Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Mr. Tuesdays on February 09, 2009, 11:33:22 pm

Title: Last.FM How to make it work?
Post by: Mr. Tuesdays on February 09, 2009, 11:33:22 pm
Uh, first post here and a rather embarassing question...  :-\

I can not get the plugin in Media Jukebox to DO anything.  How the heck do you listen?
Looked at all the options, tried to double click it, drag it here or there, right click, kick it - nothing.
Yes, I put in my user name and pass.  But I have no idea how to get the thing to start.  ?
Nothing in the forum or the wiki seems to tell me how to work it.  Just want to make it play music.

See, I told you it was embarassing.
Title: Re: Last.FM How to make it work?
Post by: marko on February 10, 2009, 12:33:51 am
:) Welcome to the forums!

The MC plugin only does submissions.

Once armed with user name and password, you shouldn't need to do anything else.
Just play some tracks from your library and so long as you don't hit the fast forward option, before 50% has played, the plugin will submit the track to and you should see it appear in your recently played list on your homepage.

The "Buddy" system can be quite neat. Set up a key combo in the plugin options and then, when you press it, you get a pop up box with a list of your friends' recently played tracks. Ones that you have in your library have a smiley face beside them, and double clicking one of those entries should begin playback of that track.

Title: Re: Last.FM How to make it work?
Post by: Mr. Tuesdays on February 11, 2009, 11:22:16 am
Thanks very much, Marko.

I was trying to make play in Jukebox, like a shoutcast stream.  (Handy for me because I use NetRemote to control Jukebox).

Time to give the plugin another whirl and see what she'll do!
Title: Re: Last.FM How to make it work?
Post by: marko on February 12, 2009, 01:44:45 pm
You're welcome.
A 'heads up' if you're using MC 13, there's a bug in the buddy system that causes MC to crash.
Title: Re: Last.FM How to make it work?
Post by: muellator on February 12, 2009, 06:06:21 pm
Just wondering, do you need the plugin open in the window to make it work, or does it submit if you browsing your library?
Title: Re: Last.FM How to make it work?
Post by: steveklein on August 13, 2009, 09:20:05 pm
could someone link me to the thread where to download the newest plugin? i searched for it but oculd not find it. i saw the last fm auto dj plugin, but was pretty sure there was just a regular old plugin that could work with MC14...?
Title: Re: Last.FM How to make it work?
Post by: JimH on August 14, 2009, 07:07:39 am
It's included with MC14 (also MC13, I believe).  Go to Plug-in Manager, Interface Plug-ins, choose Last.FM, and show.  It will appear in the tree under Services and Plug-ins.
Title: Re: Last.FM How to make it work?
Post by: datdude on August 17, 2009, 12:00:26 am
Thanks very much, Marko.

I was trying to make play in Jukebox, like a shoutcast stream.  (Handy for me because I use NetRemote to control Jukebox).

Time to give the plugin another whirl and see what she'll do!

you want to take a look at this plugin then as well: