net.
plus I was having pretty much the same issues on the XP x32 install, which is why I did a clean reinstall and +64 upgrade.
The only thing strange about your System Info is that it's missing the " -- " between the build number and the install path.
That and it's completely missing the word "Registered". Is your installation of MC registered? Maybe that's the difference.
Here's my sysinfo (from Vista 64):
Media Center 12.0.481 Registered -- C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\
Microsoft Windows Vista 6.0 Service Pack 1 (Build 6001)
AMD Unknown 3012 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 4191 MB, Free - 2011 MB
Internet Explorer: 7.0.6001.18000 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.6001 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.6001 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.6001 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping / Drive Z: Mode:Normal Type:Auto Speed:Max
Digital playback: Yes / Get cover art: Yes / Calc replay gain: Yes / Copy volume: 32767
Eject after ripping: Yes / Play sound after ripping: No
Burning / Drive Z: LITE-ON DVDRW LH-20A1L Addr: 3:1:0 Speed:48 MaxSpeed:48 BurnProof:Yes
Test mode: No / Eject after writing: Yes / Direct decoding: Yes / Write CD-Text: Yes
Use playback settings: No /
Portable Device Info
Removed devices:
Interface Plugins: (Active)
Library Server (Active)
TiVo Server (Active)
UPnP Server (Active)
AdvPreview (Active)
Lyrics Editor (Active)
Monogamy (Active)
Playing Now
Correct, it is not registered, it's a fresh install of Windows and MC.
OK, so if there is no issue with the Sys Info then we can move back to the initial issues of MC spitting & sputtering.
OK, I just re-read the original post in this thread and realised I'm seeing the same... I think.
If my understanding is correct, you are browsing the file system directly from MC, which means that it should be independant to the library (as opposed to browsing by the [Disk Location] library field). If this is correct then I am seeing this too. I sorta-kinda thought it was because I was going across an ethernet-over-power connection but, as you say, the Windows Explorer browsing was still snappy.
I thought it was just me so didnt report it, but I will try some tests across various machines to see what happens....
If my understanding is correct, you are browsing the file system directly from MC,
Under "My Computer" in the tree? That wasn't clear from the post.
I can see the problem. We'll take a look.
Yes Jim, I am sorry if that was not clear, but the "My Computer" area is the main issue.
When I browse the hard drives and folders in the tree within MC I see a lag while MC (I guess) is reading/scanning the files & folders. During this time there is often some redrawing issues as well as general freezing of the interface. There are plenty of available resources as per Task Manager.
While using "Rename Files From Properties", navagating to the desired drive/folder for the rename causes the same as above. There are plenty of available resources as per Task Manager.
Changing views from one part of the tree to another or to a View Scheme also exhibits similar stalls, lags & freezes. There are plenty of available resources as per Task Manager.
There are also some other problems I am seeing in other areas, perhaps related, or not.
Changing a Tag in the file list view while in either a View Scheme or in a folder in the drives and folders often causes a lag. MC sits there while the Task Manager shows it using 90%+ CPU as it grinds it's way through the database. It matters not whether the tag is being written to the files or stored only in the database.
Under "My Computer" in the tree? That wasn't clear from the post.
I can see the problem. We'll take a look.
Goodo :)
I've got a theory about thumbnails, but have yet to confirm...
Viewing unimported files in My Computer will never be as fast as viewing imported files in the library. This is essentially _why_ Media Center keeps a database.
My Computer should gather and thumbnail files in a background thread. However, if the files aren't imported, this is system overhead none the less.
Viewing unimported files in My Computer will never be as fast as viewing imported files in the library. This is essentially _why_ Media Center keeps a database.
My Computer should gather and thumbnail files in a background thread. However, if the files aren't imported, this is system overhead none the less.
Granted that it shouldn't be as fast as the DB, but we're talking significantly longer than in Windows Explorer... where it may take roughly 1 sec in WE, in MC it can take over 10 sec for a smallish directory. Honestly, I don't know how much of an issue this is, but it'd be nice to be able to use MC as an efficient file browser also. Note that the issue is most noticeable over a slowish link (as you'd expect).
