Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Spafe on March 19, 2009, 06:25:10 am

Title: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: Spafe on March 19, 2009, 06:25:10 am
Since I gave up hoping for a native aero skin for Aero I thought i'de have a stab at making my own skin. I like the design of windows media player and thus kept it as close to that as possible without it looking entirely the same. It was only sensible to use "The Order"'s WMP 11 skin as a template.

Click to enlarge. (

Download: (

Notable References:

Images used from "The Order"'s WMP 11 skin -
Playerbar_SliderPosThumb.png (Except the first part of the image)
PlayerBar_SliderVolFront.png (Edited slightly from the original image)
Playerbar_SliderVol.png (Edited slightly from the original image)
All the Scrollbar images

Images from 'Noire':

To install:

Unzip into your [Directory]/JRiver/Mediacenter13 (or 12)/MegSkins/

Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: Alex B on March 19, 2009, 09:45:12 am
Thanks, it looks great. I'll try it.

BTW, could you please change the image code to this:
Code: [Select]
[url=][img width=800 height=500][/img]
[u]Click to enlarge.[/u][/url]

The screenshot is now too big for the forum layout.


Actually, you should also create a smaller version of the image. It is now about 0.5 MB. Some of us are using a dial-up connection and downloading 0.5 MB is slow. I optimized the image (@ 800x500) and the resulting size is about 80 kB.
Code: [Select]
[u]Click to enlarge.[/u][/url]


Spafe fixed the image code and I removed the example images from this post.
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: marko on March 19, 2009, 10:06:31 am
Neat, tidy, 'sharp' skin.
Only complaint from me atm is that I use the bottom toolbar more than I do the top one, and I can't read any of the entries there. Just click in the general area and see what pops up ;)

The screenshot fits nicely here on a screen @1680 x 1050 :P
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: Alex B on March 19, 2009, 10:16:32 am
Do you sacrifice the complete desktop for the browser?

I could be browsing the forum with a mini laptop with a 1024x600 screen and using a mobile dial-up connection.
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: marko on March 19, 2009, 10:21:45 am
of course, I know :) It was only a little tongue-in-cheek bragging.
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: Alex B on March 19, 2009, 10:29:28 am
But did you know that I knew that you know that you knew?  ;D

I'll post my comments after I have had some time to play with this skin.
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: Spafe on March 19, 2009, 11:06:32 am
Neat, tidy, 'sharp' skin.
Only complaint from me atm is that I use the bottom toolbar more than I do the top one, and I can't read any of the entries there. Just click in the general area and see what pops up ;)

The screenshot fits nicely here on a screen @1680 x 1050 :P

Hmm, I never use the bottom, probably why I didn't notice. I may change the bottom to the same grey colour as behind the controls and display. I'll have a play around.

PS. Changed the screenshot on the original post.
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: marko on March 21, 2009, 03:21:20 am
You can control the colours using the the toolbars section of the skin xml, which should mean you don't need to redo the main frame images, as doing that could potentially unbalance the look and feel of the overall skin.

Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: phalanthus on March 22, 2009, 04:46:34 am
nice skin  ;D ;D
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: the-order on March 22, 2009, 02:34:39 pm
Thanks for giving credit on the skin to me :) Looks nice.
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: davjand on March 23, 2009, 07:01:11 pm
Nice skin, I really like it!

Just one bug that I've found is that when in display view the little headphone logo in the top left corner becomes stretched and the file menu overlays on it.
If you don't get what I mean then I'll happily post a screenshot.

EDIT: It's only when display view is maximised by the way.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: Spafe on March 24, 2009, 10:04:46 pm
Nice skin, I really like it!

Just one bug that I've found is that when in display view the little headphone logo in the top left corner becomes stretched and the file menu overlays on it.
If you don't get what I mean then I'll happily post a screenshot.

EDIT: It's only when display view is maximised by the way.

Thanks again!

Hmm, that is odd.

Unfortunately the XML file gives no hints away as how to solve it.

For standard view (and in this case un-maximised display view) the 'margin' term in the XML file tells MC13 where to stop and start stretching the background image. In this skin's case it begins stretching after the menu items and then stops just before the minimise icon. Since that area of image is the same all the way through it stretches seamlessly. For some reason the maximised view stretches it... I have compared the 'blue steel' skin's XML file (since it doesn't not suffer this problem) but cannot see anything different to this one...

If anyone has the time to have a glance at this to see what's wrong I would appreciate it.


With regard to the bottom toolbar; the grey doesn't fit as well in my opinion and using the skin effects thing doesn't change the colour of the icon, only the skin. Since it's pretty white in the first place it makes no difference. Thus, probably won't be changing it. However, saying this, I am working on a darker skin for the toolbar obsessed :P
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: marko on March 25, 2009, 02:23:39 am
With regard to the bottom toolbar; the grey doesn't fit as well in my opinion and using the skin effects thing doesn't change the colour of the icon, only the skin. Since it's pretty white in the first place it makes no difference. Thus, probably won't be changing it. However, saying this, I am working on a darker skin for the toolbar obsessed :P

I guess you missed this:

You can control the colours using the the toolbars section of the skin xml, which should mean you don't need to redo the main frame images, as doing that could potentially unbalance the look and feel of the overall skin.

I copied the colour settings you have for the top toolbar into the section of xml for the bottom bar, and it looks just fine. It's your skin though, so your choice :P :)

As for the display view bar, I tried a few things here, but could not stop it stretching. Gappie? Mr. Chriz? You guys there?

One thing to consider is making a "FullscreenPlayer" image, around 686x75 pixels and add the line to the mainframe section of the XML file. Check out the Noire skin to see the XML and the thing in action. It's new for v13 and is quite neat :)

Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: Spafe on March 25, 2009, 07:32:54 am
I guess you missed this:

Ah yes. I can be thick sometimes... Changed the toolbar colours and it does work nicely. I have also added the 'FullScreenPlayer' image until (if) the old one can be sorted :)

New Download:
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: kurushi on December 20, 2009, 05:47:21 am
Hi Marko.
The links are dead is it possible to reupload it? does it work in mc14?
Nice job i like it.
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: marko on December 20, 2009, 07:13:28 am
Not my skin kurushi, it was developed by the OP, Spafe.

Spafe also made another skin called MN-02.
I've PM'd you a download link to a zip file that contains both skins.

Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: kurushi on December 20, 2009, 08:54:24 am
Thx Marco I have replyed to you're email.
These two skins are my FAVORITES :-*
Specially the MN O2.
Excellent Job Spafe!
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: Arbiter on April 24, 2010, 09:40:06 am
Can anyone please re-upload that skin? Both links seem to be dead... I reformated my hard drive and guess what i forgot to backup :P
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: marko on April 24, 2010, 06:19:07 pm
link sent, check your PM box...
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: Arbiter on April 24, 2010, 06:24:15 pm
link sent, check your PM box...
Thanks alot :)
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: Sauzee on April 29, 2010, 09:42:28 am
can i have a working download link as well please.
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: sunfire7 on June 18, 2010, 11:40:05 am
can i have a working download link as well please.
me too please !  :)
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: marko on June 18, 2010, 11:51:58 am
PM sent
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: lash.simp on June 24, 2010, 12:06:32 am
can someone either pm me or upload a new link ?  Thanks.
Title: Re: MN-01 - New Skin
Post by: marko on June 24, 2010, 01:32:51 am
I've optimised some of the images in this skin to reduce its overall file size and attached it to this post.

"optimised" mostly means .bmp files converted to png files.

If I receive any objection from spafe, I'll remove the attachment.
