Okay, I built two different installers for MC 12 and 13. Could you please try them and update me?
Thanks a lot and sorry for this mess.
That sidepanel thingy is great! JRiver should pay you and include it as standard. Now if there was a way to lock a pane..Could you send me the skin folder with this problem? Do you have album without art? 12 or 13?
The flow skin isn't working correct for me. There is a bar showing 'Image 3/3 : 100 % Loaded' but doesn't get past it.
I installed the plugin for MC13 and it works. I like it a lot.
A few remarks:
You mentioned 'skin' and 'skin2' folder, but I have 'skin' and 'skin1' folder. 'skin1' folder is the flow skin, 'skin' folder is the rok skin I presume, but for me it only shows an empty page with Music, Lyrics, Artist and More information. What's 'rok' about that?
In the flow skin the font of the tracktitle is much to big. With long tracktitles a part of the text goes to line 2, messing up the display of Artist name and track length.
How can I get the sidepanel to show alongside the flow skin? I thought it were separate skins (flow and rok).
Could you clarify what is working and what is not?OK. Thanks. I figured it out, but how can I use the sidepanel without everytime having to rename the folder names skin and skin1?
You're right regarding skin1 and skin2 , I'll update the first post.
But you can't display both skins at the same time. Flow skin is designed for a full screen usage, what's your screen resolution?
'rok skin is named after a popular Linux media player that embed a similar side panel
Berto: you should just rename it once after the installation. What's your problem?
Could you send me the skin folder with this problem? Do you have album without art? 12 or 13?
While playing a song, it correctly identified it which was "You Really Got Me / Cabo Wabo" from Van Halen Live: Right Here, Right Now. However the Lyrics showed the words from Cabo Wabo, not the Lyrics I had already had in the lyrics tag.I think I figured this one out on my own. Lyrics Wiki and Lyrics Plugin are apparently two different places where lyrics for the current song can be found and then are displayed, so it's not displaying the current Lyrics from the song's tag. And then if you want them to be saved to the lyrics tag of the song, you click the Save button. That doesn't work however. Unfortunately I can't cut and paste from the displayed lyrics either.
This is my first time trying out an incarnation of the Last FM trackinfo so I'm sure not sure what saving to Lyrics Wiki and Lyrics Plugin does.
after a reboot, i see it in the right click menu, but just a white screen is displayed.
There is now extra plugin to install, lyrics extraction is purely web based.
Does this mean the save button will not be usable? With the loss of King's data master, that wold be a key feature to have.Nope it should work anyway, I surely mixed up something something ?
NeFast,Looks like you have Internet Explorer 6 and an old Flash version. Could you check this?
I installed your plugin. This is what I am seeing after I selected AdvancedTrackInfo in the right click menu. Something is wrong. Any ideas? Here's a screenshot:
1) Sometimes the Artist text is cropped off by the flash pane. see screen shot 1, "Blondie" is partly cut off.Could you try editing style.css, try a bigger percentage for the top element:
#top {
background-color: #2f3033;
height: 30%;
2) Sometimes I get no "flow" art - just a message that says " Image x/x: 100% loaded"Could you please reproduce it and send me the "160.xml" that is created in the skin folder.
incidently, does any one know how to tak screen shots of single screen when running multi screensYou can use alt-print screen keys simultaneously, it will grab the current window only.
This is really very impressive! Thanks so much..
One question,... When in fullscreen (cover flow skin) I'm seeing a virticle scroll bar. Is there any way of hiding this?
Thanks again.
Please make it MC 14 complatible!
Please make it MC 14 complatible!
Honestly this should be pick up and licensed by the MC development team to integrate straight into MC.
To change the default language to English, I edited index.html. I think I just changed the order of the lines in the Show selected language section.
Just knowing that this plugin is not compatible with MC14, I'm not buying 14. My MC13 is stable and working fine with PM 1.6... and with the Albedo Skin slap on it, this thing shine morning or evening. Every single friend who sees my setup in the screen thinks I have a multi-million dollar program... lol!!!
Oh, By the way, I have one small problem with PM 1.6. The info for some reason now is default to French, only when I click on the British flag in the Biography section then the info switch to english. Anyone is having the same problem or know how to default it to English?
Additionally the fix in the html file is also to look for line 25 and change: toggle_wikki ('fr') to toggle_wikki ('en').
Lyrics wiki source seems broken :(
But lyrics plugin still works great
Delete generated.html and tell me if this file appears again.
Are you sure you took the right installer?
Anyone have a clue as to why this would show up as a blank white screen?
Advancing to the next track "fixed" it for me.
I MUST be doing something wrong then. It worked fine in v13 when it used LyricsWiki.Try to redownload my installer, I fixed the encoding or artist/title. Tell me if it's better.
It still comes up and appears to default to Lyrics Wiki which obviously shows nothing. If I select Lycrics Plugin in the drop down I still get nothing. If I advance to the next track Lyrics Wiki comes up in the drop down box and again selecting "Lyrics Plugin" doesn't seem to change anything. I presume it should find "I Gotta Feeling" from The Black Eyed Peas... or Hotel California from THe Eagles? (The other tabs seem to work fine)
YEA! That did the trick, Thanks.Are you referring to the flow or the rok skin? Would you mind posting a screenshot?
Now one last minor problem, the display is about twice as long as my screen so I must use scroll bars to see all of it. Is there a way to shrink it?
Try to redownload my installer, I fixed the encoding or artist/title. Tell me if it's better.
OK, fixed the screen shot to show it back in full screen.I don't see the flash coverflow?!
I have tried several resolutions from my usual 1024 x 768, then from 1280 x 1024 all the way up to the max of 1920 x 1080. Looks about the same on all of them.
- the 'flow skin requires Flash 10.0.22 or higher.
- both won't work with IE6, please update to IE7.
adobe flash version detection: http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_15507
adobe flash install: http://get.adobe.com/fr/flashplayer/
Hi,The 30 limit is hardcoded for performances reasons, sorry.
First, thanks for the nice plugin.
I'm not able to display more than 30 pictures in cover flow. Can it handle more? Do I have to change some settings?
Also, is there any way to remove the right side scrollbar?
It seems to default to the Lyrics Wiki so initially it doesn't find anything. If I select the Lyrics Plugin option from the drop down it finds them without issue but it seems I need to do this for every song. Is it possible to make the LyricsPlugin the default?
The 30 limit is hardcoded for performances reasons, sorry.Ok, merci pour le super boulot!
Edit index.html in the skin directory anch change the alpha value:Code: [Select]vars+="&myAlphaScroll=0.2";
how are the Progress about make it MC 15 compatible? Do you have workaround for the install for MC15?There you go: JRMC15 (http://pi.aime.free.fr/files/AdvTrackInfo/JRMC_AdvancedTrackInfo_JRMC15_1.2.exe)
Yes, still white background.
I got to make the 'Rock skin work on MC15. I just switched the folders name where skin becomes skin1 and skin1 becomes skin. The white background happens in both x64 and x86 and it seems only attributed to the 'Flow skin.
One question for neFast: Is it possible to add the "Coming Up Next" feature in the 'Flow skin to the 'Rock skin?