From what I can tell, the issue may be MC trying to gather tag, format, dimension etc info prior to display. The thumbnails don't seem to be the issue. I guess the only way to mitigate what I think I'm seeing would be to display the (file)name of each file, then fill out the other fields as the info is gathered. This would allow easy file selection if the name is enough, otherwise you'll still just have to wait for the rest to be gathered and displayed.
[EDIT] Just looked in Windows Explorer, and this does exactly what I've just described... I thought something I'd come across did it that way... ::)
ok here is an example of the types of problems I am having,
I added a few flac files to my library and wanted to sync them to my matching transcoded drive, so after running an import I click on Sync Handheld in the A/W.
MC shows the files needing to be added to the 'handheld', I click on Details, MC stalls.
CPU shows 80%+ free, MC is using single digits and varying enough to show it is doing something. But it is unresponsive - will not take focus, will not respond to mouse-clicks, etc. Finally MC finishes daydreaming and becomes responsive once again.
During this time MC will continue to play, sometimes right through into another song, but often stopping playback at track change until MC becomes responsive again.
What it is doing during this time? How can I find out?
Why is it not more aggressive about taking over free resources?
Do file entries for off-line drives tax MC's database the same as when they are online?
Is it possible that since I am sync'ing a handheld and then importing the tracks rather than using the HH cache/stacks system that I am causing some issues?
Is it "normal" for MC to use 97% CPU and over 400,000K in RAM just to begin an Import?
It sat there like this for several minutes before it showed any "Searching for Files" in the A/W, matter of fact it was unresponsive, would not redraw properly (partially de-skinned), etc during this time.
I opened MC to Playing Now view, scroll to look at that is in the list to be played, suddenly MC freezes.
Tack Manager shows MC using 0 CPU an dis totally unresponsive. After a minute or two I force it closed.
Open MC once again, same thing happens.
Third try I use the Scrollbar and drag it with the mouse rather than using the mouse's scrollwheel, No Crash/Freeze this time ?
Could there still be a problem with using the mousewheel? I recall this having been an issue previously.
...still waiting for something... :)
MC is not stable...or at least i would like to know whats wrong...changing view can freeze MC no fun :'(
...still waiting for something... :)
MC is not stable...or at least i would like to know whats wrong...changing view can freeze MC no fun :'(
changing views,
editing tags
opening the Options menu
closing the options menu
should I go on? :-\
I have even tried a brand new library, (at the expense of losing several years of playback stats and such not stored in the file tags) and still see problems.
Oh, and I have no A/V software installed, so cannot be that.
Drives are NOT network but rather Local drives.
I'm also having very similar problems with a Niveus media server that is one of my customers. MC stalls or crashes every time I try to view the drives within MC but I can access them thru windows explorer. The MC also crashes when changing views, searches and several other ways that are hard to pin down. We have three 1.5TB network servers on the system with 14,000 + cd's stored as WMA lossless. Our client is very upset to say the least as he has spent more than most people pay for there home to purchase this system and it fails everytime he uses it. Below is system info. I also saved so debug reports if anyone want to take a look at them. Keep in mind that this is not my system so I'm not on site. I can do a remote login to test some things. I have uninstalled and reinstalled MC and this didn't help. There is not a lot of other software on this system because it is just used to play his music. Any help would be great appreciated. Thanks
System Information:
Media Center 12.0.473 Registered -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\
Microsoft Windows Vista 6.0 (Build 6000)
Intel Core 2 2665 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 2094 MB, Free - 1340 MB
Internet Explorer: 7.0.6000.16643 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.6000 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.6000 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.6000 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping / Drive D: TOSHIBA DVDW/HD TS-L802A Mode:Normal Type:Auto Speed:Max
Digital playback: Yes / Get cover art: Yes / Calc replay gain: Yes / Copy volume: 32767
Eject after ripping: Yes / Play sound after ripping: No
Burning / Drive D: TOSHIBA DVDW/HD TS-L802A Addr: 1:1:0 Speed:16 MaxSpeed:16 BurnProof:Yes
Test mode: No / Eject after writing: Yes / Direct decoding: Yes / Write CD-Text: Yes
Use playback settings: No /
Portable Device Info
Removed devices:
Interface Plugins: (Active)
Library Server (Active)
TiVo Server (Active)
UPnP Server (Active)
Few thoughts-
First, has anyone experiencing this tried running Memtest recently?
