More => Old Versions => Media Center 12 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: pcourse on September 06, 2008, 05:04:44 am
I have media centre 12 and have ripped some files using FLAC. When i go to play them back i get an error message saying:
"media center encountered errors while trying to play the last several files. failed to play f:/ may not have installed on your computer directshow filters for decoding the type of file you are trying to play. please install appropriate filters and try again."
I have checked the file locations they are correct. I cannot find any flac filters anywhere on the internet. please can you help.
welcume to the forum :)
do you use the latest version of mc?
a good thing to start with i think is pasting your system info here. its under help>system info
Thanks for the welcome :)
Yes downloaded the latest version 12.0.533
This problem is very frustrating
Yes, please post your system info.
Also, try copying a FLAC file to C:\, then drag it into Media Center and see if that will play. This will rule out drive / path issues.
Finally, make sure you have playback configured in Options > Playback > Audio. If you have no soundcard, for example, playback will fail.
Hi I'm using an IBM T42 thinkpad. It plays monkey's audio files fine just not flac. I tried the drag and drop routine it doesn't work
"media center encountered errors while trying to play the last several files. failed to play f:/ may not have installed on your computer directshow filters for decoding the type of file you are trying to play. please install appropriate filters and try again."
same error message:
What exactly is the actual filename including the complete path? (post a couple of examples)
Did the error message really show "F:\filename." ?
Is the filename extension .flac ?
What exact encoding options did you set when you ripped the files?
Can you play FLAC test samples from this site: ? (Download some of them and try to play them from a local folder.)
Yes my files are stored on an external drive F:. It works for all files except FLAC files.
I downloaded the test files to the c: my music directory.
It gave exactly the same error message except of course the path name was on c: i.e.
"media center encountered errors while trying to play the last several files. failed to play C:\Documents and Settings\P C\Desktop\In_FLAC-V1.6.2 you may not have installed on your computer directshow filters for decoding the type of file you are trying to play. please install appropriate filters and try again."
It's strange that the error doesn't show .flac.
Is the filename column and filetype column correct in the program?
my apologies it does show .flac
Have decided to do a full reinstall. I take it media centre 12 should support FLAC ripping and playback?
Yes. But download the latest version from our home page.
It includes the decoder and encoder. Don't install any other flac software.
Done it worked. Thanks a million.
I have the same problem as pcourse. I was able to solve it by downgrading the In_Flac.dll from 2.4.2 to 2.4.0, but I just noticed your post saying not to install any other FLAC software, so I tried doing a reinstall from the download on the home page and I get the same problem.
Should I just stick with my 2.4.0 solution and not worry about it?
I'm running XP Pro 2002 SP3.
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