Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Livin on November 11, 2008, 12:26:53 am
I'm looking for a simple, nice looking music focused Theater View skin... would like to simply control my 3 Zones and music library from my HTPC - not weather, photos, videos or anything else.
Anyone have something?
The skin really doesn't have anything to do with whether it's focused more towards Music or anything else. Any skin will do (unless you're looking for some kind of music-themed skin?). It's really all about how you configure Theater View (turning off the items you don't care about) and your Views.
For instance, in MC13 (you can't do this to quite the same degree in 12 I don't think), you can go to Tools->Options->Theater View and remove everything except Playing Now, Audio and Playlists.
thanks for the info.
I was hoping that there was a custom skin for theater view that was "better" than the stock stuff. The interface, to put it kindly, leaves a lot to be desired.
Simple things like seeing what zones are on/off, what is playing on each zone, etc is tedious (again being nice) with the stock skin.
i would recommend to make your own skin. i could post mine, which let you see what zone you are in, but it would not make you happier. there is a good part in the wiki what talks about skins for thv. this link brings you to what you have to do to see what zone you are in:
and when you want to get things rolling, maybe this thread can be of some help:
Thanks for the pointers... I may work on it but it seems like a PITA and proabably just as much work to build a front-end for it in XBMC, so I may just do that instead.
I'm surprised that no one has really made a 'decent' skin for Theater view. Maybe not many people here have HTPCs or have guests use it
You can customize Theater View menus in MC13 now.