Just about everyone experiencing this appears to be running Vista of one flavour or another, and Vista can be VERY picky about marginal RAM, far more so than XP.
Offline drives in Vista (Whether network or local) can also be a nasty bugbear- They can & will hang the thread of a program which tries to access them; This sounds like it could be at the root of AoXoMoXoA's issue :)
Our client is very upset to say the least as he has spent more than most people pay for there home to purchase this system and it fails everytime he uses it....
...There is not a lot of other software on this system because it is just used to play his music...
I don't know what you are selling to your client, but if selling expensive hardware and software is not your primary business you could try to simplify the setup.
I don't think the data amount is the cause of the problems. That system could be reliably handled by very basic PC-hardware and a simple SW setup without spending a fortune.
For example:
File server:
A standard PC with a fast and reliable storage subsystem. 4.5 TB should not be a problem nowadays. For example, "LaCie Biggest S2S with PCI-X Card" 5 TB SATA II storage system is about $ 3000. XP Pro would be a good OS. No other software is needed. (Naturally you need to add one or two additional storage systems for storing the backups. Maybe an on-line backup PC could be in a garage, cellar or a similar place and the third set could be stored off-line in a safe place in another building.)
The player PC with MC12:
Any standard PC with XP Home or Pro. You can build an almost silent PC in a nice HTPC case from standard components. Maybe add a LynxTWO ( or a similar high end sound card.
Add a "player PC" to each room where music is played.
A gigabit wired LAN with a basic GB switch. You could consider using the old NetBEUI protocol instead of TCP/IP for MS filesharing. NetBEUI is a very straightforward protocol and can be faster than TCP/IP on small single segment LANs. Map the shared folders with good old drive letters and import the files from these mapped locations.
A standard LCD display on a nearby coffee table and a wireless keyboard + mouse set. I wouldn't recommend anything less than MC's full standard view for handling 14000 albums. MC's display output can be separately set to go to a big screen TV or projector for showing cover art and visualizations if preferred.
In any case you should build and configure the player PC so that everything works reliably when files are played from a local HD. After that you can just add the mapped drive letters to the system. If the server and LAN are reliable and properly configured that should not cause any additional problems.
Few thoughts-
First, has anyone experiencing this tried running Memtest recently?
Just about everyone experiencing this appears to be running Vista of one flavour or another, and Vista can be VERY picky about marginal RAM, far more so than XP.
Offline drives in Vista (Whether network or local) can also be a nasty bugbear- They can & will hang the thread of a program which tries to access them; This sounds like it could be at the root of AoXoMoXoA's issue :)
I am running "XP Pro" and "XP x64"
XP runs fine on 512mb RAM, I have 1024mb
Alex, MC was running perfectly OK until middle of february,
i have no problem with any other applications, PC is in tip top shape :)
i have 2 GB RAM.... running XP
and for no reason at all MC goes to sleep CPU 0...when it's working everything is OK, then changing view, scroll or what ever ...down to 0 and stops responding....and since the log does the same (start to sleep) it's not that easy to know..
February sounds about right, maybe a bit earlier, I do not recall.
Since it is not isolated to my system, what do we all have in common that could be the cause?
I just did a clean reinstall of XP Pro.
I did all the Windows updates, then installed only firewall, A/V, and MC12 so there are no issues with other software.
I started a brand-new library to insure I do not carry something across from a library restore.
If there is still a problem then I will be further convinced it is not my system.
Since it is not isolated to my system, what do we all have in common that could be the cause?
Intel or AMD
Nvidia or ATI
All kinds of other programs that can cause problems. Virus checkers, spam blockers, firewalls, and so on.
We're guilty sometimes. So are they.
But you need to find a way to reproduce the problem you have. If it can't be reproduced, then it could be hardware or drivers.
The Weird Problems thread in my signature is a garden of delights when it comes to problems and solutions related to parties other than MC.
For the last few months, I have now come to expect MC to freeze at any given point. When it doesn't, I'm pleasantly surprised. Sometimes I am busy using it, other times it will just be sitting idle and when I revisit it, it's frozen.
I wish I could be able to pinpoint a repeatable situation where this happens, but I haven't been able to nail it down.
My library is local (since I've noticed networked drives coming into play). I just recently installed A/V (since it was already freezing for months without any, so I know that had nothing to do with it).
Edited to include Sys Info:
Media Center 12.0.475 Registered -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\
Microsoft Windows XP Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
AMD Athlon 2083 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1506 MB, Free - 572 MB
Internet Explorer: 7.0.5730.11 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.2900 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.2900 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.2900 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping / Drive D: Mode:Normal Type:Auto Speed:Max
Drive E: SONY CD-RW CRX215E5 Mode:Normal Type:Auto Speed:Max
Digital playback: Yes / Get cover art: No / Calc replay gain: Yes / Copy volume: 32767
Eject after ripping: Yes / Play sound after ripping: No
Burning / Drive E: SONY CD-RW CRX215E5 Addr: 2:1:0 Speed:48 MaxSpeed:48 BurnProof:Yes
Test mode: No / Eject after writing: No / Direct decoding: Yes / Write CD-Text: Yes
Use playback settings: Yes /
Portable Device Info
Removed devices:
Interface Plugins: (Active)
Library Server (Active/Enabled)
TiVo Server (Active)
UPnP Server (Active)
Software (this is all that this machine is used for):
- avast! Anti-Virus (but only for the last week or so)
- Homeseer
- WinAmp (for XM Radio Stations)
- Orb (just sometimes)
- Mozy Backup Service
Edit (4/24): Ran MemTest to over 500% coverage. Zero errors reported.
Please copy your system info from MC Help and paste it here. Please provide details on your virus checker and other software you run.
Anyone else having a problem, please do the same.
I fully understand that it can be anything, or number of things, or certain combination, or certain sequence, etc.
I am not saying it is specifically and solely MC at the cause, only that MC is the only place that I see less than optimal performance
I did try removing A/V as you suggested with no improvement and am presently running MemTest.
I am trying a clean Windows install with minimal other software to try to minimize the possible causes, and figure that since others are seeing similar issues perhaps we can discover the common denominator.
I cannot post my System Info at the moment as the machine is running memtest and cannot be disturbed. ;D
AMD 64 3800+ (2x2000)
ddr333 1024mb dual channel
ASUS A8N-E nVidea chipset
ATi Saphire Radeon xb300
nothing overclocked
Windows XP Pro s.p.2
After importing all my music into a newly created library on a clean Windows install I am not seeing an improvement.
Additionally, after the import mostly all my library showed up in MC as 'incomplete albums' due to the track number field showing as empty. This required using the "Fill Properties From Filename" to correct the problem, which it did quite nicely.
However, I imagine now MC will actually re-write my files in it's endeavor to update the tags, which means my next backup will take many hours.
Now comes the question, If MC had tagged all of these files originally, and they all had Track Numbers (and were complete albums in my last MC library), why upon Importing back into MC did it not read the tags it was supposed to have written?
And if it never did write them, then why did it not give me a "Failed to Save Tags" info at the time I tagged them?
Just thinking out loud here...
Lasse_Lus said the when MC freezes the CPU goes to 0, I'm assuming that means 0% CPU usage, i.e., MC is not killing the CPU while it is frozen. AoXoMoXoA, can you confirm if this is the same behavior for you or if when MC is frozen the CPU is busy?
What I'm thinking is, unless MC have a silly thread sleep for no reason, the typical reason an application would freeze when not using the CPU are: memory swapping (so when MC freezes also check your HD light, is it blinking like mad?), network (someone said their library is all local, so this should be ok), or something related to hardware. If the problem is related to random hardware the only thing I can think of is that MC is probing devices (looking for a handheld, etc) and is having issues doing that.
You also might want to confirm that MC agrees that your library is entirely local. That is, if you used to have network contents I think MC might remembre some of that and be trying to access it. I'm not sure how to do this except to start with a clean library and import media from local sources only.
Just thinking out loud here...
Lasse_Lus said the when MC freezes the CPU goes to 0, I'm assuming that means 0% CPU usage, i.e., MC is not killing the CPU while it is frozen. AoXoMoXoA, can you confirm if this is the same behavior for you or if when MC is frozen the CPU is busy?
My machine is headless and tucked away where I can not easily observe that during usage.
But I can confirm that the Task Manager often shows MC with 0% CPU usage while it is stalled.
There are other times where it is pinned at 90%+ and takes time to respond but at least then it appears to be working on something, this I can understand and accept as I have a large library with alot of data to churn, unlike the 0% states.
I have NO networked files/folders/drives in my MC library, and a hardware issue with the drives would likely also effect other programs accessing that hardware. I did also run MemTester overnight with no errors.
Thanks for the input Qythyx.
What I'm thinking is, unless MC have a silly thread sleep for no reason, the typical reason an application would freeze when not using the CPU are: memory swapping (so when MC freezes also check your HD light, is it blinking like mad?), network (someone said their library is all local, so this should be ok), or something related to hardware.
Those are all reasonable possibilities. If the Windows network layer never comes back, for example, or a hard disk driver fails, MC waits. We have seen similar things happen in logs.
In a Smartlist, grab the scrollbar on the right side to scroll down through the filelist, MC freezes about 1/2 way down the list, drops down in the Task Manager to 0% CPU usage. After about 20 - 30 seconfds it moves back up in the CPU usage and once again becomes responsive, only to stall again as scrolling is continued.
I just used "Run Auto-Import Now" to update my library, I watched the Action Window as MC scanned the drives and did the import adding files and fixing broken links, updated for external changes etc. All looked good and it appeared to run normally.
Upon completion, the info box window did not pop-up to give me the import stats and results, instead MC went into sleep mode again, dropping to 0%cpu (although my system is otherwise idle) and sits here unresponsive for over 2 full minutes so far. Task Manager does not show MC to be unresponsive, but yet it is totally unresponsive sitting at 0% cpu and using 290,724k RAM
As I now finish typing this MC still remains unresponsive.
Please email a log after a hang to matt at jriver dot com.
(Just a guess)Try to minimize the main GUI and see if the import dialog stats and results is, by chance, right behind it. This results in MC waiting for you to confirm the dialog and you waiting for MC to show it to you.
EDIT: deleted something that's now clearly a different issue in the interests of not confusing readers of this thread.
Ah I just saw this thread, and I'll see where this leads me: (
Could it be a 'building thumbnails' problem?
AoXoMoXoA, does any of this sound like what's happening with you?
I had thumbnails built during Import as per options so they should have been completed. I have not onserved the Haali icons in the Sys Tray.
Ah I just saw this thread, and I'll see where this leads me: (
I have no Video Codecs installed, no video media in the Library, nor has this install of MC ever touched anything but audio and jpg files. So in my case I feel safe that it is not related (unless MC comes packaged with such components set-up so as to create such issues).
(Just a guess)Try to minimize the main GUI and see if the import dialog stats and results is, by chance, right behind it. This results in MC waiting for you to confirm the dialog and you waiting for MC to show it to you.
Good call, but already tried for this one. Usually MC will not respond to an attempt to minimize.
I did find an info window under the main GIU once or twice but they showed up on window's Taskbar so I was able to find and click them. 98% of the time though this has not been the issue at hand and no Info window or Dialog box is present.
Please email a log after a hang to matt at jriver dot com.
Matt, I just turned on Logging and will email you when I get something. Is there any particular Logging sections you want me to turn on or off?
Try disabling:
Options > Tree & View > Advanced > Display missing file image in lists (slow on network drives)
Try disabling:
Options > Tree & View > Advanced > Display missing file image in lists (slow on network drives)
roger that,
and I will assume the logging settings were to be left at default, simply turned on.
just a hunch
recursive browsing?
just a hunch
recursive browsing?
We need to seperate performance issues to discrete actions.
If you are only seeing the problem in My Computer (i.e. recursive browsing), this is important information.
If you are viewing a playlist under "Playlists" in the tree and see slowdowns, this is probably a completely different issue.
Also, simplify until we figure it out. For example, don't open two views at once with tabs or split views.
Usually MC will not respond to an attempt to minimize.
I can second this. Every time it freezes on me, I cannot minimize it. I will say that if something is playing, it will continue to play. I can't remember right now, but I want to say that even the Now Playing bar at the top continues to move, but you cannot pause/stop/change volume or anything. Also, in the times I've checked task manager, CPU usage was minimal (or even zero if not playing).
One another note... I usually do not have to use task manager to kill the process. I can right click the program on the taskbar and close it there and it does close (abruptly and takes the little library server icon in the systray down with it). There have been times where even after that, I'll look in task manager and still see the process there and will kill it off.
I can second this. Every time it freezes on me, I cannot minimize it. I will say that if something is playing, it will continue to play. I can't remember right now, but I want to say that even the Now Playing bar at the top continues to move, but you cannot pause/stop/change volume or anything. Also, in the times I've checked task manager, CPU usage was minimal (or even zero if not playing).
One another note... I usually do not have to use task manager to kill the process. I can right click the program on the taskbar and close it there and it does close (abruptly and takes the little library server icon in the systray down with it). There have been times where even after that, I'll look in task manager and still see the process there and will kill it off.
Please email a log to matt at jriver dot com next time this happens. Thank you.
I can second this. Every time it freezes on me, I cannot minimize it. I will say that if something is playing, it will continue to play. I can't remember right now, but I want to say that even the Now Playing bar at the top continues to move, but you cannot pause/stop/change volume or anything.
yes usually until the end of the track where it is most often unable to call-up or make the transition into the next file.
Build 487 has a couple of changes that should at least improve on this problem. It's just posted at the top of this board.
Build 487 has a couple of changes that should at least improve on this problem. It's just posted at the top of this board.
I think I am seeing improvements with problems seeming to come less often, but I am still seeing lags particularly with in-line tagging (F2). Since it happens with both tags saved in the files and those only saved in the database, I expect it is internal to MC.
I just noticed something and I am not sure if it is helpful, but
re: in-line editing lag - if the files have not yet been imported into the library there appears to be no lag.
Build 487 has a couple of changes that should at least improve on this problem. It's just posted at the top of this board.
Jim, I'm very pleased that that you and matt could solve this, now i can use MC again :)
...and thank you very much AoXo, for not giving up on this one ;) :)
The problem is a LOT better for me now too. I installed .487 and also removed Haali, ffdshow and AC3 filter and reinstalled them, using latest versions. AC3filer was uptodate anyway.
I am still having alot of problems.
I tried to use right-click -> "Fill Properties From FIlename" on some cover art files, but MC displayed the tooltip popup for images that shows the enlarged view and froze there while at 99% CPU, requiring a forced closure.
Turning off Tooltips seems to have helped, but too soon to tell for sure.
Also still sometimes seeing freezes and crashes browsing the 'My Computer' section
Track Tooltips seems to make a very noticable difference in MC's performance (or lack thereof).
With them Off it runs almost like it is supposed to, while turning them back On causes a very noticable lag when tagging in the filelist and using hte Right-Click menu.
Are you experiencing the issue(s) on more than one machine? Can you connect to the library from another machine and see if it exhibits the same symptoms?
Track Tooltips seems to make a very noticable difference in MC's performance (or lack thereof).
With them Off it runs almost like it is supposed to, while turning them back On causes a very noticable lag when tagging in the filelist and using hte Right-Click menu.
Pop-up blocker?
Pop-up blocker?
Jim, the only Pop-up blocker I am using is the one built into my browser (Maxthon - an IE 'Front-End')
Cornfishy, I did try using MC with another machine running MC and this machine acting solely as a file-server. I Mapped the drives onto the other machine and loaded the same library, with the same result. Good thought however, thanks.
Are you using any special utilities that could affect video display?
Try simplifying your system.
Are you using any special utilities that could affect video display?
Try simplifying your system.
Nope, I rarely play videos and never games so run only the regular video drivers.
I do usually run the machine via RealVNC or Windows Remote Desktop, if that matters.
I do usually run the machine via RealVNC or Windows Remote Desktop, if that matters.
You'll want to take those out of the picture to test.
I wish you had mentioned that before.
You'll want to take those out of the picture to test.
I wish you had mentioned that before.
Having run MC on another machine using mapped drives actually did remove those from the picture, no?
Still seeing Tagging lagging, 30+ seconds @ 50% CPU and 350mb RAM to update the Name tag on a single mp3 file is too long IMO.
Also takes about as long when removing already played files in Playing Now using "Remove from List"
Still seeing Tagging lagging, 30+ seconds @ 50% CPU and 350mb RAM to update the Name tag on a single mp3 file is too long IMO.
To save a tag, all library fields must be loaded. With 150,000 track library with lots of metadata, this could take a while the first tag.
Also takes about as long when removing already played files in Playing Now using "Remove from List"
This will be solved in 491 and later.
thanks Matt :)
Well, MC has been up continuously for one week now (since .487 was released). I have not had it freeze (other than a momentary freeze when updating tags, but that's expected) and have not have to force close it at all. I've imported and tagged over 200 files this week, sync'd my ipod a few times, etc... no crash. w00t!
All this and my AV, home automation, Orb, and the few other things on this machine still running. Looks like you guys may have been able to find something (at least in the way I use it). My sincere appreciation. ;D
To save a tag, all library fields must be loaded. With 150,000 track library with lots of metadata, this could take a while the first tag.
Is this applicable even if the file has not yet been imported?
When you browse unimported files with MC the files became part of the database. MC reads the file tags and the corresponding library fields are filled. MC has several departments in its database. One of them is the temporary "Explorer database". If you continue by importing the browsed files MC just marks the files to be part of the standard database.
I.E. browsing unimported files is normally slower than browsing imported files. If the browsed unimported files already have tags visible inside MC tagging them should not be any slower than tagging imported files.
Also takes about as long when removing already played files in Playing Now using "Remove from List"
I just added 42210 files to playing now, played some some of them and then removed 10000 files from the list using the "Remove from list" command. The remove process took 2 seconds.
It removes a few "already played" files instantly.
Media Center 12.0.490 Registered -- C:\Soft\MC12\
Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Intel Pentium 4 2780 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 2097 MB, Free - 1447 MB
thanks Matt :)
After playing with the library you sent me some more, I think the tagging lag you're seeing may be the panes refreshing after a change.
Pane updates will be faster in build 492 and later.
If it's still too slow (and this theory is right), we could make automatically updating panes optional after tag changes.
After playing with the library you sent me some more, I think the tagging lag you're seeing may be the panes refreshing after a change.
Even if I am doing the tagging in the My Computer folders' filelist window?
Pane updates will be faster in build 492 and later.
You guys are awesome! I'll go download it now.
thanks Matt
If it's still too slow (and this theory is right), we could make automatically updating panes optional after tag changes.
That's an interesting suggestion there :)
I've used smartlists precisely to avoid that lag whilst tagging but its clearly more restrictive. Otherwise just dump to PN and thats a swell workaround but limited in its own ways as well.
I'm not sure how well it would work tho, if the panes dont update as they do, then the change won't be seen if followed by a query or will it ?
The change will take in the library and a manual refresh will be required to view it otherwise it stays as is.
Yeah, that could work and would speed up tagging whilst in panes considerably.
I see the lag in the filelists in the tree
I do most of my tagging in the filelist window of the folders (My Computer) where there are no Panes.
I do my corrections and updates to tags in View Schemes where the Panes can be involved in the time it takes.
But I do not believe there is all that much difference in tag saving speed between the two situation (panes vs. no-panes)
This build is an improvement, most certainly.
The refresh-button idea might work out well, I could edit all the tags I need to on a group of files and then refresh when through to save or show the changes.
AoXoMoXoA, i'd like to thank you and anyone else involved in this thread for your dedication concerning the increase of MC's performance. I had a similar thread started a while ago, but i never had the time to analyze where the main problems were, the the thread eventually died. AoXoMoXoA did a pretty good job in finding and describing the performance bottlenecks. The performance related improvements in the last builds are proof that there is a large potential for increasing MC's performance. MC still feels a bit sluggish in certain areas, though. I hope the devs will continue to improve performance with high priority, because the way an app "feels" is one of the most important aspects of the user experience IMO - possibly even more important than the featureset (which many users won't exploit to the fullest anyway).
Please start a new topic -- the current subject no longer describes the problem.